GrowingGirls' Mystery Seed Growing Adventure Journal - 2010

All I can really say about this photo is... :thumb:

That is one hell of a nice looking bud!
The last big girl is looking superb. I'm really glad (though I'm sure your happier) that your letting her flower for 14 weeks. Looks like that strain just simply takes that long. The scrog looks amazing as well. Gotta love scrogs, they're always worth it.

I would for sure follow that curing guide I posted. Hanging for 3-4 weeks, and then curing for a few more can be hard at times, especially if you've got no bud to smoke (though I think you do?), but believe me it's worth the time. It's what makes the difference in good bud and amazing bud.
The last big girl is looking superb. I'm really glad (though I'm sure your happier) that your letting her flower for 14 weeks. Looks like that strain just simply takes that long. The scrog looks amazing as well. Gotta love scrogs, they're always worth it.

I would for sure follow that curing guide I posted. Hanging for 3-4 weeks, and then curing for a few more can be hard at times, especially if you've got no bud to smoke (though I think you do?), but believe me it's worth the time. It's what makes the difference in good bud and amazing bud.

Yeah, I'm happy...I don't think the two others would have made it to 14 weeks, but I wish I would have tried to push them to 10 even though they really really didn't want to grow anymore.

And, I've smoked it all up already; it was only about 20 grams and it was weak as hell so it took a lot to get me even just semi-high. Right now, I'm smoking some of the baby buds that I trimmed from below the screen and quick-dried on top of a light fixture...yeah, I'm trying to get high on 4-week-old buds and it's not really working. But they had to be trimmed off, so they had to be smoked. ;)

I haven't paid for weed in about a month, which has been nice, but I'm going to have to take a hard look at the budget tomorrow and see if I can afford a little sack of some good shit. Also, my housemate insists on smoking me up at least a couple times a week, which is awesome.

I'm going to dry and cure for as long as I can stand it, but 6 weeks just plain isn't going to happen this time. Hopefully when the scroggers are ready, I'll be in a better position to do a super long hang/cure. I'm planning on converting a barely-used cupboard in my hallway into a drying's going to be sweet.

I don't know what I'm going to do if all 8 of my clones make it out alive. I've got a seed order on the way and there is no damn way I am going to delay getting my nice fast-flowering indica seeds planted just because I have too many sloooooooow sativas hanging around.
Finding room in my budget to buy a little sack was a very good idea...look what I found in there!


I think I'm going to pop them into some small pots with coco and make them part of this journal. Hooray for more mystery seeds...and for my dude's dude apparently growing a herm. :)

Have to watch out for that herm though sometimes, since it is now in the traits all four could possible grow hermed out so watch yourself do not wanna nanner other stuff :) Just being cautious :cool:


I'm loving this coco. It was a bit of a pain to get going because I bought it in brick form, which is known for being really salty...I had to spend a lot of time rinsing it.

It really takes the work out of PH control, in comparison to soil. After rinsing with many, many gallons of unadjusted (7.5+) tap water, it just took a regular feeding amount of water adjusted to 6.5 to get the coco set at 5.8-6.0. Super easy.

I spent a lot of time getting my hands dirty...learning about the texture of the coco, breaking up chunks, figuring out how it drains (or doesn't) differently than soil.

The bagseeds are planted and will just be hanging out in my kitchen until the sprouts show. It would be awesome if my seed order showed up today so I can get those going too, since I have a ton of rinsed coco.
Looks like we both scored!! I found some White Widow Seeds in my dispensary purchase this week!! Crossing fingers and toes for both of us that they sprout!!!
I got an ounce and a half with my two girls. They were a hell of a lot smaller than Rue.
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