Enough air movement to minimize Budrot %? Auto, D60, RH 60-70%


420 Member
Hi,guys. I apologize for the unsteady hand. I am a newbie grower, would appreciate your advice. VIDEO at the end.

Please ignore the yellow leaves. Had a lockout 3 weeks ago, flushed the plants, stopped the yellowing almost completely. Some of it may be light burn, although DLI hasnt gone above 40

I live in a medium/wet climate. My tent is 3 metres from my bed and I am sensitive to sounds, thus no large dehumidifiers, because they are LOUD. (I have read that the small ones are useless even if you buy several)

A) My lung room humidity is ~60%
B) Tent humidity is 60-70%. I know its not ideal, but I have heard air movement is KEY with high humidity.
C) Tent temps: 24-27 celsium. I use LED lights, higher temperature is encouraged
D) Lights are on 24/0, since turning them off raises the humidity to 70+

I have AC infinity 6 inline fan and 2 oscillating fans. 1 oscillating if blowing a little upwards from under the canopy, another one is blowing at the upper portion of canopy.
  1. Does the video show enough air movement to minimize botyritis risk? Is the positioning of fans normal? Thy oscillate only left/right, since if I use the whole range it spends too much time blowing directly up or down. Maybe thats more optimal?
  2. The left plant looks like it has at least 3-4 weeks minimum left, does it look too bushy, and I can defoliate some? I did some defoliation 1 week ago. Would have done it earlier, but the lockout was enough stress for her, didnt want to risk it.
Thank you, happy growing.
How is it going @kreikrei

Air movement is important, but you will still need to find away to reduce your humidity.

Does you ventilation system discharge outside?
Is your intake air form inside or outside?
Heat and humidity goes hand in hand, raise the heat will lowers the humidity, lower the heat and the humidity will raise.

Let me think about it, and see how I can help.

Stay safe, and grow well my friend,
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