First Indoor Grow - Soil & DWC Bucket - Super Silver Haze - Jack Herer - Bag Seed

re: First Ever Indoor Grow - Soil & DWC Bucket -Super Silver Haze - Jack Herer - Bag Seed

nothing super crazy...transplanted seedlings. I'll be needing to get a new 175w bulb this's rather old and lost efficiency quite some time ago. I'll prolly get more panda plastic and make the box a bit bigger, and also make a smaller seedling box.


Question for all, how long should keep a humidity dome on? should I bother making some for the solo cups?
re: First Ever Indoor Grow - Soil & DWC Bucket -Super Silver Haze - Jack Herer - Bag Seed

super ghetto plastic wrapped box. inside and out, since wood loves moisture, I don't want it stealing what little h2o is in the air. placed a sheet of panda plastic over it so it's essentially a wood and plastic greenhouse. :thumb:

re: First Ever Indoor Grow - Soil & DWC Bucket -Super Silver Haze - Jack Herer - Bag Seed

wow, less than 7 hours later she has a taproot forming....unbelievable. never seen a seed pop that quick. off to a good start..had the rockwool soaking in pH 6.4 water with 2 drops of sugar daddy and 2 of thrive alive red. that's been in there for 7 hours, I dumped that solution and now soaking the cube in 6.0 distilled water for the lower pH. I will be filling the bucket in the am, so that it can be operating for at least 24 hours before, make sure everything works and doesn't leak for an extended period of time..also will give me an idea what pH will look like day to day with distilled [I don't think there will be much fluctuation, but who knows]. at 12 or 1 tonight I'll be putting her into the propagation tray to sleep for a day before she says high to a wonderfully wet world. :thumb:

re: First Ever Indoor Grow - Soil & DWC Bucket -Super Silver Haze - Jack Herer - Bag Seed

Agreed 100% Sonora.:thumb:
By hot we mean too much nutrients, causing nutrient burn. I think that's likely to be it.

But brother (sister?), I love your grow! I love how you just took what was available to you and created something awesome!

Here's what I would do if I was you:

1) You gotta ditch the Miracle Grow. At the very least, mix it with some perlite or vermiculite or something. "Water" it down, so to speak.

2) Flush. RO water, lots of RO water for the next week. When the soil is dry to the touch, RO water. Don't over water - wait until the soil is dry to the touch, and lifting the cups feels like it's really light. Then a good RO soak. Spend this week flushing.

3) CLip the curled/yellow leaves. They're lost, move in, let the plant's energy go better places.

4) After the week's flush, lets start with a 1/4 solution of your nutes. Work your way up slowly. I never go by the manufacturers' schedules, they're always really hot. Start at 1/4, work yourself up slowly from there. I bet 1/2 strength will be plenty.

re: First Ever Indoor Grow - Soil & DWC Bucket -Super Silver Haze - Jack Herer - Bag Seed

do light issues [i.e lights not turning off] effect them in veg? or mainly flower? I really need to buy a new timer ;)

Not nearly as much as in flower. Just try to be consistent with your light, 18 or 24 on. A timer issue in veg has never caused me any problems. :Namaste:
re: First Ever Indoor Grow - Soil & DWC Bucket -Super Silver Haze - Jack Herer - Bag Seed

had to start another jack. I left the 1st one in wet paper towels to wait for a slightly larger tap hasn't moved since it first popped so it has me concerned. sooo, I started another one just in case. I think my issue with the first 2 seeds I tried in the propagation tray [the bag seed], I put them in rockwool too soon. they popped and had a slight white sliver of a root, but possibly got temp shocked or something, or it just wasn't warm enough to keep it going? idk...all I know is I'm going to wait until I have a decent taproot before I ever plant in rockwool again. it gives me assurance that it can actually grow and that it didn't just pop from heat or too much heat, and that it's isn't fried.
re: First Ever Indoor Grow - Soil & DWC Bucket -Super Silver Haze - Jack Herer - Bag Seed

so true. I've never had a problem with any bag seeds I've tried before, but once I start getting serious with it of course something goes wrong. I've been following the same procedure I've been doing for years, except for rockwool, that's the only new factor for me.
re: First Ever Indoor Grow - Soil & DWC Bucket -Super Silver Haze - Jack Herer - Bag Seed

so I'm about 80% ready to get rid of this semi waste of energy [meaning electricity waster]'s over 1 month old, been sitting there in the same status for what seems like ever, and shows no signs of I think it's time to make room. I'll give it a few more days but I don't think it'll turn around..


