Had 2 seeds completely sprout underground and develop the 2nd set of leaves


Well-Known Member
has anyone else ever had this happen. Can anyone help me out here, i got them up and the leave above soil and they turned green from yellow, but they are extremely tiny like smaller than i've ever seen. can anyone help me out?

it is Purple kush 75% indica

2 seedling under a 315w CMH light 18h on and 6 off temp is 79 to 80 wit humidity 60 -70 its in a 4*4*6.5 tent fan cooled no nute yet only dis water


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They look like normal "just popped outa the ground" seedlings to me...

Give them a chance-they just got here.
Probably a good thing you did, but they look ok now.
Literally just had this experience for my first time. New to coco, and I buried the seeds a little deeper than I usually do. I've germinated so many that by the 7th day, I knew I should have been seeing some action, so I dug them out and the cotyledons had fully formed and opened underneath within the coco.

From what I understand, the cotyledons and endosperm in the seed feed it while it's making its voyage to above, and the "true leaves" will not begin to provide photosynthesis activity until the cotyledons are gone. So I think as long as it had the cotyledons, it still would have had energy to make it up through the dirt.

Nothing wrong with helping them along though.
Literally just had this experience for my first time. New to coco, and I buried the seeds a little deeper than I usually do. I've germinated so many that by the 7th day, I knew I should have been seeing some action, so I dug them out and the cotyledons had fully formed and opened underneath within the coco.

From what I understand, the cotyledons and endosperm in the seed feed it while it's making its voyage to above, and the "true leaves" will not begin to provide photosynthesis activity until the cotyledons are gone. So I think as long as it had the cotyledons, it still would have had energy to make it up through the dirt.

Nothing wrong with helping them along though.

Not at all!!! i took some cloneX and put a few drops of it around the base of each little guy and sprayed water to mix it in, using ph adjust distilled, with a drop of super thrive in the gal i use to water, and with the bags i think i've got them, back.
The leaves turned a nice green color from the yellow color i found them in.

What color were they when you got them out of the ground because mine were all yellow looked almost dead i was worried.
Was just buried a little deeper than she wanted to be, will be fine though. I had a skunk seed recently poke thru with its helmet still on, and wouldn’t come off for longer than I liked, I wet the seed and pulled it off with tweezers, the 2 leaves it was stuck to turned yellow and one turned like rock hard and died, the other turned back to green and she’s a little stunted compared to the others i planted but she’s coming back slowly
I thought they all came up that way. I don't germinate outside of the dirt. Plant about an inch down. They take 5 to 7 days to come up.
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