HI, 1and all just a old man. Reading up on MM!


New Member
Hi,Everyone,Just here looking on in info for Medcial Smoke ! Hopeing that Ohio will wake up and pass a New Law for us old Men that Really could use some MM for all the stuff that I have COPED,Hep C and Sleep Apinia and Bad Back pain that I get shots for every 6 months ! I just cant understand why the GOV. Wants to keep up there stupied Games! I have lived all over the world and,Even in Amsterdam too was over sea's for around 15 years and can't belive that we dont have a Equalation's Law yet!! We are 1 of the biggest user's of this Wounder weed yet are so called Gov.Rep's sit on there butts and act dumb ! Been a smoker of this Herb for over 45 years and it helps better sometimes with all the pain I have yet they will give me other stuff that can make one really hooked but to give a few grams of pot a month is not going to happen in Ohio for at lest a another year ! I cant belive this ! I will vote for it in a second ! I belive that Obama feed us a Big spoon of Crap ! God Bless the people that can write these Law's and get them passed ! Ohio need's help ! Thanks for Reading a old mans Rant ! daddyzman,Peace to all ! :peace:
Re: HI,1and all just a old man.Reading up on MM !

Thank'sit's nice to be here and I hope someone will get Ohio on the list of 13 Man would this help a lot of people here ! Once again Thank u for the Warm welcome !daddyzman
Re: HI,1and all just a old man.Reading up on MM !

:welcome: Nice to have a well traveled and seasoned smoker like yourself join. Please make your self at home. We will overgrow the goverment togeither!!:peace::roorrip:
Re: HI,1and all just a old man.Reading up on MM !

I sure hope we can its Really Lame what Obama did made us belive he would help get it Legal But them Gmen always feed the people just what we want to hear and then Renig on what they say! We Will Overgrow soon,I hope I live to see the day like they have in in Cal, I am getting to dam old to move again ! LOL I really hope that the new Tax on beer makes them rethink just what is going on with are Great Nation yet we let are own people suffer !Can someone tell me just how we are going to make this Happen ? If we could have a Vote on it Nation Wide I know it would Pass ! I Really do belive this! Peace I need to rest my back its killing me and I have to take a Fricken Pill,This is BS ! PEACE 2 all you Stand up Men @ Ladys daddyzman;)
Re: HI,1and all just a old man.Reading up on MM !

Weedpipe,Thanks Brother in the Cause ! I have to stay up-beate,if I let the poor me sindrom get a holde of me I would be hit and I will never give up !If anyone needs any help I can help out with what I have stored up stairs in this Brain,I do have some know how about how all works ! Started doing it back when I lived in The Free-City in Copehagen Denmark back in 1970 was 1 of the few US Citezins that lived at Christina,Man them were the day's when I could get a 100 gram slab of Red Leb Hash for $70.usd Doing my Homer Simpson drool now !Now that was some of the best smoke I ever had not the Best but why up there ! And back then Nepal had Goverment run Hash stores One could but a KG for around a $150 Never see them prices ever again! Looks like a Strat behind you ! Peace out daddyzman
Re: HI,1and all just a old man.Reading up on MM !


I feel your pain. My state hasn't had mmj for very long and it's a blessing,
been smoking for 45 years also. I hope to see you around. There are some really kind and informative folks here.:welcome:
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