Georgia On My Mind

Do you care about global legalization of Cannabis or is it only about your grow?

  • Yes, it's about legalization for me

    Votes: 10 100.0%
  • No, I only care about growing Cannabis

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Maybe, one day I'll get involved

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Undecided, I'm not sure I even care about legalization globally

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

420 Warrior

Well-Known Member
So, I'm NOT new here to 420 Magazine, I've been a member since the early 2000's. I first came here like most everyone else trying to learn how to properly grow Cannabis but once I learned most everything I wanted to know about growing, I still felt that something was missing so I started reading news stories about how California was an MMJ state and was now fighting for recreational Cannabis for adult use. This was a pivitol moment for me because it made me realize just how far behind the times my home state of Georgia really is and that no one what so ever seems to be fighting for Cannabis here in this part of the country.

Today, as far as I know there are 10 states enjoying recreational Cannabis but still not one of them is here in the south east, Why is this you ask? Simple answer, no one here is fighting for it! Sure, we now have limited MMJ in the form of CBD oil but that's as far as we've come and that seems to be where the road ends here in GA.

So I come here to this awesome place looking for like minded individuals to join me in the fight here in Georgia as well as trying to get people everywhere fighting on the federal level but for whatever reason I can't seem to find any help?

I guess my point and question is, am I in the right place to find help for the cause or is it always going to be just about growing here and nothing more? Then I find myself wondering if I'm just wasting my time with all the passionate writing I've done about activism with so little responses? Bottom line is that I'm starting to loose faith there is any help to be found here, am I right?

Creating Cannabis awareness is what I always thought it was supposed to be about but all I see is growing advice, is that all we are now? Is that all it's ever going to be about anymore here?

Should I be telling people I meet here in this state to only come here if you're needing grow advice? But then again, it's still a felony to cultivate Cannabis here so very few people here would have a need to come to this site. Maybe it's time for 420 Warrior to move on as well? Maybe all my passion and hard work has all been in vein and a huge waste of time? IDK? Y'all tell me...

I will always fight for Cannabis no matter what but maybe it's going to take another venue for me to find the kind of real help I'm looking for? Maybe one day people here will see the big picture that creating Cannabis awareness isn't about growing it in legal states, it's more about the legalization of Cannabis for the entire world and freeing non violent offenders from persicution in which we've seemed to have lost sight of here. Bottom line, there's still allot of work to be done no matter what status your state has and if people can't see that...if you're just satisfied with a hand full of states enjoying what the rest of us long for then maybe we're not as compassionate as we all like to think and claim we are?

Sorry for the rant and venting my frustrations but seemingly lost causes tend to do that to people

420 Warrior signing off :rolleyes:
I felt your frustration for many years. In 1999 I got involved in a movement here in Michigan. We were trying to pass the PRA 2000 (personal responsibility amendment), and I took on the task of collecting signatures from my county. My county, is one of the biggest counties in Michigan, and had one of the biggest "DTF/Dare" budgets out of the state.

I had been involved in many rallies, and personally knew our state needed a change. I knew dozens of local "leaders" from my county who felt the same way. I let them all know, I had received all my paper work to begin collecting signatures, and at first, they were all excited and supportive. About 15 people were given papers to collect signatures, around their towns and townships.

One by one, we set out on our mission of educating our citizens, and collecting. We managed to collect about 30 signatures! Collectively! One by one, we got excuses from the "people who would fight for it" from constant harassment, from local and especially county, police enforcement.
People were affraid to let their mothers and others know the "terrible" things they do, let alone
Uncle Sam.

We compiled the paperwork, and it was turned in, and the collecting fell short. Other, more open minded counties, did much better. My county however, was ultimately just not ready to understand. Even after Medical became legal, the demonizing still continued.

Now that Rec is legal, this county is still trying to find ways around it. They are not willing to give up that revenue, from busting the "dope heads", and still not educated enough to see the benefits/revenue of recreational permitted sales. Derp!

As far as this forum, I have to admit, I came here for sharing my grow knowledge, and learning some new tricks. I grow for personal use, and have never profited from that. I've always liked the idea of knowing there are no extra or harsh additives going into my body. I enjoy the grow more than anything else, and It's very therapeutic too me.

