Help With These Big Bang Autos


Well-Known Member
These girls broke soil a few days ago and do not look good at all! There stems are still green but that's about all they have going for them! As you can see, the one still has its first two leaves stuck together and yellow and the other seedling, well... It hasn't grown anything that has looked well. That being said, they do have long tap roots that are growing out the bottom of their rapid rooters and their stems are green. Do you think they are going to survive? They are in Rapid rooters down in 7 gallon cloth pots filled with Fox Farms ocean Forest and some perlite. I have a Mars Hydro 600w LED light about 20 inch above them. This is my fourth grow and only my second with autos and they seem to be very touchy as seedlings. Can anyone out there help me? Please?! Do you think they're going to make it? I know the ultimate answer will be to wait and see but I'm just wondering if anyone else has had the same issues with their autos...? Thank you in advance for helping out a rookie! I appreciate you!


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Gonna just offer a "guess if that's ok" The idea that possibly the root is able to grow downward but not lateral is what Im thinking. I would break up those cubes they are in so the roots can expand outward. Of course your dialed in with the ph and everything else ?
The light may be too intense at this tender age. 20" seems way too close
Can you lift the light a foot or so?
Or just put a cfl or led bulb about 6" above them for a week or so and see what happens.
I took the pictures right after I sprayed them. I spray them with pH water every 12 hours, they are bone dry by that point. So I upped my humidity and I'm keeping my humidity around 60 to 65% and my temperatures between 75 and 80 degrees, per a veterans suggestion on here
Gonna just offer a "guess if that's ok" The idea that possibly the root is able to grow downward but not lateral is what Im thinking. I would break up those cubes they are in so the roots can expand outward. Of course your dialed in with the ph and everything else ?
Gosh I would hate to take those anybody tiny seedlings with only a super long Taproot, out of the rapid rooters and bury them, I did this with my last two and they died. Are you sure that's what I should do?
The light may be too intense at this tender age. 20" seems way too close
Can you lift the light a foot or so?
Or just put a cfl or led bulb about 6" above them for a week or so and see what happens.
I'm moving them up now!
Does my temperature and humidity sound about right? Thank you again!
Can't really help you there-I'm an outdoor grower ,which is an "it is what it is" situation.
They sound about right to me - but without first hand experience,can't say for sure.
I took the pictures right after I sprayed them. I spray them with pH water every 12 hours, they are bone dry by that point. So I upped my humidity and I'm keeping my humidity around 60 to 65% and my temperatures between 75 and 80 degrees, per a veterans suggestion on here
Now that they are in the soil they have access to more water (soil is pre-soaked, correct ;)) so hold off for 24 hours with the water.
Gosh I would hate to take those anybody tiny seedlings with only a super long Taproot, out of the rapid rooters and bury them, I did this with my last two and they died. Are you sure that's what I should do?
I think he is referring to cutting the sides of the rooter to allow the roots to expand sideways...though I would wait on that until you get some leaves going first.
No Im not sure I was guessing. To be sure I would have to had set everything up myself and double checked everything as I stopped trusting myself long ago. They are on their deathbed now , its either a ph problem or a root binding problem within those cubes. Did you pre soak the cubes for 24 hours in ph adjusted water? Raising the light will help too.
On their Deathbed? Ouch. Oh no. I guess I can update you in a day or two but you may be right. Not sure if they'll make it.
And yes I did soak them in pH water for 24 hours before I put the seeds in there. I've never had a problem before. I think I'm going straight into soil from now on. I've never gone wrong when I've done it that way. Ever.
And yes I did soak them in pH water for 24 hours before I put the seeds in there. I've never had a problem before. I think I'm going straight into soil from now on. I've never gone wrong when I've done it that way. Ever.
Mistakes help us learn...onward :headbanger:
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