The other plant is just chilling as usual too...and the 2 seeds of JH
...stillll waiting. put them both in a plastic bag in their rockwool cubes on top of the heating pad on low. medium is too high and low is too low with the propagation tray so I needed closer contact on the low to ensure I'm not over heating. I guess over heating is close to as bad as under heating with a seed, so it's wait and see time..I'm not sure what I want to try to start next if this plant goes byebye, I'm going to need something going that I know will be female and guarantee me a harvest. as of right now I have 2 seeds that aren't even fully germinated as my guaranteed females, everything else is just a time will tell what's gunna happen. probably be quite a few days but who knows.
re: First Ever Indoor Grow - Soil & DWC Bucket -Super Silver Haze - Jack Herer - Bag Seed

^^^ She looks to have gone dormant due to some sort of lock out.. RO water in my belief is too low of pH to use in bagged dirt.. I generally water all of mine with "sat out for 24 hrs" tap water or rain water I try to collect for the early weeks of the month when my municipal water has been chlorinated to the point it smells like a pool. Usually by the 10th of the month the water has lost its chlorine smell and the ph has lowered back down to 7-7.2. that and if ya are growin in soil id ditch the rockwool and just use jiffy pucks or plant the germed sed right into the solo cup. No need to over think or prepare.. Its just a WEED. lolz :thumb:
re: First Ever Indoor Grow - Soil & DWC Bucket -Super Silver Haze - Jack Herer - Bag Seed

Did you poke a hole at the bottom or squeeze your rockwool before putting in the seedling? All I did was soak the rockwool in ph water before putting in the seedling. Next time I will poke a little toothpick size hole at the bottom of the rockwool and provide the roots with a little route. My seedling seems to taking its time for two reasons I can think of. Low wattage LEDs and my roots are going every direction but towards the bottom of the netpot. The roots seem to have too much space at this stage. Focusing on root growth instead of seedling.
re: First Ever Indoor Grow - Soil & DWC Bucket -Super Silver Haze - Jack Herer - Bag Seed

Brother, don't use rockwool to germ your seeds. You have to do pH fiddling, and if you're still in the beginning grow stages why add a variable to mess up?

Don't use paper towels to germ, that taproot has tiny, fine microscopic hairs that grow into the fibers of the paper towel, and when you remove it you tear those little hairs, which can set back the plant.

You can get 50 rapid rooters at Amazon for $15. get a heating pad from just about anywhere. If you don't have a germ tray and a humidity dome, use a plastic ziploc bag.

1) Put seeds in water, either RO water, or water left out at least 24 hours so the chlorine evaps.
2) Simultaneously, soak rapid rooter plugs in water (also either RO, or 24-hour old water).
3) After 24 hours, move seeds to soaking rapid rooters.
4) Put germ tray on heating pad, at medium heat. Put rapid rooters in germ tray. Cover with humidity dome.
5) When you wake up in the morning, remove the dome, take a spray bottle and mist with water. Do the same thing when you get home from work.

In 3 - 10 days, your seeds will launch. The rapid rooters provide a pH balanced environment, and beneficial bacteria. You can then plant the rapid rooter directly into your soil(less) mix, or they fit into the holes in 3" rockwool cubes, or cover them with coco or hydroton.
re: First Ever Indoor Grow - Soil & DWC Bucket -Super Silver Haze - Jack Herer - Bag Seed