I fought the fight for many years, and always felt it was going nowhere. Apparently, some of the educating I was doing, helped change some minds......eventually. However, if I had access to the Internet in 1999, I would have been reaching a much bigger audience. If.

Now that my kids have kids, I've relaxed on my fight, hoping others will pick up some of the weight,
and carry on........
Thank you for responding Capatin

Where my frustrations lie is in how complacent people have become here now that a few states have legalized for recreational use. But what people aren't understanding is that in the eyes of the federal government, Cannabis is still classified as a class 1 controlled substance with no medicinal value what so ever and that's precisely why states like mine are struggling to get a foot hold.

People here seem to be done fighting now that their particular states have legalized but all it would take is for the feds to stop recignizing state laws and write new federal laws mandating that states don't have the right to trump federal law, so then what? We're ALL back to square one again?

All I'm saying is that none of us should ever quit fighting for this plant we all love so much until there is no more gray area and we all have the same rights and not one more person is living in fear of incarceration for Cannabis.

Believe me, I know full well how theraputic growing Cannabis is as I've certainly grown my share of it myself but I just want people here to open their eyes back up to the bigger picture that in order to be truly compassionate, there is a whole world of people needing every Cannabis consumer in this country to get over their fears and fighting for what we all know is right.

When I come here to write and basically beg people to get involved and stay involved and I passionately pour my heart and soul into what I'm writing only to get very little feedback if any at all, that tells me that people here have almost totally lost interest in changing laws anymore, so that attitude is precisely what lawmakers and anti-Cannabis proponents are counting on and rest assured that they will take full advantage of this attitude that no one really cares about it anymore.

I feel that if I'm going to be the only one left here at this site that's still willing to keep up the fight, as much as it breaks my heart, maybe this isn't the place for me anymore? I shouldn't be alone in the belief of something bigger than all of us.
I undoubtedly respect your position, and you are absolutely correct about our struggle as a whole.
This is a Nation wide issue, always has been, and more people should get involved. I believe we have a ways to go, but we're mos def closer than we've ever been.

Thank You! Your passionate words have been refreshing, and remind me to get off my Ass! I know we have the primary coming up, so I need to see what my options are for getting my states voices heard, Nation Wide!
Thank you Capatin, you certainly make me believe that there's still hope for us yet!

So close, yes we are, but still so far away from the goal. Creating Cannabis awareness isn't just about this or that states legalization, or the ability to grow Cannabis properly, it's always been about creating awareness to the world and seeing to it that all generations to come are free from tyranny, greed, persicution, bigotry, oppression, incarceration, hipocracy and just plain hate for a life giving and beautiful plant that's been proven time and time again to be so helpful to man kind itself.

We owe it to all the fallen warriors that came before us to keep the torch burning and to keep carrying it until not one more person suffers for an unjustifiable war on this plant and the people who love it so much! It's a burden that we all must take part in if we're to be true to ourselves and the people we care about, that's what real compassion is about!
It took me awhile to manually find it, but I added your thread to my signature. It would be nice if the whole "activists corner" section was in the activism tab on the tool bar. I can honestly say, I never scrolled down that far in the "forums" section. I visited the activism tab, even before I joined, to see if there were any discussions. That's probably why those threads get neglected on here.

Can any mods or administrators help getting this changed?
Yea, I've thought about that too. It's a little hard to find TBH. I like to grow Cannabis awareness there instead of Cannabis plants, both for myself and others...For me It's almost as rewarding and therapeutic.

Back when I volunteered and worked here as a news hawk, I actually kinda came up with the idea for the activist section of the site and the boss man added it here for us, my brother 420 is so cool for doing that for us!

Before that there wasn't a good place for activists such as we to meet up and strategize. Back then It was all done by posting replies to the news articles. Not sure why you cant reply to the news articles anymore though? I kind of miss that because I had allot to say about the stories I read, it's kind of a given for activists to want to comment on the news of the day IMO.
I was just poking around on the interwebs and it looks like your state is still pretty bunchy. The first article I read about legaization was from a detox center quite sure that Marijuana leads to Heroin and death and that's why you shouldn't legalize it in Georgia.

