Help-a-noob - First grow - Week 2 - Droopy Leaves with pics


New Member
New member here. Been reading a lot (thanks for all the stickies). First ever post :)

I'm into my 2nd week of my first test grow and I've just noticed the leaves being droopy overnight. If i was a gambler, I'd say it's an over-watering issue and would water them less frequently. Nonetheless, I won't rest easy without getting a 2nd opinion.

Any and all advice is welcome! Bear in mind that my grow is quite low-tech due to location and troublesome access to ideal tools and substances. I must make-do with generic stuff unfortunately.

Strain: 1x Sweet Mango (Greenhouse seeds co.) - Hybrid (indica/sativa : 70/30)
Stage: Veg (week 2)
Grow type: Indoors
Soil: Generic Potting Mix (fertilized) 40% + Perlite 30% + Peat Moss 20%
Soil PH: ~7.5
Pot: Party drinking cup
Light: 1x 40W CFL + 1x 23W CFL (1380 Lumins)
Circulation: Small non-oscillating fan (gentle breeze)
Temperature: 75
RH of Room: N/A
Any Pests: N/A
Watering Frequency: Once a day
Type and Strength of Fertilizers used: None other than what was already in the potting soil

Watering once a day is to much. Also do you use RO or distilled water or water from the tap? Tap water has chlorine and other stuff in it you don't want to use. Usually cups don't drain so the water will sit and wick up the soil in the cup. I have low humidity here so they dry quicker and at most I water every 2-3 days on clones. You should let it dry out a little between watering. Put your finger in the soil if it is dry in the top inch or so down then water. Hope that helps other than that they look real green.
I use dechlorinated tap water (using pet shot solution that removes chlorine chloramine and amonia). I keep a sealed bottle handy in room temp.

PS: Not sure if significant or not, but the base of the stem is purple-ish (but I've read that is of no grave concern and that some growers actually like it when that happens...)
May I ask, how did you ascertain the soil ph because the girls look "loaded up with nutrients." And if 7.5 is continued, plants will suffer early on in uptake of Fe and Mn, followed by Zn deficiency?
Leaves naturally droop at night during lights off of the flowering period, which I know doesn't apply to your young plant. It does look like overwatering, and the purple stem is indicative of stress. I'm not a soil guy, but most soil guys I've seen don't water daily...
@budstud: I did a Soil PH test using a kit from my local gardening shop. 7.5 is not intended; it's just what I got with this soil mix. If I had to venture a guess, I'd say it's mostly the cow manure compost that's loaded up with nutrients. Any advice on how to fix that issue once I transplant to the big pot?

@DonDraper: point taken already on the watering thing. Will ease up on that, since the cup doesn't drain.
I wouldn't use chemical ph up or down on a soil grow it will not do too good to beneficial bacterias
good soil should have a stable growing ph
if you mix your own you need to keep that in mind when you make it
most commercial soils have roughly the correct ph because most plants use certain ph to thrive
make sure the pot/cup is dry before you water again
I notice the light doesn't seem too bright how far away is it?
bring it to about 4-6 inches and cfl's throw out more light from the sides than the bottom
Update: Now the whole stem is lying sideways (too heavy to support itself?). I've poked a couple tiny holes in the base of the cup to accelerate the drainage. Is they anything else I could do to help the plant's recovery? Could it recover back to its healthy state?

@ budstud: No 'PH Down' for soil available in the market commercially, only for water tanks.

@ Cronichemphog: the 40W CFL is 6 inches from the plant (it was momentarily directed away for the pictures)

I would not saying this is what anyone else would do but id add maybe another half inch or more of soil to help support it the stem doesn't look too good there at the bottom
and see if it recovers
you can also use something to help prop it up but looking at that stem id add more soil first then try and use something to help prop it up
if it was a free seed would be one thing but if you bought it you should put that extra effort into it
I started with free seeds first when I did I didn't want to waste the seeds I bought

I usually germ my seed in a paper towel then from paper towel it goes into a rooting plug and does not go into hydro or soil until such time as I see at least some rooting coming out of the plug
and when I do put it in soil it is kinda stretched like that but I bury it a bit deeper when I do put it in soil
and when I transplant if I have to go a bit deeper I do this is just what I do
Please understand that I'm not advising you to start throwing the ph down to your plants. If your substrate is desirable you would not need anything if it's a good balanced soil. What your using doesn't look organic but rather unorganic, but it should sustain your plants for two weeks at least, but as the plants grow (assuming) you'll need something to bring it down. I can sustain my plants well on commercial ph down and only two/three light doses of fertilizer for 4 months.

I'd do as Cronichemphog suggests and add soil to the top of the cup and let that support your seedling, but as she grows you'll probably better get some commercial grade phosphorous ph down or go organic.
Thanks for the help guys

@Cronichemphog, took your advice and added more soil to the top so it supports the stem.

@budstud, can you elaborate a little on "what your using doesn't look organic but rather unorganic"? unless I misunderstood you, the soil mix used is 100% organic potting mix + perlite + peat moss.
Update: Now the whole stem is lying sideways (too heavy to support itself?). I've poked a couple tiny holes in the base of the cup to accelerate the drainage. Is they anything else I could do to help the plant's recovery? Could it recover back to its healthy state?

@ budstud: No 'PH Down' for soil available in the market commercially, only for water tanks.

@ Cronichemphog: the 40W CFL is 6 inches from the plant (it was momentarily directed away for the pictures)


Can you use ebay as an outlet to purchase products? And, what I meant about your soil is: it simply doesn't look consistent to good quality soil. No offense I hope? But for good info to read on soil go here: Marijuana cultivation in soil.
I'm glad to say that life is coming back to this baby after poking a few holes in the cup and sticking a pen in the soil to improve aeration :)


@ budstud: Thanks for your help man (no offense taken ofc!). I found a way to get the PH Down and other products shipped from Ebay (but it's gonna take a couple of weeks at most to get here). The other items include a Diamondseries DS200 LED lighting (instead of the CFLs), a couple of proper oscillating fans (instead of non-oscillating), fertilizer (for later stages) and Mylar film (instead of the aluminum foil)... perhaps even a "Wormie the Water Sensor" to avoid the over-watering issue altogether. Anything else you believe would of immediate benefit to my setup?

Thanks again to everyone who pitched in with their support.
I'm glad to say that life is coming back to this baby after poking a few holes in the cup and sticking a pen in the soil to improve aeration :)


@ budstud: Thanks for your help man (no offense taken ofc!). I found a way to get the PH Down and other products shipped from Ebay (but it's gonna take a couple of weeks at most to get here). The other items include a Diamondseries DS200 LED lighting (instead of the CFLs), a couple of proper oscillating fans (instead of non-oscillating), fertilizer (for later stages) and Mylar film (instead of the aluminum foil)... perhaps even a "Wormie the Water Sensor" to avoid the over-watering issue altogether. Anything else you believe would of immediate benefit to my setup?

Thanks again to everyone who pitched in with their support.

What did you use to bring it down, vinegar?
Didn't affect any change to soil PH as of yet. I focused on reducing moisture inside the container as it was pretty high for such a small plant
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