Hello! And a couple questions

I'm not sure if it would stress them too much or not at this point. I honestly don't know so I don't wanna tell you one way or another. I don't think leaving them on this late in the game is gonna make much difference though. Hopefully someone else will chime in and give you a better answer, sorry. Make sure you post some pictures before you chop. You should think about doing a journal next time you grow. Good luck though your almost there.
Thanks for your help. Yeah I started a journal but never got much feedback so I just posted here because you all seemed interested! I'll get some more photos when I'm in there working on them today. Also, do you know if a good reference for the flushing process?
Hey Lindsey, need to put a link to your journal in your signature so people can find you.

Hey Lindsey, need to put a link to your journal in your signature so people can find you.

Okay I'll look into that and set it up today.
Well damn I should have been helping you out in your journal. Im not to familiar with dwc, so I really only know how to flush soil. I'll see if I can get someone over to your journal that grows dwc and can help.
Well it hasn't been updated since flowering probably. But I'll go back and update it today and add it to my signature for you guys.
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