I can tell you (and of course you already know) unfortunately that's how the system thinks. I've been at the bottom and dragged through it here in liberal MI, I can only imagine the haul you still have there. BUT THERE IS HOPE! I think it's just a matter of time really. I know that doesn't help today but it looks like people are coming around:

"State Sen. Matt Brass, a co-chairman of the commission, said he wants to help patients who can benefit from medical marijuana without moving the state closer to legalization of marijuana for recreational use."

The mere fact it is mentioned, positive or negative, mean's your state legislature absolutely wants the legalization of marijuana for recreational use, they just scared shitless of how they go about doing it without pissing off the Heroin detox lobby and the staggering number of alchoholics you have who think pot is the evil weed still.
Warrior, please do not give up the fight. Without open activists leading the way, any movement will die out. It is human nature... most people do not feel it is their duty to act and their personal interests and security will win out every time. The majority of people out here just want to grow their own pot, and in that defiant act, they are indeed doing their part, and probably doing all that they are capable of doing to help move along this worldwide movement.
They say that success is 99% preparation and 1% opportunity.
I have been flying this avatar, calling for legalization through education, regulation and medication, for a little over a decade. There were times here in Missouri when it was dangerous to speak up and to be identified as an activist could get unwanted additional scrutiny into your life. There is definitely a time to watch closely, but keep your powder dry and ready.
You never know what will be the tipping point. Here in Missouri it was my neighbor Jeff Mizanskey with his 3x and you're out life sentence for marijuana distribution and his pardon from President Obama. This fueled the resistance here in my state, and when Jeff personally took to the streets to make sure that we got enough signatures all over the state to get it on the ballot, the movement ignited. One person can make a difference!
Preparation was the key. Many of us associated with NORML and New Approach Missouri were ready to activate when Jeff hit the scene running. I was ready and I too spoke at many meetings and I am sure that I am responsible for large numbers of normally quiet people signing the petition. I took over a year off of from growing just to do this, and protect myself from any possible backlash from my activities. I had to fight to keep my position at work because of this activity. It was not and still is not easy. Those on the front lines are heroes and we have to keep in mind the sacrifices they have made to win this freedom for all of us. This life of activism is not for everyone, nor can you expect most people to put their own operations, their families and their homes in danger so as to further the movement.
Be prepared. If it starts to look like your state is beginning to soften on this issue, make your move if you can. If you know someone willing to take on this fight, support them, either with your words or your dollars. It became clear that I was driving all over the state on my own dime, and spending time on this effort that infringed upon the other areas of my life. As a result, I started getting generous donations on the speaking circuit to offset my costs. Everyone helps out however they can. Not everyone has the ability to write, speak, or financially help out to keep the activism going. Whatever it is that you can do... do it. Be prepared. Look for your opportunity.
WOW, thanks guys for your support and it's a true blessing to have you guys here in my corner. :thanks:

Honestly, I'd like to apologize for my slight melt down and venting of my frustrations, especially here in the "introduce yourself" forum, probably wasn't the best place for it, but I just wanted it to be somewhere it would be seen before I made any rash decisions.

TBH I was on the fence about going elsewhere with my message but now that I see there are still other activist around here to give their input and support, I think I'll have to stick around and stir the pot back up here some more.

I'm guessing frustration is supposed to go hand in hand with activism because if it were easy, everyone would do it? Although, everyone should be doing it anyway!

Ok, while I have at least a few people's attention, I want to invite everyone to my 420 Magazine: Activist Central thread and get it back up and running again.

I came up with this thread as a way for activist as well as people on the fence about activism to have a meeting place to bounce ideas off one another and do some out side the box thinking of new ways to spread the word.

Just a heads up though, I started this thread back in 2015 so we'll have to remove the cob webs and do some dusting to make it relevant to current laws in certain states and everything that's been done for the cause in the past 4 years, but it's still a cool place to meet and chat about things that can be done like making fliers, petitions, writing letters to reps and so on and so forth...

Anyway, much love to you all and thanks again for lifting me back up out of my funk, that's the 420 Magazine I fell in love with all those years back when I came here as a fledgling grower and you've all just proven to me that this is still one of the most beautiful places on the web!!!

:420:ROCKS MY WORLD!!! :love::love::love::love::love::love::love:
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