First Grow: Sour Jack & Cheese Auto, Indoor Veg To Outdoor Flower

Water will help when they're out in the sun.
Thanks greatly!! Im wondering if there is a way to somehow eventually tie them to something for support, i have bamboo but dont think its a good idea to jam it into the soil. Also now that the autos are budding would i benefit from getting a bud supplement?
Well today was the day for 3 of the sour jacks to go out to camp, i know this might look like a redneck hillbilly setup and thats because it is lol. This is a learning process for me. I only dug out small holes about 10 gals of soil to fill them and pretty much everything i dug out was sandy so i hope this in the ground thing still works. After i planted them i gave them a small small feeding with the flora 3 part mix plus cal mag and molasses, like i said learning process so i hope this works, they are at camp so i cant check on them everyday, i still want to feed them nutrients so im hoping in between rains i can do that. I also planted some veggys around to try and keep the pests away from the girls, not sure if they will work either but i have watermelon, jalepenos, zucchini and cucumber. Im trying all of them in pots except for the zucchini i didnt have a pot for. Heres some pics of the little garden area. I will also update on the rest of the plants tomorrow.
Has anyone heard of the natures care organic potting soil? Just by reading the bag i see it has alot of good stuff in it. Im transplanting the last 2 sour jacks into fabric pots today and only had enough pro mix hp to fill one fabric pot so i ended up getting the natures care organic to fill the last one, pretty much just want to see the difference the 2 make.
Has anyone heard of the natures care organic potting soil? Just by reading the bag i see it has alot of good stuff in it. Im transplanting the last 2 sour jacks into fabric pots today and only had enough pro mix hp to fill one fabric pot so i ended up getting the natures care organic to fill the last one, pretty much just want to see the difference the 2 make.
It looks like good stuff, but without other amendments it still will not be enough to get all the way through with a flowering plant. Remember too that just because it says organic on the bag, you are not truly growing organically unless you feed the microbes in the soil, not the plants.
It looks like good stuff, but without other amendments it still will not be enough to get all the way through with a flowering plant. Remember too that just because it says organic on the bag, you are not truly growing organically unless you feed the microbes in the soil, not the plants.
Hey Emilya! Thanks for the tips! I was just going to add perlite and feed it my nutrients every other watering. Im using the flora 3 part with cal mag and molasses. Also im not to concerned about fully organic i was just saying what kind of soil it was, im also using promix hp with my other plants just wanted to try something different, thanks alot!
I feel like a failure:( only 1 plant looks normal all the rest are drooping bad, the autos do this then during the day they seem okay but recently they have crazy droop and im not sure why. I only watered when i transplanted and its been a day since ive done that. I pray they bounce back.
And as you can see they look okay during the day, just the one auto is still drooping, i havnt watered it in a while but it still feels pretty heavy, could also be the rocks in the bottom of the pails but i feel like ththe lighter one thats more dry looka better so could i have over watered it when i watered them last?

Droopy leaves

This one looks okay, its more dryed out.

Next 2 pics are the recently transplanted sour jacks this one is Double topped trying to come around

Recently transplanted sour jack

This sour jack has been outside for a week, its really dry but looks the best
Remember plants will droop when they sleep, some plants will begin to droop an hour or more before lights out.
Thats good to know, thanks pennywise! I just feel like it was a little excessive. Not sure why the 1 is constantly droopy. Im thinking it was to much water because its been a week almost and the droopy one still feels alot heavier than the one that has perky leaves.
Well its been a few days and everything is looking pretty good, i gave the autos a good feeding with some extra micro nutes plus i added in 2ml of advanced nutrients big bud to my mix. I also gave them some support for the crazy wind we have been having. They aren't drooping anymore and look way happier.

For the sour jacks i had to water the one i took outside a week in advance so i gave it a good feeding aswell but as you will see in the pictures it looks more lime green so maybe its a heavy feeder.

The other 2 sour jacks in fabric pots are still heavy and damp from being transplanted a few days ago and on top of that i left all the plants outside lastnight for the first time since its warming up and it ended up raining but that didnt seem to bother them at all.

This has been a crazy learning process so far trying to manage regular feminized phototypes aswell as autos at the same time, on top of that trying to figure out the feeding schedule and what works for every plant. Its been fun tho and i hope it all turns out! I guess ill stop rambling on so heres some pics of my grow so far, oh ya you will notice my habanero, basil, parsley and tomatoes up front haha!

Not much of a cheese smell yet lol

Top view of one of the autos

Close up auto cheese
this was the first sour jack to go outside, topped at week 3. I feel like its a heavy feeder.
sour jack below i didnt top or anything, growing nicely.
this sour jack i topped at week 3 then again about 12 days ago. Hopeing for some big collas!

The garden!
Well came for a ride to camp to check the girls. Cant believe how much they took off since i planted them into the ground. Being in the bush they get dirty fast but all the tree buds came off easy and i dont see any bugs yet, the trees also have alot of leaves now and i can tell the girls wont get alot of sun but like i said they look great. I gave them a good feeding and took some pics so here they are.


This one below has a massive branch out, looks strange but still growing good.

This one below is the bag seed sour jack, must be some kind of phenotype because the leaves are massive compared to the sour jack seeds i purchased.

The one with the big flattened main stalk looks like a mutation called Fasciation. Pretty cool and won't hurt it.
Ya it deffinetly looks cool! Its the first branch off the main stalk. Can you tell me what would be a good pest killer or something i can use for precaution that wont hurt the plants. So many bugs around and even at home every morning i have to clear spider webs, so annoying lol
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