Hermaphrodites - questions

I have some questions for starters and may have more, If you also have questions post away and let’s see if we can learn something!... that is of course is someone answers! :cheesygrinsmiley:

Is it true that a female plant pollinated by a hermaphrodite will have feminized seed?

If a hermaphrodite pollinates itself will its seed be hermaphrodite?

I have seen more hermaphrodites in a wide range of seed is this a trend due to poor breeding?

Will a female plant that has come from feminized seed if pollinated by a male have hermaphrodites in the seed?

Are hermaphrodites useful or are they degenerating the species?
Re: Hermaphrodites ... questions

I have tried to find an answer and seems no one really knows.

Thanks for your reply Ganjahoarder

In time I will be able to answer one or two of them ... but don't let that stop anyone from answering.

Meanwhile I will be looking for info
The answer is actually really simple, 90% of the seeds of a 'self pollinated' plant will be female. To be self pollinated the plant must be a hermie. Back in the day a hermie was a god send for outdoor growers without seed banks and such available. :)

The problem with a hermie seed is it has a chance to become a hermie plant itself because of a weakened genetic line. Think of inbreeding and the rep it has in ALL species. The strongest and most robust seeds come from differing 'families'. Since seed banks and such have gone mainstream and info has come out hermies are getting a bad rap. When you can buy a pure female seed for 10 bucks nobody lets the hermie live long enough to care for seeds that are '90% female'....everyone wants guaranteed fems.

Now to let a hermie 'pollinate another plant or be pollinated by another male' will ruin the 90% female seed ratio AND will make the resulting seeds still carry the weakened genes to perhaps go hermie on you.

Although the 'self pollinated' seeds are weaker and have a genetic 'mark' that can make them hermie most don't and stay female.

Hope this was helpful!:goodluck:
I have a strain that keeps herming on me due to light leak. Its really good bud so I just pick the nanners off. Answer some of your ?'s If you have a hermie and it pollinates yes you got fem seeds, But you also got the hermie trait. Be careful if you know why she is herming that helps. There is really only 3 ways to herming a plant I think not sure. I just been dealing with a hermie for 2 grows now Im not growing it again. Maybe later cause I have seeds.From this harvest Im going to have plenty. Yes hermies weaken the genitics I think.
and hermies polinating females produce 100% fem seeds
The resulting seeds may be a female plant or a hermie plant and even if a female plant it will have a hermie trait even if not dominant. There is no way a hermie can make a seed without the recessive gene that predetermines a plant can go hermie. The reality is most seeds and strains are made because of trying to strengthen seed stock which has become weakened due to the recessive gene turning up more and more as generations progress. ergo grabbing two hyper potent strains and making a new one which may when combined no longer carry the recessive gene when properly bred over generations and choosing the strongest of the species.
The resulting seeds may be a female plant or a hermie plant and even if a female plant it will have a hermie trait even if not dominant. There is no way a hermie can make a seed without the recessive gene that predetermines a plant can go hermie. The reality is most seeds and strains are made because of trying to strengthen seed stock which has become weakened due to the recessive gene turning up more and more as generations progress. ergo grabbing two hyper potent strains and making a new one which may when combined no longer carry the recessive gene when properly bred over generations and choosing the strongest of the species.

Dude google it, pollinating a female with HERMIE pollen will produce females, and hermies just produce high percentage of females with a chance of herming..google it
It is not a 'female' just because it starts as such...it has a gene precursor which can turn the plant at anytime into a hermie when stressed or even just decide at any point if the seed stock is weakened enough. Super cropping, over pruning, lights fluctuations, heat issues, or even under-watering can make the 'autoimmune' gene trigger. I know my stuff being a biologist who majors in genetics. It is like 7th grade Punnet Squares everyone does when studying Darwin and how he derived at he theory of evolution.:reading420magazine:

It is also why most seed banks use Colloidal Silver because each generation using a hermie to pollinate increases the strength of the gene to hermie....its like a family who has an autoimmune disease. just because a person does not display the symptoms does not make them a non-carrier.:peacetwo:

You want a strain that does not hermie then find a strain that does not carry the trait.
is it true that when a plant gets pollinated it stops producing thc??

Not necessarily. My first grow I had a few pollen sacks that escaped my scrutiny when I had heat-stressed hermies. They were on the lower branches and pollinated a few popcorn buds that were immediately below the open pollen sacks. I got a few seeds from a few of these popcorn buds, but nowhere else on the ladies. The pollinated buds were similar in size to the unpollinated ones and I think it was due to the fact that only one or two calyxes were affected, the rest continued to plump up and mature without any issues. The rest of the plants seemed to me to be totally unaffected by a few pollinated buds and produced a nice harvest. I think that to significantly affect the THC production of an entire plant, the majority of that plant would have to be pollinated.
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