Germinating In Starter Plugs

@gooch: Well, actually after I stupidly dropped the door on the seedling last Sunday and cracked the stem, I threw it out- gone. But, on the following Monday Bob told me it could have been saved. Nevertheless, compared to my first two seeds, the one I have germinating is really taking its sweet time. As I said, I cheated by removing the bit of the starter plug from on top of the hole, and looked down it with a magnifying glass where I noted that the seed developed a tap root. So hopefully, it will pop soon. Even though the surviving plant is really developing leaves, Bob says the germinating one is only a few weeks behind, which shouldn't be too much of a problem.
@gooch: Fortunately, the germinating seed popped on Sunday, and is growing nicely with a single long root. The seedling is doing very nicely with multi rows of pointed leaves and a ton of roots sticking out of its bottom. Tomorrow I will call Bob, and we will finally be able to pour the 5.5 pH tap water with nutrients into the reservoir replacing the distilled water. It will certainly take this new seedling a lot of time to catch up, but Bob seems unconcerned. This whole thing is still pretty unclear in my head (when do we change to the flowering lights- how is the timer for the lights set- and so on?), and I wish there were clear and step by step instructions that I could follow, instead of the manual that came with my box, which foolishly assumes any knowledge on the part of 'virgin grower' such as myself. That way, I might not have to bother BOB every day.
well you need to stay in the growth stage for a certain amount of time based on the the amount of room you have. Given you are in tight quarters i suspect you will only do a month or so in veg, and then you will switch to 12/12 and change the light. Right now your little girls need to mature into teens before they can go into flower. Nothing in life is out of the box easy peazy, what fun would that be, we as humans strive to learn new things that is what your doing take it in and you have a log here to look back on
@gooch: Much thanks for the encouraging words. One of the problems I perceive is the amount of nutrients that will be used. There is quite a difficult formula in my not very good instructions, and the fact that I am not filling up my 1.5 gallon reservoir to the top (as per Bob), but only to the bottom of the net pots, I'm not sure about the nutrient amounts, which is yet something else I must speak to Bob about. My original plant (still in distilled water with a pinch of nutrient) seems to be doing fine with a lot of leaves emerging. The little guy has produced its round embryonic leaves, and a very small set of pointed ones, and is growing tall very fast. It has a lot of 'catching up' to do though. This entire endeavor is still overwhelming to me- the measuring of pH and nutrient schedule- but Bob says I will master it in time. Hopefully, he is correct.
"One of the problems I perceive is the amount of nutrients that will be used. There is quite a difficult formula in my not very good instructions, and the fact that I am not filling up my 1.5 gallon reservoir to the top (as per Bob), but only to the bottom of the net pots"
Well the amount of nutrients is based on the amount of water being used, typically each measurement is per gallon. as for filling it you only want to hit the bottom of the pots because you are using a small DWC(deep water culture) that means a solution stays in the reservoir usually with an airpump creating bubbles making it hit the bottom of the pots.

"The little guy" they are not guys. no chix like being called guys, dudes, or chix for that matter lol
@gooch: I spoke to Bob today, and because the new seedling hasn't really produced decent size leaves yet we're not going to consider this the first week. Too bad I stupidly destroyed that seedling.

In any event, today I filled the reservoir with one gallon of uncovered tap water, added a 1/4 tablespoon of Grow, a pinch of Calcium/Mag, and used my new meter to measure it to roughly 5.5 pH (I hope).

When we start the Grow week next week, it will be 1 tablespoon of Grow and 1/8 tablespoon of Calcium/Mag (1/4 if any yellowing) per gallon which sounds easy enough. In the next stage it will be 1 tablespoon of Bloom for each gallon. Even I can handle that.
Started germinating a new seed on monday night, got my 1/4 inch tap root this afternoon, paper towel method is so clutch,
I wish you would stop said stupidly or im an idiot etc.. unless you did it on purpose, accidents happen, we learn and move on, beating yourself up over it still is pointless. Yes nutes can be simple or difficult depending on what brand you use. You are using what came with the system i presume? I use General Hydroponics flora series. So i have to mix as many as 7 different ingredients to make the formula.
@gooch: Concerning germination, I remember the thrill of seeing my very first two seeds break the surface of their starter plugs at five days, which told me things were actually working- mind boggling! Now, I look at my very first plant which is sprouting leaves like crazy. Just amazing!

