First Grow NL Auto Fem 30W Plus 150W Dual CFL

Hi all today my plant is now 2 weeks old! she's really grown alot, and more so today on the 14th day feels like she's had a growth spurt.

no problems to report all seems well, oh ... today she started having a very small hint of a smell of weed aswell! which is surprising for only 14 days :O

heres some pics.



and finally today..Day 14!


What do you guys think? does growth speed seem normal for this stage and my power lights? any comments welcome :)

oh yeah, when is she not considered a seedling anymore? :p
Hi everyone sorry for the wait, it's been abit crazy in my world lately, but the good news is the plant is still alive and well.

She's alot taller now and some sidebranching going on the plant smells alot more now and theres been some roots coming out of the bottom of the pot which im told is okay ?

There is some yellowing on some of the leafs from a couple of week ago when it touched the light, so im not to worried and the problem doesnt seem to be getting worse so keeping a eye on it.

There is some what i think calyx? areas or something, they look female to me all pointy they showed around week 3 but they havnt grown any pistels yet so hopefully they do. it's a feminized seed but i can't help but worry about it..

today is DAY 25! so we're only 3 days away from being on week 4 so i was expecting white hairs by now is this normal that i'm not?

here is a picture from today;

i feel abit inferior compared to some peoples plants ive seen at this stage, but for my setup i can't complain! i just hope i see some pistels soon!
Hey guys mini update;

Sort of big actually!

Here she is at DAY26


as you see she is getting quite tall now, and shes almost 2feet tall!

also i think the plant heard me yesterday because i was wondering when she would show me some pistals, and low-and-behold today she didn't disapoint!


yay!, well..... atleast i think its a pistal? lol. what do you guys think??

also if it is, does this mean shes now started flowering, or shes in early flower, *shrug*
thanks comfy, yeah i think i might just let her grow, she doesnt have height restrictions unless she decides to grow more than 6foot, to be honest i was surprised at her height as i always thought nl auto was primarily a indica strain, i guess this one has a sativa ancestry! in a ideal world i would of prefered her smaller but i can't really do alot since the main stem is very thick already
thank you for the tips flowernose, and i want to apologise to anyone following along for the delays, i have been caught up in a world of fantasy lately and real life (not much differnce) i got high and ..well you know how it goes guys, anyways tommorow i will provide a update on how things are going with our plant and what i have been doing with it also seeking some advice tommorow if things dont go to plan...she was drooping abit today so i watered her.
Hi guys well again a delay, been very busy again my apologies, so if anyone is still around here's an update lol

Today marks week 6 / day 42

I have been giving her bloom and grow nutrients, but i've now stopped the grow and only giving the bloom because she's already got lots of pistols and she's really tall already and don't really want her growing further if possible.

here is a picture taken today on day 42 :


possible problem here? the upper leaves seem to be sagging and don't look very happy...


here's a picture of some of the pistals that have turned colour already, is this normal at this stage? majority on the plant are white though...


as you see she's quite tall, i'm pretty happy so far but i do have concerns about the drooping leaves at the top, which is strange since the rest look fine, there is some yellow on a few tips , i think it could be the bloom nutrients i might have to cut back on them soon?

the good news is she's still alive!.. oh yeah what i find strange is she was smelling super strong a few weeks ago and now the smell is no where near as bad, which i find strange, or maybe im just used to the smell? lol

Oh yeah i had to remove two of the leaves at the bottom, not the smallest one they were kind big, but they turned completely yellow and came off with practically hardly any effort.

what do you guys think? comments welcome :)
Hi everyone heres a update on the grow, so some of the leaves are still drooping a little but i don't think its a major concern as everything else seems fine, i flushed the plant with just water incase it had too many added nutrients from the grow and bloom a few days ago, and began using just bloom again, i'm thinking of stopping the bloom nute next week.

the plant has got very big now its litrally outgrowing the cupboard height wise- and i've had to attach some string to try stop it falling over.

It is now DAY 49 /week 7!

here is some pictures




There is alot of bud sites now, so hopefully that means alot of weed! - they havn't filled out yet mostly white hairs but i do see calyx's swelling more on some parts of the plant and some sugar leaves , a couple of them have started forming what looks like sugar on the leaves aswell, which surely is only a good sign.

Comments welcome, hope life is good on your end guys!
hi guys

you did indeed suggest it could outgrow the space, which i was confident it would not, oh how i was wrong haha.

I agree LST is something i agree is a must if growing in a cupboard in the future lol, i am going to try some form of LST, but i'm not confident in my abilities..scared to mess something up, i will stare at it (again) for awhile (again) and try and figure something out.

thanks comfy hope your right and we get lots of bud :p

hi robbo , thanks man :)
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