First time grower: Please help!


Active Member
Hey guys this is my first time doing this!

Ive built me a little fridge that I want to grow one plant in. Running 3 computer fans for ventilation and 3 LED lights from ebay. I know shes not the most expensive set up but I only want one plant and its more of a hobby. I also brought a light meter from ebay to test how much light these things are putting out. I would love for some advice on how much light is to much or to little!? Will a plant grow in here? I will attach some photos to help out with answering my questions.

I am using an LED Grow light Full Spectrum Indoor Plant lamp T5 Tube Bulb Bar

The first photo is with the light sensor at the bottom of the fridge : Reading - 920
The second photo is in the middle of the fridge : Reading - 1838
And the third photo is close to the lights at the top : Reading - 310x10 (3100)
And the forth is just a photo of the setup!

*Maybe when I plant my first seed I lift the plant closer to the lights? Im not sure what im doing!!!*

Thanks for any help guys! Love the site by the way!


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Cool project...

You should mount your lights on a frame of some kind so you can raise and lower them all together. They are going to be too far from the plants, and moving your plants as they grow is going to be tough...
Hey NTTG, Thats a decent lil space, light probably needs to be about 6000lumens at tops to flower properly, but thats a great start.
Welcome first-timer! :high-five:

Yes, you can do it, but you should know that you need at least 15x the light you currently have.

Your highest lux (3100) is equivalent to a PPFD of about 40.

If you intend to flower photoperiods for 12/12, you should be looking at a light setup that can provide at least 600 PPFD.
Nah I can't see it in the list mate but it's there somewhere. Have a hunt and im sure you find it. "Micro growing" or micro growers. That's the guys you need to find for advice. The ones that will know how to deal with the wierd shit that causes problems in small spaces and how to make the most of it.
It's amazing what some of them can do like.
Seen a guy called mr.sparkles on another forum pull 4 or 5 Oz from inside a pc stack!
Some of them put loads of tiny plants in, others make mental wee scroggs.
Some put strip lights all over the walls, others sync up 40 household CFLs.
Loads of cool shit people get upto in a small space to maximise results. Have a look about mate, you'll be pleasantly surprised what can be achieved from inside a fridge.:)
Thank for all the help guys! Ok I think ill put it on a rack so I can lower it and make sure they are close enough to the plant. Around 6000lumens is the amount of light on the plant? I will have to keep the plant alot closer then :)
Would I be ok with just moving my lights much closer to the plant and moving them to adjust the distance between the LEDs and the plant? Ensuring the lumens are around 6000 all the time if ya get what I mean?
My Diy build, its made of Depron, screws, mirrowfoil and ducktape. 120mm pc vent , 120watt car defogger, 20watt airpump. Growlight will be replaced by a Mars Hydro TS1000. Not finished yet, but allready happy with the results. Dont forget the Stickers go grow Fat :thumb:


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