Dropponys Outdoor Med Crop

droppony said:
just get you med licence and you wont worry about shit but theifs bro, i have had the cops here 2 times.

Thats so fucking awsome. I guess you like your "girls" Tall & Wide huh Droppony??? LOL . Mee too. But in all reality.....i just dont have the words.....theyre HUGE...... and now i kinda hate you for having sooooo much more quality weed than me!!!!. Smoke on bro smoke on.:peace:
droppony said:

Hey droppony i love your garden very nice""

Which plant is this one?? The Hog??
Torco55 said:
Hey droppony i love your garden very nice""

Which plant is this one?? The Hog??

Yeah is that HOG? My buddy is growing some now. Its dope to see its outdoor potential with a good grow touch. ill plant man.:bong: :cool:
thanks for all the kind words fellas! and ya that big bitch is the hog guys. that plant is a freak!!! i think i will hit close to 3 pounds on that one.words dont do these plants justice! you have to se it and smell it to believe it!i walked my dog around the block to se how far i can smell them from, and you can smell the 6 houses away! well my white widows are all done and the smallest one had 14 ounces of killer meds, and the biger white widow had 22 ounces on it.The others have 2 more weeks to go. AND FAT CHICKS NEED LUVIN TOO!! LOL
Great job, Droppony! Those plants look fantastic!! :smokin:

Peace and happiness:peace:
Droppony is a fuckin awesome beginner. I wish I did so well when I first started. I am so glad to have you as a member bro! And I can't wait for your next grow.
thanks a lot urdedpal! i cant beleive how well my plants are growing! it rained up here to days ago, and the plants loved it. the buds are swelling realy nicely! the smell is insane, they smell so strong its unreal, that freak of a plant the hog, is so big and has so many colas i cant beleive it! every day i have to rope up more and more branches cause they are getting so heavy!Im glad to be here at 420, thanks to you guys and your help im going to have enough meds for a long time.and just think i started them in june. next year they are going out in march lol.


im very impresed with the white widow, very heavy nugs when cured. very crystaly, and sticky! this is only 75 percent of 1 plant


im gona take more garden shots later and will have more pics up later. i just vaped the widow. it rocks!
droppony your plants are the best ive seen bro! your a insparation to all of us outdoor growers! 3 pounds on 1 plant is incredible, and its only your first outdoor grow? good job and goos luck bro!
And to think you almost lost them when they were just clones. lol Very well done bro. Congrats!! :cheesygrinsmiley: Chopped one of my big girls a couple days ago, my hands are stiff today from all the trimming the last couple days. lol
Looks like a really great harvest, nice work man :allgood:
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