Do police crack down before election?


New Member
I keep hearing all the word of how marijuana is harder to get come election season. I was wondering if this was some b.s. that people make up to jack up prices or do police really start to make busts when the local sherif needs it??
this always happens a few months before an election...
each department busts all of the ongoing investigations in order to win voter support for great arrest stats...
smart vendors who can afford to shut down for 4 months, usually do and go on vacation...
vendors who have been under investigation, get popped...
vendors who cannot afford to shut down for 4 months, take the risk and try their hardest to be more careful and not get caught...
a lot of them do get caught though, because everyone else is getting popped and snitching on each other...
they start going down like dominoes...
it's a very sad reality, but very true.

in some parts of the country, the dea would post billboards on the side of highways saying stuff like...
"you think it's dry now? wait until next month" etc.
i am so very much looking forward to the day we shut down the dea...

karma does work folks, this is a war of information now...
we just have to keep creating Cannabis awareness and we will soon win this war on a plant!
two raids last in laguna and one in long beach.. stemmed from complaints. As founder says i think they were already under investigation they had advertisements in the oc weekly and were pretty braisen.... is that how you spell braisen? well anyways you get my point.... I prey for a safe and dea free harvest for everyone this season.. may everyone reach thier destination safely and without pause. amen
i dunno about yall but my dealer's still getting good stuff in, and a little schwag.
but most other guys around here don't have anything but schwag.
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