Dwarf Low Flyer Grow Journal


New Member
Hello everyone!

I'm a first time at-home grower, decided to give small space apartment indoor growing a shot. Went in to local shop here in Canada and picked up a package of the Dwarf Low Flyer as the reviews online make it sound stupid easy to start with.

I'm starting this journal to LEARN LEARN LEARN. That being said the best lessons do come in mistakes (sometimes...) so please be patient with me as I'm sure I will likely infuriate some in the crowd (hopefully not though).

My seeds are in the paper towel stage, one has cracked with tap root showing, the other is just starting to crack. I will be growing the plants in a storage room contained with CFL 'daylight' lighting and pots with soil. I don't have any pictures yet and am not sure if I'm even able to yet as this is a new account.

I'm really looking forward to hearing from you guys and getting better at gardening in my small space!

I personally use Cannabis for medical reasons (anxiety, IBS, diverticulitis) and am growing only for personal use. As well, Cannabis is truly a pillar of Canadian culture and as such if one does not indulge in the sticky icky you are forthwith called 'buddy' or 'guy' and usually sternly called down.
The seeds are from Crop King Seeds, package of 5, I paid $60 CAD at retail store. Could have gotten better price online I think so will keep that in mind for next time.
I also am a first timer. Currently I have 4 dwarfs growing day 58. Buds have been on since about day 45. One plant appeared to be dying but came back its way behind the others. I'm just now beginning to see a couple buds begin.
Hey guys sorry I haven't been on in a few days, time for an update!

Both of the seeds that I started cracked and germinated, I have both in soil now!




I have also started two more seeds (just cracked) so will be about 1 week behind the 2 I already have going.

I'm getting really excited about my plants, should have done this a LONG time ago! Thanks to all who have offered advice and help as well, much appreciated!

Now that I have more to take pictures of with the plants growing and more going into soil soon I will be posting more frequently and more pictures as well. Stay tuned!
Hey guys, time for an update!

So I now have 4 plants started and coming along.


I have them all under CFL full spectrum 'daylight' lighting, they seem to like it. Nothing really exciting happening with the plants at this point except that they're getting they're 'real' leaves and growing by the day. Hope you guys like the pictures, just have a cell cam at this point but will keep posting updates as the plants mature.

Thanks for stopping by!

Hey guys, time for another update. The plants are growing well except for the 4th seed that I started, you can see her in the small pot in the one shot. The others are looking great though!
I also am a first timer. Currently I have 4 dwarfs growing day 58. Buds have been on since about day 45. One plant appeared to be dying but came back its way behind the others. I'm just now beginning to see a couple buds begin.

I'm very very happy with the outcome. Not a big yield, nice mellow buzz great for relaxing. Ya Mon Rezspect!
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