First Time Grow 2012


New Member
Whats up folk.. This is a helpful site, i want to thank everyone who uses this site. Really haha anyways this is my first grow and I am very excited. Marijuana is a beautiful plant and I have been learning a lot about it and have got a pretty good idea of how to start growing myself. I have been smoking weed for some time now and I am a prop 215 patient here in beautiful california I guess I just have always wanted to grow my own.... I have always been intreged by this plant ever since I can remember seeing my first pot plant at age 9-10 at my uncles in Las Vegas..
I did not know how to start with my grow and so I thought to make my own hydro system, which went great but I had a minor set back and had chosen to give my plants to a good friend. Anyways what I'm sayin technically my first grow was hydro(which were going really good) but since I never finished I am going to call this my first grow

Ok.. About my babies.
I got my seeds from a near by health center and I went with a 10 pack of Corleone kush(my lady's italian :)) so I chose those and I also lookedup a review before and I liked what I read and went with this Corleone kush.

Sorry for the sideways pic. I've got 9 plants, lost to in rockwool the first week or two due to watering with tap water :( but they also are not feminized. Under a 600w mh. No nutes used






these are them at day 10-11


My babies at 27 days.. Have one in a 2 gal smart pot. The thing with this one is it sprouted two plants in one! No joke! Haha I don't know if this is common but it had me trippin' LoL. But yeah I just separated them when i transferd them in the smart pot their roots were one.






The three in the 4.75 gal pots have subcools super soil in the bottem third and roots organics on top. Waiting on my grow tent to get here so then I will be much happier I have them in my closet for now
Re: .:First time grow 2012:.

Hey mate how are ya?
Well have to say theyre coming along nicely mate!! Will be good to see em once theyre in flower.. How long do you intend to grow em for?
Later buddy, Smokemup;)
Re: .:First time grow 2012:.

Hey mate how are ya?
Well have to say theyre coming along nicely mate!! Will be good to see em once theyre in flower.. How long do you intend to grow em for?
Later buddy, Smokemup;)

I'm good thanks for stoppin by man. Yeah I cannot wait for flower! :slide: haha but I want to leave them for the full 60, but who knows I guess it all depends on her.. I just want to get my males out of they way ASAP if there are any.
A little update I transplanted 2 more C.k's( the two on the left against the wall) into 4.75 gallon pots and the others I transplanted are looking great stand up right I'm lovin it. Ok well here is what it is as of now.. Waiting on my grow tent to get here some time this week so until then..


howsit bro!

looking great so far! are you going to crop them(tip) at all?? how big is your grow tent?? im guessing 2metre x1.2m x 1.2m approx?? wish you all the best with your lovely looking ladies! :Namaste:
howsit bro!

looking great so far! are you going to crop them(tip) at all?? how big is your grow tent?? im guessing 2metre x1.2m x 1.2m approx?? wish you all the best with your lovely looking ladies! :Namaste:

I'm not planning on cropping them just letting them grow nice and big and then hopefully I'll be able to take clones if I like my end result.. I was thinking about lst but tent is 4x4x6.7 (which i am currently waiting on)I believe and Thank you guys very much for the support.. I am looking forward to this grow.
Yeah buddy! Haha :yummy: :rocker: :) I can't wait to try it! :bong:

Oh yeah and I was wondering how long should would it take for the roots to reach the third lower part of my 4.75 gal pots? That's when I was going to switch to the light to the 12/12 cycle.
When I planted them I planted maybe 2-3 inches from the top of the soil and I also have my light on 24 hours a day.. Trying to keep them shorter since I'm not topping or anything.
hmmm that seems like a tricky way to gauge your light cycle bro... i usually go with what ever height i want them then turn them over to 12/12- depending totally on how much room i have to lift the lights.. the plants themselves can become quite root bound without any obvious negatives, ive grown 6-7 foot plants in 10 litre buckets with no negative side-effects! its just difficult to gauge when your roots are going to hit that level... if you were using a different system maybe like an "optimus" system for e.g. then its merely a matter of lifting the top and seeing how long the roots are hanging.. but using clay hydroton for your medium its more difficult.

just my 2 cents worth! loL

all the best
depending on the strain will depend on how the react when you turn them over to 12/12... some will grow more vigorously and others will react slower... if im using a grow tent of around 2metres height- allowing around 1 foot/30centimetres for the light and reflector at max lift.. and also considering (personally) another 1-2 foot/30-60 cent distance from light to top of plants... and obviously how many plants you have in that tent space, i would turn them over at approx 70centimetres - 1meter allowing them a good 30-40 centimetres to grow in their flowering cycle. again this depends entirely on what type of plant you are growing and how closely you want to crop them to each other etc... i hope this doesnt confuse!!

basically im just saying i determine my cycles by how much room i have to grow in, personally i try to always take full advantage of the space i have... but this also depends on how fast i want my medicine! if im low on supplies i might turn them over quickly just to tie me over till next harvest :tokin:
hmmm that seems like a tricky way to gauge your light cycle bro... i usually go with what ever height i want them then turn them over to 12/12- depending totally on how much room i have to lift the lights.. the plants themselves can become quite root bound without any obvious negatives, ive grown 6-7 foot plants in 10 litre buckets with no negative side-effects! its just difficult to gauge when your roots are going to hit that level... if you were using a different system maybe like an "optimus" system for e.g. then its merely a matter of lifting the top and seeing how long the roots are hanging.. but using clay hydroton for your medium its more difficult.

