Fan Size for 4.5'x4.5'x7.5' Tent

Never compromise on equipment, one autoflowering plant can net you 2200$ in flower easily.

Over a piece of equipment's lifetime you can harvest 10s of thousands of dollars of flower $80 is nothing in comparison.

One 4" fan craps out at 90% you lost your savings.

Grab your first set of seeds from new420seedguy and you'll save that $80 anyway and he has great seeds.
My issue is I don't necessarily want a lifetime fan, I intend on selling my home in a few years to work on the road and growing will probably not be an option at that point. What drew me to AC was they are reliable, whether 4" or 6", quiet, and reasonably priced. I'm also not selling my product so a theoretical loss of any amount doesn't really affect me, plus I doubt I would lose a crop due to ventilation issues (refer back to not having much for heat or humidity issues, mostly just to bring in fresh air). Haha and as for seeds I think I'm covered for a few more months but as @oldsmokey may tell you I have a bit of a problem when it comes to buying or not buying seeds.
How much rework to get there, so yeah ignore my weak shizz!
No, I appreciate the input, it helps me work through things and check all the options. Let the creative juices flow my friend.
I already posted in your other thread so you know my advise.
Smokey I just went through my journal and saw you and the others' responses. The definite consensus is the T6 between everyone. No idea why I didn't get a notification for your or the others responses. I didn't mean for this post to come off sounding like I didn't want any of your or the others advice, I just didn't know I had it already before creating this thread. Maybe this is what @Apoc was mentioning earlier about ignoring the communities advice. Not my intent.
Hey I cooled 3 tents with 1 exhaust fan and one tent had a 600w hps in it if you would like some info let me know
Lay it on me, like mentioned I may not end up with all three in one room, I have plenty of rooms to grow in here, but it's worth considering. We're you able to control temp or humidity separately for each tent or was it more of a continuous flow through all three all the time?
They need to stop making new ones haha at least until I can catch up.
ok you see the box I have one going to the tent below one to the tent next to it and then the other one goes to the tent on the other side of the room it works great I put plastic slide dampers to control how much air flows from each room
Thanks Smokey, I'm really not needing it to chase humidity or heat issues is the only reason why I think smaller may get me by. I do have a circulation fan on the inside of the tent to keep things moving and intend on keeping it in there and adding one or two to each of the three tents.

That's very true but I'm also the type to say why but it of you aren't going to use it. What size tent do you run the 6" and 4" on? That was my next question of you found running the 6" too much for a passive intake and needed to switch to an active one. I know it wouldn't be an issue for me since I would run a 6" it wouldn't be at 100%.
I run the cheapo 4x5x6.5, with the fan on the 4 setting right now with 3/4 supply (full containment). when it gets hot i run the exhaust on 8 n open a flap to let in cool garage air yum.


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With the LEDs I'm purchasing I will have enough wattage where if I don't dim the lights I will need to supplement CO2. This would have some play when it comes to ventilation since you don't want to be blowing out all of your CO2. Anyone have any opinion on this, if I decide to use CO2, what's an ideal ventilation setup?
None. Mini-split in the grow space, if cooling is required. Depending on the amount of light, and the level of CO2, it may not be, because as you increase those two things, the temperature at which cannabis plants process the most light-energy, increases. At night (lights-off), you would ventilate as per normal for your conditions. IOW, suck in some O2 I guess, and do air exchanges if the temperature drop raises the relative humidity too much.

But that's getting out of my "knowledge comfort zone," lol, and I'm soon to bed, so not up for a web search to hunt down the relevant charts for you.

Realistically, you might still have to bring in fresh air and exhaust the current stuff occasionally in order to control humidity. Wait, yours is low. You might actually be on to something here, lol. Gets expensive, though, running "big lights," buying a tank, monitor, valve, controller, gas refills... But if you have everything else dialed in, and are ready to take the next step, that's probably it. That or keep your lighting at the maximum amount the plants can process at normal atmospheric CO2 level and add more gardening space, I suppose.
Yeah I've seen some of the other growers that talk about going through a cylinder of CO2 a week at $50-80 a fill. I actually spaced on the mini splits, I thought I knew remembered that. Again I'm not exactly sure why I'm making this molehill of an exhaust fan, something that most people pay very little attention to compared to lights and nutrients, into a mountain.
Yeah I've seen some of the other growers that talk about going through a cylinder of CO2 a week at $50-80 a fill. I actually spaced on the mini splits, I thought I knew remembered that. Again I'm not exactly sure why I'm making this molehill of an exhaust fan, something that most people pay very little attention to compared to lights and nutrients, into a mountain.

are you room in room phantom ?

with larger room in room set ups i used small intake and exhaust fans, pulling from and dumping in to the main (lung) room. my large exhaust fan was set up to scrub the lung room and dumped outdoor.

very efficient but requires the lung room to be reasonably sealed. it has the added benefit of feeding naturally produced c02 to your plants if you stagger your light schedules on the individual tents.
The sealed environment is a good start, I had been considering it to humidify all three tents using a single large whole house unit vs 3 small ones in each tent.

I'll try to avoid using CO2 if at all possible, it's not something I've really considered up until now and only because of the extra wattage I'll be adding to my grow space. I have regulators, micro solenoids, medical grade needle valves and more for CO2 dosing from my planted aquarium days that haven't been touched in 5+ years. All top of the line stuff and worth probably a grand still after only spending $350 piecemealing it from eBay and CL.
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