First Ever Grow - Big Bang Automatic - On The Cheap - 2013


New Member
Ok, hello guys and girls and welcome to my grow..
This is my first ever, very low budget grow and my first ever journal so if I am lucky enough to have any of you guys in on the ride, please bare with me. Any comments, experiences and advice is very much welcome here.. And please if you read I'm doing or have done something stupid please let me know. I will upload loads of pictures as soon as I get the journal upto date..

Ok, so ill start with my stats..

STRAIN: Big Bang automatic
BREEDER: green house
LOCATION: indoors (in out door shed lol)
TYPE: ruderalis, indica, sativia not sure of the percentages and its an automatic flowering
STAGE: I'm not sure how old they are as I didn't know there were set stages veg,flower etc.. I think they are in flower but I can't remember how long ago I planted them lol(stoner) feels like ages ago tho
MEDIUM: soil, all purpose from a garden shop
LIGHT: 250w big orange thing ;-)

I didn't know about this sight so I'm already half way through my grow, but I do have a few pictures from when they were little which ill post first.
I didn't have a clue about growing and so I did just go for it without thinking they would get this far.
I put 4 big bang auto seeds in a tub in damp tissue with a lid in my airing cupboard and four days later they had sprouted, I think that's what it's called ;-)
I put them into their own tiny pots of soil with the white bit facing down into the soil, then gently covered the tops with a layer of soil and soaked the hell out of em lol
I stuck the 4 tiny pots under my terrapin tank light and left them to it... Not sure how long after but they did grow into little seedlings to my surprise. I started to water them every 4-6 days, and they started to grow too big for my terrapin tank so I brought a proper light, 250w second hand from some guy on the net and moved them into my shed, I also repotted them into much bigger square tubs. I remember getting all panicky because the leaves went all yellow and they all looked like they were going to dye, so I went to a garden shop and brought some all purpose liquid plant food, it was just a cheap one, and I fed them and thankfully I guessed right and they started to go back green.

Ok so today I have 4 big plants ranging from 2 feet to 3 hand a half foot tall, I have been feeding them a tiny bit of the fertiliser diluted everyday, not sure if this is right or not, but they seem so be doing ok, I think, you guys I'm sure will be able to tell from the pics I upload as to weather I'm doing it too much or not and probably be able to tell me what stage I'm at.. I will write it down next time and pay more attention, but I really didn't think these 4 Big Bang would have done so well. I had been keeping the light on 24/7 as they were getting really cold when It was off, I have now stuck a plug in radiator out there just to take the chill off them and they have been doing 12/12 for 3 days now, weather I'm supposed to be or not I don't know, I don't really have a clue what I'm doing. Iv also been removing some of the big fan leaves every now and then and they were blocking the light to the lower plant, hopefully this hasn't done any harm and I was ok to do so.

As for pests....
I'm not sure, I havnt seen any, but am not using anything to discourage them either. And I'm doing nothing for co2 as I only just found out that growers supply their ladies with extra co2 and I don't know what there level is or is supposed to be, or if I have the money to buy the testing,providing equipment. It's the same for PH, I don't know what this stands for, what it should be or how to do it lol same for RH not sure what that means either. These plants are just receiving the very basic of needs with a armature Gardner taking care of them, I'll make a start at uploading there pictures now and see what you guys and girls think...
Thanks for taking the time to read through my journal so far and remember all comments are welcome..... Be back soon with pictures of my beauties :thumb:

