Hello Im a Newbie lookin for schoolin


New Member
Im working with a 250 watt hps with a home made barrier. Would like to go bigger next time but $ is tight. Any TIPS, HINTS, and com:goodluck:ents would be appreciated. I am planny on starting the scrog method soon. Going to get materials tonight :)
I have seedlings that have started under constant light in 3 days that was a little quicker than i exspected. I dont really have alot of luck finding anything im lookin for on here either :(
Are you closet growing or in a cabinet? What kind of plans do you have in mind? What strain are you growing? Have you decided on a potting mix to use? Are you using Tap or store bought water? Using nutrients? How many plants? Plan on cloning to get a rotationg going? Whats up man... WE WANT DETAILS!
Troublesome. Maybe you should start a thread in The Grow Room. you'll get way more feedback there! Hope this helps!
Hey Troublesome what are you lookin' for? We are here for you Friend.

Give us things you would like to Research and we will point you there.
Did I see you asking for another 250 watt grows here?
I looked quickly and will continue to search.
Please make yourself at home.
Start postin' and we will try to keep up.
We will be waiting for more from you...Ok?
:welcome: :peace:
This one is for you :roorrip: :cheesygrinsmiley:
Ok so i guess i should of been a little more descriptive of the details befor i asked for help duuhh haha. Ok well first off i am setting out to get the best buds and most quantity i can out of my 250 watts. I am on a very tight budget and have got this thing going with little to no $. The light was loaned to me for one grow then i need to get my own, which shouldnt be a problem by that time. I am just tired on payin for buds that arent to their fullest POTential ;) Iv got my grow in my cellar where i have plenty of room just not enough light to fill that much of a space (250 watt hps)... so i made a barrier out of some extra shutters we had laying down there. I thought it was better than nothing but was told that it wont do much for me...??? Ill try to post my pics on here if i can figure it out. I lined the inside of my makeshift wall with tin foil that i got at the dollar store for 1$ for 30 ft. (dullside out). Last year i had alot of potted plants that had mix in them and i just collected all that i could and had enough to fill 4 small plant containers. I planted about 6 or so seeds in each with plans on only keeping 4 in the end. The light stayed on 24 hours and i kept the soil moist. The babies popped out 3 days later and here we are. I was told i had the light too close so when i get the pics i have up the light is now 12 or so inches away. I am very interested in the scrog method of growing and do think that i will get the most out of what im working with that way. I will be getting a better medium soon for when i have to repot them. And as of right this second i am just using water that ive had in gallon milk juges for at lest 24 hours but will be gettin bc hydro nutes because ill be gettin it for free as well... Im very crafty when it comes to hustlin up what i need. I cant seem to come up with any kind of cabinet that my light will fit...so im stuck doing it this way i think. If iv forgotten anything just ask or ill think of something new and post it on here. I hope this helps you guys help me on my quest :) Thankx Juicy, Dankafied, And the weed
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