First Indoor Grow - Soil & DWC Bucket - Super Silver Haze - Jack Herer - Bag Seed

re: First Ever Indoor Grow - Soil & DWC Bucket -Super Silver Haze - Jack Herer - Bag Seed

haha ;) learned that on the other one lol. prolly too much water in the rockwool and just got too soaked. propagation tray helps a hell of a lot, and [not a super positive thing] but they had a superb dry cycle before going into the rockwool lol.
re: First Ever Indoor Grow - Soil & DWC Bucket -Super Silver Haze - Jack Herer - Bag Seed

here's my thoughts on the soils I want to try [ratios]

1- 70/30 miracle grow seedling to perlite [80/20 if needed]

2- 70/30 organic and perlite [80/20 if needed]

3- 60/40 60% organic and the last 40% an 80/20; so only the bottom is filled with it; the Dr. Earth and perlite. (see if the enriched soil helps when it gets a little older to reach the bottom. also the Dr earth has perlite in it already so it's going to be very minimal.)

Reminder: 2 of 3 are soaked in thrive alive green and sugar daddy and the other 1 is sugar daddy.

tyia? :thumb:

edit: they're going into solo cups. then to 6in [+/- 1 gal] pots.
re: First Ever Indoor Grow - Soil & DWC Bucket -Super Silver Haze - Jack Herer - Bag Seed

mixed up the soil today.


took off the top to the tray, put a 13w 3k [or something like 3 4 k] bulb as some weak light, but light none the less. solo cups have big hole on the bottom, 4 larger holes near the bottom, then a ton of little slots, something made with the edge of a razor blaze.



here's closeups of the seedlings with their first homes next to them. best of luck to em! :thumb:




do ya'll keep your heating pads on once you kick lights on? it obviously helps with creating humidity, so I'd think to turn it off when the top starts coming off?
re: First Ever Indoor Grow - Soil & DWC Bucket -Super Silver Haze - Jack Herer - Bag Seed

Made them a little home with the left over panda plastic I have left over and yellow paper for the larger walls. [it's just what I had laying around and it looks fun].


and word to Sonora for keepin' it 100% and another shout out to this intelligent life form that we all grow, we're all connected by the roots that grow in the ground.

re: First Ever Indoor Grow - Soil & DWC Bucket -Super Silver Haze - Jack Herer - Bag Seed

transplanted into a taller 3gal bucket. used 70% of the earthgro potting soil, 20 % Dr earth and 10% perlite....see what happens eh? oh, I also did 1/4 strength transplant stage nutes [which is =1gal .5tsp sugar daddy .5tsp root 66] took about 3/4 of a gallon to get a good runoff.

OH, and I was finding glass chunks like this in my soil....yeaaaaaahhhhh! :thumb:

re: First Ever Indoor Grow - Soil & DWC Bucket -Super Silver Haze - Jack Herer - Bag Seed

my intent with the bag seed is mainly outdoors, I may keep 1 inside, otherwise, the space is better used on the bucket [potential buckets]. that'll put 4 or 5 outside with 1 or 2 inside...I plan on putting them out when the weather decides to put its pants and shirt on, drink it's coffee, and wake the eff up. it just snowed yesterday, and my temps have still been dropping to the low 60s, which isn't an issue per say, but would like a little less fluctuation. it's usually always in the 70s but can peak to the low 80s. I can't imagine it getting any easier as it warms up either. with the seeds I ordered I wanted to do the Afghani outside too, and if I get a male, id clone 1, if 1 was female and make babies..then perfect it once I have more seeds. that's pretty much my intention with all of the seeds I bought. even with 1 fem seed, make a clone, then hermi it, then have endless fun forever. so it'll be quite the process, but damn fun if I can say so :)
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