just my 2 cents worth! loL

all the best

Hey Alkemist... How are ya?
Yeah i sort of do the same thing as you, and once my plants at what height i want it, i flower it, i dont normally say -" Yeah mate, day 36.5 and im gunna flip er 12/12!!". My current grow is an LSt of one plant, and there were a few small things i needed to change to get her to start growing rapidly as compared to few weeks ago. She has a decent root system already, she s in a 35 litre pot - 80cmx30cmx25cm, and has now overgrown this and is getting closer to each wall, 5ft apart. Im hoping she isnt root bound yet, my last grow was a 5ft vert plant in a 25 litre pot and she had more roots than soil at harvest - it looked like she ate some soil!!
But she was fine in that all the way thru til harvest, so yeah i kinda think this grow should be ok,fingers x'd! I dont know how much stretch ill get from this LST, but once she's at 3ft im going to assess her situation and if she's still going bonkers i may flower her soon after 3ft, maybe 3.5? Shit i didnt think a plant would hit 7ft in a 10litre bucket!! Good job:)
Anyways mate, take it easy and chat later.. Smokemup;)
Yeah I kinda got you.. So I got my tent in today and I put it up but I'll get pictures up later.. Anyway it's a 4x4x6.5 tent and I have 8 plants but I also do not know weather they are male or female so I will prob have less than 8 in the tent during the final stage of growing. My plants are 29 days old today and they're only 5-8 inches.. I feel like that's small but I have had the light on 24/0 and they have only 3-4 nodes each.. I feel like I should flip them in about a week or 2?
Hey guys.. Ok so I think I was stressin a little over the plants not growing right but I've read that the worse thing you can do is actually do too much so I'm just trying to chill back and let it happen.. It is my first time and so I can't expect it to be perfect or even great but I'm aiming for good at least because I'm always on top of my game. I was hoping on some input or advice to what teas or nutes maybe? That i could use, i am currently using subcool supersoil. Anyways here's just 3 random pics on my plants at 31 days I believe..




Also my tent! I love it. :green_heart:

Just have one fan blowing the tops of the plants and then I have a little 6" one at the top I am trying to use to get heat out.


Hi mate,
Ive just got a few things that crossed my mind. Youre using a 600w MH, thats plenty light for what you have atm..
Plants do not need 24/0 from a MH, its overkill mate.. I have done it, but giving them some dark will show results soon mate - i promise ya that. Go 18/6 or 17/7 as i am currently.. My plant will start to look a little droopy after about 15hrs of my 400w MH, after her dark, she is perky and all looking happy with all fan leaves raised up again:)
Now also, depending on how far your light is this will affect the amount of lumens the plant roughly gets.. Having it close - 30cm, will keep them shorter and less space between nodes. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE GOOD AIR FLOW BETWEEN GLOBE AND TOPS OF UR PLANTS or they may burn. I have my small desk fan blowin between my globe and Cindy..
Also check that you are not under/over watering, giving your plants enuf water is important, as they wont grow as much as they could if theyre lacking a drink! I have a simple 'Soil moisture Meter ' which gives me a rough indicator of the moisture in the soil. But she usually gets about 8-10 litres every 48-60hrs.. Pending on moisture.
So maybe just try adding a little more water - NOT HEAPS, and give some dark time.. See if there s a difference after about 3-5 days:) You may get a surprise!! Its UP TO YOU OK.. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO DO IT THO MATE. THATS JUST A THOUGHT OK..
Goodluck mate.. SMOKEMUP...:thumb:
Hey mate,
Soz but just thought id post you a pic of my Cindy at about 1 month and one now at 8.5 weeks..IM NOT TRYING TO SHOW BOAT MATE, JUST FOR YOU TO COMPARE.. I even tripped out, as its only the last few weeks she's filled out like this..
As i said i had mine at 24/0 but it was a waste of time really. In nature they dont normally have over 15hrs light, and i think there s research showing no real improvements in height or yield by using 24/0 until flower...
Hello people of 420 mag. I would like to post a little update on my plants and their growth, I turned them over to 20/4 light/dark week ago and already am seeing nice growth.

So it's my biggest one


Smallest one


The one seed that sprouted two


A random one I pulled out


and all together


I plan on turning them over to flower within a week or so, Also waiting on a duct fan and carbon filter to come in thru the mail then I'll be able to zip up my tent all the way and not worry about heat and other things coming in.

Is anybody familiar with subcool? And/or subcools super soil.. I have a question weather or not to flush my plants or not.. Any comments about anything are welcome. :tokin: :goof: :)) ooh and I also got a clone, no charge from a well known dispensery and if you can spot it it's in the middle right but yeah it is Purple Ak-47 so well see how that goes..
Hi mate, how are ya??
Your girls are lookin nice!! So you ve flipped some ay! Im spewing i didnt flip my girl a bit sooner as she is now going crazy, hoping she will only stretch only maybe 2ft during flower. And my strain is apparently meant to have a 70 day flower period?? OMG.. Crazy..
Anyways good luck with ya girls mate!:goodjob:
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