First Grow

Pics of the grow to come tonight when the lights come on, I’ve left it a while since last taking pics so hopefully some good development.

In the meantime, these pics are of another one of the bag seed plants. This one was taken out to make room for faster developers, and because I couldn’t work out what sex it was whilst the other two were definite fems and ready for 12/12. However, It then shot up when placed in a warm window, and has been a happy little house plant. But now it’s showing what seem to be flowers at the this an auto after all?


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Day 35 of 12/12!


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Oops! I’ve had my first dark period ‘integrity’ issue. Didn’t zip up the tent properly for one ‘night’, was open about 2 inches, not gaping wide open, but I could see light escaping when I went to check on them last night.
What, realistically, are the chances that this one night of potential interrupted darkness will have any significant impact?
Not sure about how much light will effect them . On my last harvest I found one bud about, half way down a cola, that had produced seeds. After much discussion we think it was a small light leak that shone on the same spot night after night. Maybe a light on one of my power bars. Didn't effect anywhere else and produced a dozen or more seeds that will be tried at a latter date. Hope there is no problem with yours. Was the room dark outside of the tent?
Was the room dark outside of the tent?

No. My dark period is 9am until 9pm, to take advantage of local electricity pricing, and give a more stable temperature.

I also rotate my pots reasonably regularly, so branches/buds rarely stay in the same place in the tent for more than 3-5 days. And it was also definitely only one ‘night’. So I’m hoping that if anything they will just suffer from some mild ‘confusion’, slow down for a day or two, and then plough back on once back onto strict 12h darkness.
Its started to get a little stinky in there too....5 mins after I opened the tent last night, Mrs Athlete said she could smell them in the next room!
Hi FormerAthlete :ciao:
Your plants look good. Especially for a first grow. One day/night of a light leak is not concerning. Stinky weed is a good problem to have. :)
Good work so far sir. :bravo:
Day 37 of 12/12.


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One question I do have is how to decide when to stop providing nutes and just give them plain water for the pre harvest flush?

I understand that I should harvest at the point where the balance of white/brown hairs and cloudiness of trichomes are where I want them to be.
However, since the Sensi Seeds plant was supposed to be an auto, and the other is bag seed, I have NO IDEA what the general flowering time scale for each plant is, and so cant simply count back from that point to work out when to stop the nutes. Is there some other rule of thumb that I can use, for when to switch to plain water? Like, ‘no nutes after week 7’ or something linked pistil development?
Thanks in advance for any input!
If you know your strain's general flower time, it does make it easier. But since you are in mystery land with both of these girls, It's gonna take some "feel".
If those were my two ladies, I'd assume around 60-70 days of total flower and work back from there. In my personal experience I'd rather they have 3 weeks of plain water then fed 1 week before harvest if that makes sense. The smoke takes a long time to mellow out if there is still nutes in the bud's when you take them down. Underfeeding may cost you a few g's, but the smoke will be much smoother and will not take as long to cure to a tasty level. :yummy:
One question I do have is how to decide when to stop providing nutes and just give them plain water for the pre harvest flush?

Thats a question for debate. Some on hear say the final flush is a waste of time and detracts from the overall weight from not feeding right up to the end. Seems whether you flush or don't that the nute levels are the same after harvest.They have the science to back this so am not going to dispute it. Personally I flush at least two weeks from the cut, it's a hard thing to put a time on as each plant can finish at a different rate, excepting clones. I wait to see about fifty percent cloudy tricomes and then start flushing.
Pics of the grow to come tonight when the lights come on, I’ve left it a while since last taking pics so hopefully some good development.

In the meantime, these pics are of another one of the bag seed plants. This one was taken out to make room for faster developers, and because I couldn’t work out what sex it was whilst the other two were definite fems and ready for 12/12. However, It then shot up when placed in a warm window, and has been a happy little house plant. But now it’s showing what seem to be flowers at the this an auto after all?

Any thoughts on the above would be much appreciated. Does the presence of the pistils at the growth tips, in the absence of a 12/12 lighting schedule, mean that this plant is an auto?


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