Hey ive just discovered the perfect food to eat while stoned


Nug of the Month 2nd and Plant of the Month 3rd Pl
I think the most perfect food to eat while stoned is cold, sweet, watermelon or cantalope or any melon LOL but watermelon is the bomb. any other suggestions? :cool:
I totally agree with this! Just the other day i was rooting through my fridge (after a sesh) and found a full watermelon. I cut it in two and ate out of it like a bowl, it was amazing, sweet, cold, liquidy! My pasties (cotton mouth) was gone, and it was delicious!

I also really like oranges while in the clouds...
when you're really hungry and want more than a snack a quesodilla is the best thing ever!

its really easy to make, and tastes delicious!
kung pau chicken, the ones with the dried chili peppers crushed and embedded into the chicken. ftw
If I dared to keep ice cream in the house, it would be vanilla from Costco with whatever else I had on hand. Fruits or syrups. Watermelon is better for health.
^^ ironic, Beefbowl is advocating Chicken :cheesygrinsmiley:

Variety is everything though; that's why we have Indica and Sativa ;)

That is toooo funnnyy heheheh beefbowl advocating chicken LOL good one soniq420 :slide: :cool:
I think the most perfect food to eat while stoned is cold, sweet, watermelon or cantalope or any melon LOL but watermelon is the bomb. any other suggestions?

Lots of cotton candy washed down with LOTS of the drink of your choice?

Funnel cakes!!! (Bring extra MJ.)

Anything that doesn't taste like chicken.

The brook trout that you caught yourself earlier in the day?

Spicy SlimJims seem like the choicest cut of steak when you're there.

I don't know why but if there are any chocolate covered raisins in the place when I get there, there won't be for long.

All you can eat pizza buffet!

I used to eat these little square pieces of paper from time to time, but that's "meat" for a different forum, methinks.

My lady love.

i was rooting through my fridge (after a sesh) and found a full watermelon.

LMFAO on the mental image of the size refrigerator that you'd need to be rooting around in it and suddenly find a whole watermelon.

I can usually spot the watermelon soon after I open my refrigerator door... Unless I was really in a hurry when I put it in there - then I can tell immediately by the fact that I'm hopping up and down on one foot while holding the other one and cursing while trying not to slip in the remains of the watermelon.

Picturing a stoner's dazed journey through his walk-in cooler and him following the rainbow and finding not, err, some pot that is gold, but a watermelon hiding behind those hanging sides of beef.

Wow. I sure wish I'd found a seed in this bud:grinjoint:.

Guess you had to be there, for that:bong:.
oh man thats funny, I never thought of that before , but his fridge must me gigantic or maybe hes really small and it just seems big LOL :cool:
might sound nasty but dont knock it tell you try it. a scoop of peanutbutter at the bottom of a bowl then pour golden grahms, apple jacks, and rasin brand on top then choclate milk. and your good to go
TRAINWRECK i would eat any of those things seperate. but together? man that"s genius!!!!
my favorite baked treat would be, ice cream sandwiches with chocolate or strawberry syrup. man its like jesus crapped in your mouth. its that GOOD!!!
might sound nasty but dont knock it tell you try it. a scoop of peanutbutter at the bottom of a bowl then pour golden grahms, apple jacks, and rasin brand on top then choclate milk. and your good to go

Ok its official, Trainwreck has made my Cerified Official Stoner List. This thread is funny as hell. I love it +reps Trainwreck.

:grinjoint: :nicethread:
OK, here's ONE of mine. Pop a bag of butter flavored microwave popcorn. Then (while steaming hot) sprinkle in grated. Romano cheese ( I used left over packets from Olive Garden), garlic powder (or garlic salt), Parmesan (I used left over Pizza Hut packets). *Melted cannabutter optional*. Sprinkle a little of each, close bag, and SHAKE. Repeat the process until u get the desired flavor. I was high as hell in a semi empty kitchen and it hit me. LOL
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