Oh yeah and last night I forgot to turn the light of at 10 which is when it should have been turned off and it didn't get turned off until 1, so hopefully that hasn't caused any problems or confusion for them.
Ahhh ok, so I think all my pictures are on the gallery now, just need to try and get them here on my journal, bare with me guys, I'm useless at this kind of thing, but you will have pictures!!
I just don't get how to do it, how frustrating!
Iv got 2 and there on the site but I just can't get them here onto my page, if anyone can help me please, I wanna share my pictures, so that I can get some much need help, or a little encouragement lol x x
Yay, ok let me know, should I be doing 12/12, am I in flower? And suggestions, I like to one day know what I'm doing and have a good supply of the magic herb that makes life so high :circle-of-love:
Oh I forgot to say, I think all 4 of my Big Bang auto plant are female, I will take a few photos as see what you think, confirmation would be great x x
hey bud, things looking good, never grown autos but im sure its 20 - 4 or 18 -6 for light only photo period flowers that need to be changed to 12/12, just a quich q how high is the light aboove the plants and whats temps like in the shed?
Oh ok, great, well ill start doing 18-6 from tonight onward thank for that :love:
The light in half a foot from the tallest and roughly 1 and a half foot from the shortest. Cheers taylormade420
Oh and the temp is 27c/66f,
Iv attached some pics of her bits lol to confirm sex
Are they flowering in your opinion from what you can see?
Many thanks again x x
nice job lady!! i am new here too , there is lots to learn, but what a great place huh? so glad you figured out pics, they look female to me, flowering now is light at 12/12.. at 66 degrees that could be stressing them, and sometimes females go hermie and push seeds too, but yours look like all woman,,,yay.
since you are open to suggestions, some reflective material around your plants, the walls could use some metallic bubble wrap and give you more bang from your lights..... im sure you are reading lots, i often go to "forums" upper left of page and go to "search", pop in the subject i know so little about, and i always get something useful here.
you seem to be having fun so enjoy, growing is a healthy addiction!
Thanks timstrings, I'm grateful for any feedback.
I'm trying to spend as little as possible, do you think tin foil will be beneficial to the BB ladies?
Obviously if they need the right reflective backing in order for them to go all the way to harvest, then I will defo rush to sort that out.
Thank you for telling me where I can find useful information about specific things, that's also a great help:thanks:
I will turn the radiator down straight away then, thanks for the heads up, ideally I'd like to turn it off, as its quite a costly plug in radiator.
Oh I was also advised 18-6 for the lights, so I think I might go back to leaving the lights on to save any confusion as I know they have been doing well so far on day and night.
Yes I'm really getting something out of watching them grow, but get paranoid about getting locked up or taken from the children, it's crazy to be punished for it! I'm not a criminal, so im just keep my eye on the end result and my head down (telling no one) x x
Hiya Ss,
I hear you about the cheap, dull side of foil facing out then, from the ground up.
66 degrees is on the cold side......if you can get to the deep=homo pick up a little timer that can turn on the radiator, small fan is helpful,
your girls are tall and will take to budding (they get much bigger and use more nutrients in flowering mode) 12/12 is cheaper too, be sure when plants are in flower mode that absolutely no light gets in, some folks put lites on at 7 am -7 pm

we are still far from safe, and its hard to keep quiet but that is how it is- at least you can be yourself here!
Tin foil it is then, loads and loads of it, dull side facing out, not shiny, got it cheers timstrings.
I was doing 10am to 10pm, but now I really don't know lol, I know they have been ok with it on all the time, so until further confirmation, or more understanding ill leave it on all the time.
I did read a grow, where the man grew his autos on 12/12 from seed right up to harvest.
Iv already got a little fan in there my friend, I keep it on day and night turning round.
Will they still bud with the light on all the time? Or am I keeping them in a certain stage by doing this? May have to do some research but with the husband, dogs (new guard dogs-grate Dane n rotti) the kids and my college work, it's finding the time to search through, when I should be researching for corse work:420:
Timstrings, you asked about the distance of the light from the plants before, is it ok?
Been looking at your stuff taylormade420, it all looks amazing, thanks again for helping me watch over my girls x x
Oh yeah, also, at the tips on some of my leaves there yellow and twisted, I'll get a pic to try and show this, you can see it abit in the other pics, is this the temp? Or the Nutes? Do I need a different fertiliser? I'll send a pic of the one I'm using. It's a lot of guess work at the moment, but I'd be happy to get 8th of it haha, just to know I actually grew that 8th of smoke from seed, first time, with some help from u 420 pros lol x x
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