First Grow Journal


Well-Known Member
I should have been keeping a better journal from the start and more pics. but i'm only about 6 weeks into my first grow. Rough start and some nutrient / pH problems i'm getting a handle on now.

coco / perlite 75/25
fox farm trio with calmag plus
1500w Phlizon LED
1200w Plizon LED with veg and bloom switch

Sept 25 cut clones put in bubbler, struggle over 6 weeks to keep them alive. They live!

Oct 14th planted 14 unknown germinated seeds. learned about hot soil LMAO. 1 lived

Oct. 16th Planted 5 germenated seeds. know strains 3 "Kashmir Valley indica / burmese sativa"
1 "Kashmir Valley indica / blueberry" 1 "Kashmir Valley indica / chem 4/sour deisel
***This is how the seeds were labeled "AJ's Cut" followed by the name of the strain, when i got them from a friend. he said he got them from
a guy at his work who know some famous breeder AJ something or other.***

Oct. 23 planted 5 more germenated seeds. all AJ's Cut 2 sativa, 1 blue berry, 1 chem4/deisel and 1 unknow because it got mixed up.

eventually got all the plants under the bright LED. maybe a little too soon.

So i'll post the pics i have and try keep it up to date. Next grown will be more organized.


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Some with the lights on.

looks like you might have a little bit of PH issues going on.

for future plants. try mixing a little dolomite lime in with your dirt. helps buffer the ph! :)

Thank you for confirming that. I feel like it's a cal deficiency due to high ph. been slowly dropping it the past 2 days. hopefully i don't have to order the dolomite lime. should probably have some on hand for future grows anyway tho.
been watering at pH of 5.7 for 3 days now and none of the new growth show any problems. Roots coming out of the bottoms of all the small containers.

All the Burmese Sativa plants are growing fast and tall with nice stalks.

This sweetheart looks really pretty. really thick stalk but super short so far.

This one had a funny looking top so i topped it lol. probably too soon to be topped but it looks like she's already decided on 2 new tops : )
My only germinated Blueberry plant, grows 3 sets of leaves instead of 2. it looked insane until it got a little bigger and i could tell what was going on. Hoping she'll be super bushy. The girl beside the Blueberry is a Chem 4/ Sour Deisel.

My Lone Survivor from the first batch of seedlings i planted in hot soil. She's a survivor alright lol. just trying to get past some pH issues, i think she might be ok now.

These are the clones taken from the budding plant. they look funny growing lots of single leaves. looks like they're starting to put out some 3 finger leaves finally. LOTS of little branches. If I can get them big they should be pretty nice by the end.

This is a hell of a lot of fun so far. I'm super stoked to finally be able to pick up on another hobby or talent i've always wanted to take part in. It's definitely gonna take time away from the band. for now lmao.
Got myself a kick ass humidifier today. could easily get my RH up to 80 if i wanted lol. gonna try get it to sit at an even 50% for now. much better than 25% and i'm hoping the plants love it.
very nice :) be careful with humidifers, especially if you live in a colder climate. pay attention to the windows, and dew points within exterior walls and attics... faulty vapor barriers etc. dont want to accidently mould up the place without knowing it :)

LMAO. I bought a 90 year old restaurant lol. there's so much damage in this old place already. Since i'm so far north the humidity here has been next to nothing. seems like it's gonna be a very dry winter.

I do have a makeshift vent in the ceiling. I"m the first owner to actually have the flat roof patched up properly, there's been water coming in here for as long as i can remember. I worked for the last 3 owners before buying it lol.

I was thinking about a better poly seal on the walls. right now i have a foot at the top and bottom of the walls not covered and the ceiling isn't covered yet.
Probably already have Blasto mitosis from the mold hahaha
very nice :) be careful with humidifers, especially if you live in a colder climate. pay attention to the windows, and dew points within exterior walls and attics... faulty vapor barriers etc. dont want to accidently mould up the place without knowing it :)

a quick question about humidity. or slow growth. are they related? I see some of the pics on here and my plants after a month seem to be about half the size. i had a bit of a rough start and had to transplant them early because i carelessly added vermiculite to my coco mix and it was too wet all the time.

But my humidity at the best of times was 30 - 35% up until today. Think they'd be bigger if i had more humidity the whole time?
going to water at a pH of 5.8 at lights on. since i don't have an ec meter and ordered the regular grow big rather than the hydro grow big, I'm going to leave it out of the solution until my new nutrients arrive. but i'm not too worried as i think they've got a bit too much N anyway so far.

so the solution today will be 3 tbs of the Big Bloom and 2ml of calmag / gallon.

Backing off on the nutrients until i get the ec tester and learn how to use it. I've been going with pH tester only and really learning as i go. So safe side. less is more is what i keep seeing here.
it will slow them down. but not by a ton. the bigger problem is they will consume more water. and with that comes more nutes. if you have low humidty, back off on the nutes.

oh jeez. it's actually probably because for the first while i was treating the coco like soil and letting it dry out as much as i could before watering. only a week ago did i finally learn i have to water them every day. then i started getting confused with the nutes then started seeing ec this ec that and now i'm terrified LMAO...
also, ph trumps all. you can get away without ec testers if you just watch them. ph on the other hand. keep ontop of that all the time

Good news then. Thank you. feeling a little more at ease.
I have a question about up potting. looking through some of the journals here and I'm seeing a lot of little plants in really big pots. seems like some people like to skip a pot or 2?

I'm wondering because I was planning on putting my plants from 4" pots to 1 gallon pots and then 3 gallon bags. should i just put them all in 3 gallon bags?

lol and i saw a journal where he put 2 plants per pot. I thought they would strangle each other out? his grow looked good to me.
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