GrownManHollr's First Attempt — Hopeful Hempys

Hellooo! Hope everybody's doing well. Just updating with some more pictures and stuff.

Things are going well with the divas. Their soakin' in the lumens and suckin' up a lot of water. Modified my ventilation arrangement a little bit to keep them cooler. Trying to keep temps under 80. Not always succeeding.

Getting some red hairs on some of the buds. Seeing a more of that in areas that are receiving more air flow.

As noted above by 619ster, there's a good bit of frostiness going on here. Apparently, the JH is generally well known for that. I suspect the snowstorm+ is contributing as well.







Some of these little popcorn buds are the coolest ones to look at...






I'm gonna read up on hash making during the next few weeks. Bet I'll be able to get a very healthy amount (if I don't screw anything up and I learn to do it right!).

Thanks for stopping by!
Wow, great shot.

Thanks GG! It's fun playing with a nice camera. Need to get one like this for myself one of these days.
I second what Munki said about humidity; mine often creeps up to 60 overnight but it has not been a problem.

That's good to hear. It's just a really humid place where I live (swamp-view almost!). It was easy keeping RH on the high side during vegging. The lower humidity preferred for flowering has been tougher to achieve. Lots of condensate involved. And buckets.

When I win the lottery, I plan to build a grow room from the ground up. It's only a matter of time. ;)
Hello! Tonight I decided that I wanted to get a look at these ladies individually. I haven't pulled them out of the tent or moved them around since the beginning of flowering.

Let's just say...I won't be doing that again. Pretty sure it was harder on me than it was on them. They're just too big and my "grow room" way too small to be doing that! Broke one top on plant 4 and beat up all of them for no good reason.

Anyway here are a few pictures of the Hairy Divas as of September 8th. Just over 6 weeks into flowering.
Here is plant 2

She's getting to be a big girl! Though none of them are really all that tall. As you can see in the next picture, the height of plant 4 is about 30" (including the pot which is about 9"). Plant 4 always was the shortest, but it's come a long way!
plant 4

After pulling those 2 plants out of the tent, it was clear that I needed to stop pulling them out of there!

Here is plant 5 (Timmy!).

Timmy has regained the top spot! She has got some fat buds developing. She likes to show off her 10" cola. :)

And here is plant 1

The buds on Plant 1 are not as developed as those on the other plants. More room for Growth! (Yes Munki, I'm a CHRONIC Optimist.):yummy:
very nice brother.. great job, they gonna be some fat dank buds for sure..

Thanks Irish! This wouldn't be happening without a LOT of help from you and the other amazing folks here on this site! I already feel like I've won the lottery getting information and pointers from the likes of IrishBoy, DocBud, Munki, and others!

Thanks to everyone for their willingness to "Pass it Forward" here!

Here's a zoomed in view from the same picture of plant 4 as above. It gives a better idea of how the bud development looks.

Don't want to count my chickens before they're hatched:wood:, but, over the next 2-3 weeks I've got to figure out how best to harvest, dry, and cure these babies!
Gmh ,that's some of the best trich shots i have seen +reps :smokin:


Thanks for the +rep HH! And thanks for stopping by!

Oh they look so delishhh! I thnk I'll be venturing into hempy next. Looks simple and results have been nice. Good job!

Hey 619ster! Thanks Man!

Chose hempy because I'd read that it was "forgiving". I think that's true! These girls have forgiven me over and over and just keep growing nicely! Think I'm going to try a soil grow next, but, will be growing in hempy buckets again in the future. It's a great method! Got to watch those temps though!
Hello! Once again, apologies for my irregular postings. Been a little shy of time lately.

Well the Divas are cruising along toward what I HOPE will be a smooth finish. Gave them a little bit of Gravity this week. After 3 doses I stopped because the fan leaves on 2 of the plants where looking a bit limp. Can't really say at this point whether it's provided a tremendous boost. Plant 1 plumped up noticeably (it was also the one lagging the most). On the other plants, I hope that it at least will help insure good solid bud material. They seem pretty dense, but I haven't been doing a lot of squeezing!

Here are some pics from tonight.

My Dear, meet mister pipe!

Starting to get a lot of pistils drying out and turning red, especially on plant 2 which get the most air flow.

Gonna need to work out a way to even out air flow inside the tent.

This is one of the tops on plant 1

Plant 1 appears to be more of a sativa phenotype.

Another picture of plant 1

Here's Timmy!

Timmy appears to be more of an indica phenotype. I read that these will be the heavier producers. That seems to be bearing up!



I know these gals are getting closer to harvest time. They're at 7 1/2 weeks right now. Pretty sure they'll go 9 or 10 weeks before I'll want to chop them.

Gotta get a jeweler's loop (or something) to check the trichs with. (fleabay, here I come).

Thanks for checking in!
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