My First Grow With 4 Year Seeds - Advice Welcome


New Member
Hey I just joined and I am currently starting my first grow. I have posted a new thread about my seeds if you guys want to check it out, and give some suggestions. I have several 4 year old seeds that I have been trying to make grow.

So I started 3 seeds using the paper towel method.

It was taken awhile for these seeds to sprout anything its been about 4 days and nothing have came out.

So I decided to try it again with 2 more seeds. It has been about 2 days and nothing either.

I have been talking with a few people on here about it, and reading some posts on making old seeds grow. I jus saw the sandpaper method and I want to try it.

Any suggestions...
Hi! In my personal experience I always get the best results germinating by dropping the seeds in a cup of water. They will float from anywhere between a couple hours to a day and then they will sink. Usually within 24 hours the root tip has crack the seed but may take up to 3 days. As soon as I see the root tip pushing out I carefully pluck them out of the cup with some tweezers and pop them in the soil. I haven't used the paper towel method since switching to this. If your seeds are viable this will get them to germinate. Also your pics aren't showing up, maybe its just me though. You have to upload them to the website first if you didn't already do that.
Ok I uploaded the pics.
See below
I have been told to soak the seeds just like u said I will definitely try this. I am determined to do get these babies to grow.
Are you warming them at all? What are the temps where you're trying to germinate? I stick mine someplace warm. My recent batch I used the paper towel method. I had several strains I wanted to keep separate, so I used ziplocks to keep them all apart. I then put all the ziplocks on a plate and set it on top of the HTPC (computer that runs the TV). I've heard others use their cable box too. Whatever spot you pick, make sure it's warm, not hot. 70's is good. 80s might be OK. 90 is probably too hot.
I have them under the kitchen sink. The temp is in the low 70's. Does using a ziplock bag work better
If your seeds were stored properly they may sprout but will probably take a long time. The current grow I'm doing was supposed to be a bag seed experiment, but they were old seeds at least a year and a half. Out of the 8 I had only 1 popped and it took like 10 days. I would say that if you don't see anything happening 10ish days then try to find different seeds.
Thanks for the advice. That was very helpful.
What I decided to do was take all the seeds out of the containers and start this all over.
Ugggh. I am so determined to see this through, I want my babies to grow.
I am going to scuff them with sandpaper, as recommended on some other threads.
Soak for 24 hours, and then place these babies in two separate places.
A few will go under the sink in a warm dark place.
And a few will go into a ziplock bag on the window sill. I read this on one of the grow journals suggested by an Aussie who has been growing for a long time.
And lastly a will put the remainder in a pot will miracle grow potting soil.
And see what happens.
I have tryed the tub like you got and the bag, i found the bag worked better for me,,, i also found just right into soil is worka ble too..

i just started from bag seed that was old atleast 1 year but thinking 2 to 3 but no more then 6 maybe in the 4 year range,, first i sat them in a tub of water for 24 hours the seeds that sunk to the bottom and the ones that float on top.. the ones that sunk popped first. the others a day later and there was 4 that did not pop after 5 days.. there where 5 that just popped and then 4 that did not. both went into cups at the same time .. the ones i though where nt gong to to grow did break surfase yester day and the ast today.. so it will still could pop maybe,, i got one that have not done anything yet but maybe soon... you may just half to wait longer,,, try soaking or if your sick of soaking just drop in the ground see what happens
Thanks guys u have been helpful...
I am soaking as we speak.
Psychosic mentioned the Miracle Grow. What other grow would you suggest, especially when you did your own grow.
I will check out other sites.
Thanks guys for the feed back, You are awesome :thumb:
miracale grw has nutes in it some say it is bad mix for the weeds for soil people like to get a soil with nothing in it as of nutes and mix them selfs,, for me MG was the cheapest i have not seen a problem with it yet fingers crossed i dont,,,
use peat moss, perlite and vermiculite mixture for your soiless mixture. i used a match box with sandpaper in the bottom of the box, shake for a few minutes and then to whatever method you wish for seeds. subscribed.
Ok guys ER moment. I got triplets...
3 of my seeds popped after soaking but I am soooo excited that I dont know what to do next.
Like I said some I want to place in cool dark place, others in a ziploc bag and one in soil. WHHHHHAT do I do for the ones I want to put in the soil.
The ones that popped what do I do with those.
I got my babies ready to go.
Ok guys ER moment. I got triplets...
3 of my seeds popped after soaking but I am soooo excited that I dont know what to do next.
Like I said some I want to place in cool dark place, others in a ziploc bag and one in soil. WHHHHHAT do I do for the ones I want to put in the soil.
The ones that popped what do I do with those.
I got my babies ready to go.

Grats on your new babies!

I'm confused about the question. Why do you want to put the seedlings in a cool dark place? You want warm for sure. You don't need bright light, but you want light there when the little girl's cotyledons pop up.

What is your plan for growing them out? If you're going to use soil, or soilless, just put them directly into that medium after the tap root comes out of the seed. Be gentle and point it down. The goal is to have moist medium in contact with the root.
How did this grow turn out?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info! :blushsmile:

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

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I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Thanks and hope all is well in your world.

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine.
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