First Time And Not Going Good Right From The Start


420 Member
Well, i decided to try to grow my own medicine. i am completely legal in the state of CO to grow anyways but i have epilepsy and dont have enough money to support my needs through the dispensary. So, to grow i will try. I first off wanted something that i havent had before so i scoured the net looking for seeds that i havent heard of locally. ( the reason i went with seeds rather than just going to get some clones was i wanted some time to get everything else set up. glad i did because in testing setup in room, temp is 95 degrees and still struggling to bring it down.) anyways, went with MSNL to order seeds because i liked what i read about the sunset sherbet. received package in mail in less than 7 days which was awesome. put seeds in water right away like i had read online, sherbet and also the 10 free seeds i received from them. 24 hrs later put seeds in paper towel, because that is what i read to do somewhere, about 2 days later, all seeds were cracking open and had tiny little root sticking out. well, i figured that it was time to put them in dirt so i got coco from grow store, local hydro store was very helpful through all of this plus the chic is hot as all hell so dont mind going in all the time to talk to her about it, or at least that is my excuse for going in all the time:) so at this point, seeds had just cracked and could see little root only about 1/16" long. didnt find anything online as to when to plant seeds in dirt so just went for it at this point. super excited, i check on my babies every day, nothing was happening. 2 days, 3 days, 5 days and still nothing!! WTF, my curiosity cant be stopped, i dig up a seed to see progress, find seed and ABSOLUTELY NOTHING HAS HAPPENED TO IT. not one little bit of growth. i check another, same thing. check all of them, same thing! im sure i have killed all 30 seeds at this point but i but all of them back in paper towel to see if they will grow any more or if i did indeed kill them :( well, i thought this would be a good way to document my journey of a newbie and figure i could possible get good advice from those of you who do know what you are doing. Wish me luck and cross your fingers all these seeds arent dead

Welcome to 420Magazine. On my last grow I did almost identical to you and had 5 out of 6 failure. I have a feeling it has to do with going direct to CoCo. For me this didn't work

I shifted to peat cubes and they worked well. On my current grow I switched to RapidRooter cubes (precharged with rooting hormones and fertilizer). Of this batch I had a germination rate of 6 out of 6. You could try putting CoCo in a Solo Cup, Peat Pots or RapidRooter and see if you can save them. Put a humidity dome over them (1 liter soda bottle with the bottom cut out.

Wondering. ... Did you wash you CoCo really well? Some people say many coco brands have a high salt content and kill their seedlings unless flushed really good before use.

Is the picture above current or was it before you dropped them in CoCo. If current I would let the go until the tap root is at least 1/4 to 1/2 inch before transplanting. Also put the papertowel in a baggie and set on top of your internet router... it gives the right warmth the seedlings need.
Hey troy01, right on for the comment. so to answer your questions, no, i didnt wash coco at all, didnt see that anywhere that i was suppose to. bummer if that was the case. the pic is current, i took all seeds out of coco and put them back in paper towel. looking at them now some have already grown in size just since i pulled them out of the coco! others have what looks to black roots now so i think those are dead :( i dont know though, i will not give up. so putting them i a ziplock just help to keep them moist? i have them on paper plate on heating pad but will go down right now and put them in ziplock. i hope i didnt kill them i will be super sad.!! will post any progress so i can get more advice from helpful 420ers like yourself. thank you!
Do you have the ability to run to the store and pick up some of those little peat moss pellets for starting seeds. They work remarkable. If not get some plastic Solo Cups ... poke a bunch of holes in the bottom and along the side and you can put some CoCo into them. Flush them with about 4x the capacity of the cup to wash out any salts. When the roots of the survivors get to be about 1/2 inch - drop them root side down into a little hole in the soil about 1/4 deep and gently sprinkle a little coco to block out the light. You can put the solo cups under a light (CFL's work fine) and you should see her pop her head in a day or 2.

As for your question - Yes the zip lock just keeps the moisture in. Try not to have your papertowel too wet. Damp is fine.

Black root is not good - would think that it is rotting.

Let me know how it goes.
went to walmart, got Jiffy Professional Greenhouse Kit 72, hope this are the right ones. dont know how to use them so i am going to have to google that but shouldnt be to hard. seed are already making new growth from thismorning when i took them out of that coco. hope at least the two freebies (amnesia haze) make it. i was really looking forward to those. guess we will see, only time will tell.
Just chimin in but every seed i have germed in years have taken at least initially.... all i do is take some mix soil that i mix my self have for years, and moisten a hole about 1 inch deep put seed in and brush dirt over lightly.. if you wanna see some of the cups i use i have a nifty journal with pics in it... budget one.... check it out and illl get back with you ps i use 20 hours on 4 off light ratio and mostly low watt flouros
went to walmart, got Jiffy Professional Greenhouse Kit 72, hope this are the right ones. dont know how to use them so i am going to have to google that but shouldnt be to hard. seed are already making new growth from thismorning when i took them out of that coco. hope at least the two freebies (amnesia haze) make it. i was really looking forward to those. guess we will see, only time will tell.

That will work. Just soak the number of cubes that you are going to need in water and they will swell up. If there isn't a hole in the top then just use a pencil to make a hole large enough to accommodate your seed and tap root. Gently place your seed in the hole making sure you don't break the tap root.

Many people put their seeds directly into the cubes without using the paper towel method.
I use distilled water for seeds and seedlings. Tap water can be a bad thing depending on its contents. Just for information.
so quick update, my son didnt want to throw the seed away, he was sure he could save them. so, he put them back in the paper towel, two of the skunk (regular), are going and ready for dirt. i cant believe he pulled it off but i am super excited about it. MSNL said they were sending me new seeds yesterday to that is awesome too. i didnt ask them to or anything they just volunteered to send more since i failed at the first one and they gave some instrutions on the best way to get them to go so cant wait for that. Thank you MSNL for that by the way, you guys rock :)
Hope all is well in your world.

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