How to add weight to your buds? Is this true.

I was told that adding more dnf gold advanced nutrient & bud boosters & other ones similar as well add weight to your buds. He told me some growers he knows as well as himself will use like twice the amount you were supposed to: for example If your supposed to use 200ml of the advanced nutrient he would put in 400ml. He said his buds were much bigger & heavier.

Is this true.

Remember you are what you eat, the same is true when you smoke , be very careful what you use for nutrients, best to keep it natural, using fish and such to feed plants.. Anything with urea has human pee in it and some even crap, .. you can put fish in a bucket of water let it break down or use whole fish near plants, but in some areas racoons will dig for the fish, use then liquid .... instead of boosting the buds, with chemicals, just plant extra plants to get the desired weight.. But we all love biggest fattest buds :8)
t Whiterock t
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