I've been measuring every ph in and out of the rockwools before I put the seeds in them. the 1st JH seed only got about a 10 12 hour rockwool soak and the 2nd got a good 2 day soak.first in Ph water to 6.5, checked the water before I dumped it, no change in pH. next was distilled water with 2 drops of sugar daddy. and again pH going in on the 2nd was 6 coming out love to try rapid rooters but nowhere locally, I can find, has them. buying things on the Internet is a pain in the ass for me right now, mainly cause I don't have a cc, so I have to do those prepaid bs and waste money on a card, activating it then, paying to put $ on it, like realllly?? anyways the sick plant didn't get RO or pH tap, it got distilled water with 1/2 mix of root 66 and sugar usually gets 6.4-6.6 pH tap that's been out for at least 1 day if not 2. I have nice well water so chlorine in my system isn't an issue. I think it would be also a game changer to be able to have a TDS meter but no real $$ to blow on that either. I try to work with what I got, and rockwool was the only answer for me to be able to do my bucket. I didn't want to do into jiffy pellets then take it bare rooted into hydroton, not for my first time, helllll no lol :) learn and live i guess....what blows me away is I can do 3 bag seeds fine but 2 seeds that I end up paying for, I of course will have the worst of luck with it. :thumb: any other thoughts on besides rapid rooters and rockwool? there's not many other options for a bucket? or am I mistaken?
re: First Ever Indoor Grow - Soil & DWC Bucket -Super Silver Haze - Jack Herer - Bag Seed

Good afternoon
I spent part of this morning reading all of your journal though when I started it was 9 pages long, I wrote out a long list of things I wanted to comment on to you though some of what I was commenting on was all ready covered by others. Unfortunately my computer crashed and when it rebooted my whole post was gone, so here goes the condensed version

1st of in my opinion you should not cull your plants yet. From what I can gather your on a low budget which is fine but the one thing that caught my attention was all of the seeds you want to pop. You have limited lighting, which means at best your going to be able to take 2 gals to the prom (Flower). Your popping seeds which means you do not know yet if they are males or females. If you cull a plant you could easily be culling a female and replacing her with a male. You just do not know as of yet. I know your concerned because she is so small this far into the game, well there is a few reasons she is that small one of which you have no control over at this stage of the game(the amount of light she receives) but the other reason you are responsible for. When a plant is very young, like what you have, they grow a lot but sometimes all that growth is not visible to the human eye. They spend a majority of their energy building a root system which will support them. 1st they send out a tap root which seeks out water, then the smaller roots that make up the root ball develop. Once the plant is comfortable that its root system is max'ed out for its environment, then it starts expending energy on the part of the plant we can all see. To get the fastest results on the part you are looking at, the above ground part of the plant, you need to allow the plant to get right on the verge of becoming root bound before you up pot it. Then up pot gradually so when you do it does not take forever for the plant to reach that phase again. Both of your ladies should be in like a 3 to 4 inch pot right now, they will become root bound in about 2 weeks and then up potted to a 1 gallon pot for about 2 weeks then you can jump them up to a bigger pot. Each time you are up potting your putting in fresh soil which means longer time before you start adding nutrients because that new soil has nutrients in it. Less nutrients used saves money. You mearly up potted to quickly. No real damage done other then you wasted a little money. I am not sure exactly how many seeds you have already popped but in my humble opinion and trust me it is just that an opinion, but if I was in your boat, I would go with what you presently have popped and see how many females you have in the mix. Remember that they continue to grow even after you flip them to flower so you want to keep them relatively small since your light source is limited.
As far as getting the DWC up and running, heck I used a plant that I was growing in soil and I just rinsed her roots and tossed her in the basket. Oh as to how I rinsed her, well not exactly super sanitary I flipped her upside down, worked her out of the pot like you would to up pot then just shock her very gently to get most of the soil to break away from the roots. There was a bunch that did not come out so I dipped her into the toilet and swirled he about till the toilet water was all dirty then lifted her out, flushed and repeated the process around 3 or 4 times. The 1st week the wind from my fans would tip her over so I through a string around her trunk and clipped it it 4 spots so she would not fall over and about 7 days later she had enough roots in the bucket that I could take the string away.
Food for thought, with a limited budget and limited lighting, a good option to research might be auto flowering varieties. That way you can keep the lights on her for more growth instead of dropping them down to 12/12. Just a suggestion.

Please do not think I am trying to rain on your parade, that is definitely not my intention, but you have a few limitations and I only want you to be successful and get a nice harvest for your efforts. Trust me we all have our own limitations, if only I had more space and more lights:circle-of-love:

Oh and if you are thinking right about now, wow talk about a long boring read, this is the condensed version of what I originally wrote :thedoubletake::rofl:
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