Well, I didn't destroy that seedling on purpose, but through complete negligence because I didn't take into account how heavy the door to my PC box was. The crazy thing just slipped out of my hands.

While Dealzer offers all kind of nutes (Moon Dust, Bud Builder, Hesi, Humboldt, etc.), my box came with just three- RAW Grow and Calcium/Mag and RAW Bloom, which Bob tells me are really all I need. Perhaps, in the future, I'll get a bit more sophisticated with more nutes.

I'll be going out of town for a few days and will return next Wednesday. Bob tells me that before leaving I should make sure the water level is sufficient, and based on how developed the new seedling will be when I return, we'll decide when our first out of eight weeks begins. I can't wait for the flowering stage way down the road to see actual buds grow.

Thinking way down the line to harvesting, I'm trying to figure out how to inconspicuously dry my buds. My wife's cleaning lady goes down to the cellar, and from what I understand, the drying buds have a very powerful smell. Drying them out in a cardboard box will hide them from sight, but the odor may be a problem. Of course, I'll only have the buds of two plants which might not smell as powerfully as the yield of 20 plants, but we'll cross that bridge at a later time. Talk with you soon.
So how did everything look upon returning? You should post some pictures so people can see what is happening. Well even while growing the plants are going to stank to high heaven, I suggest making the basement offlimits unless she is 420 friendly, after all she is an employee and can only do what she is told to do, I hope
@gooch: When I came home last Wednesday, I was shocked to see how low the water level was in my reservoir, which is probably so because there are so many roots (and they're very long) and they suck up a lot more water. My original plant is full of leaves, and it's getting real crowded in my box. The smaller seedling is coming along fine, but very slowly. I have to leave town again tomorrow and won't return till Thursiday, which means the reservoir will have to be filled almost to the top to keep the net pots in water. One way or the other, next week will be the second week with nutes and grow lights, and I am eager to start the third week when the light bulbs will be changed and the plants will get 12 hours of dark which should cause them to flower. The little one has a lot of catching up to do, though.
you should look into a simple auto topping off system that will add water automatically once it reaches a low level and stop once its filled
@gooch: Well, Bob says that he never saw a plant grow as big and as fast as my original one. It was outgrowing the box, and smothering the newer plant. He made me trim down the larger which would stunt its growth, and allow the smaller to catch up. I hope I haven't ruined anything. I've already started the Bloom nute, and switched the light bulbs which are on timer- 12 on and 12 off. Here is a photo of where I am. Hopefully, I haven't screwed things up too badly.
Well from what i understand when the rood system is allows to dry somewhat and then get its food then dry again etc... makes it grow incredibly, so possibly when you went away and the water was low it made them "try harder". They both look great. sometimes to slow the growth you can cut the leaves in half, there are many videos of this technique out there.
Edit... and look at the thickness of that stock holy shit
@gooch: Do you really think they look great? Regrettably, Bob tells me there are legal problems with sending him photos (just my luck). He also said I'm about eight weeks from flowering, if the little one ever catches up. This whole thing is still very 'uncertain' to me, and I still can't see any light at the end of the tunnel. Question: Wouldn't trimming the plant cut down on the possible buds (flowers) that will hopefully be produced?
yes they do look great and it takes time for the seedling to get big enough to go into flower. When you switch lights to 12/12 that is when flowering starts. When you have light on 24 its in bloom or growth
Well I am referring to cutting the lead itself in half not removing any. Did you share this forum with Bob? What I enjoy is everyday adding new thing appear
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