Grape Ape in flower

Holy S**T they look awesome!! One of my buddies had some GA one time brightest purple buds I'd ever seen. When the buzz hit it hit hard took me to another dimension. I'm excited to see your final product!!!
Thanks ga is the main strain I’m goin to b working for a wile got a few clones will b making seeds def not a popular strain for shure
Thanks for the info!!! I will be looking into getting some in the future depending on price. Funds are short in my neck of the woods THANKS VA!!!!! Anyways are you going to keep this journal going until harvest? If so I would love to tag along if you don't mind.
I really can’t wait till the end n all I’m using nutes wise is pro tek n foliage pro from dyna grow sticking to simple tired of mixing ten bottles every time I change res
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