How To Best Use My Trim


Well-Known Member
What is your favorite way to use your trim? I would like to use it to make butter for edibles. Anybody have a favorite slow cooker recipe? Thank you in advance for any responses I get! I've seen some YouTube vids and wonder if that's the best way. I've got a big bag full of it in my freezer right now. Should it be dry before I start?
I have never made any Edibles besides infused oil capsules. I personally don't see the sense in it I'd rather just smoke a bowl if I want to get high.
I'll squeeze mine to extract the rosin, and process it with my flower squeezings before encapsulating it for my meds. You can extract the goodness as hash or an oil to make concentrates or tinctures.

My goal is consistent doses of THC and CBD in all my capsules.
Dry it out. Use like 1oz. Of trim take all small stems out. Get 1cup oil put on low med. Almost to the point the oil is boiling. Put herb in oil stir for 1hr. Dont let oil boil remembering that keep stirring the oil. After 1hr. Turn off let cool down. Get cheese cloth put over bowl / jar pour oul into container and ring all The oil out. Lable and use to cook with. I like it for my brownies it will get you good. Lol :smokin::rollit::passitleft::cough::420:
Dry it out. Use like 1oz. Of trim take all small stems out. Get 1cup oil put on low med. Almost to the point the oil is boiling. Put herb in oil stir for 1hr. Dont let oil boil remembering that keep stirring the oil. After 1hr. Turn off let cool down. Get cheese cloth put over bowl / jar pour oul into container and ring all The oil out. Lable and use to cook with. I like it for my brownies it will get you good. Lol :smokin::rollit::passitleft::cough::420:

I like it. Extract and decarb in one pass.
Dry it out. Use like 1oz. Of trim take all small stems out. Get 1cup oil put on low med. Almost to the point the oil is boiling. Put herb in oil stir for 1hr. Dont let oil boil remembering that keep stirring the oil. After 1hr. Turn off let cool down. Get cheese cloth put over bowl / jar pour oul into container and ring all The oil out. Lable and use to cook with. I like it for my brownies it will get you good. Lol :smokin::rollit::passitleft::cough::420:
What about the decarb part?! Unnecessary?
This does the de-carb, as the oil is far above 110°C (230°F). The standard given by a Dutch university is 110°C (230°F) for 110 minutes to achieve full decarboxylation.
Made some butter for brownies! Thanks guys!


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Hey, @RookieJuana -Here's a new post you might want to take a look at: :peace:

Edibles are my mainstay for pain relief and sleeping. I use the NYT Supernatural Brownies recipe with a few minor modifications. Cannabutter is made via MBM butter machine. I use choice trim, 3 oz that is chopped up then decarboxylated (250 F 45 min) then cooked in the MBM for a total of 3 hours at 160 F degrees. I use 5 sticks of European butter, a little extra than called for, to make 2 oz of V V powerful cannabutter that is packed into containers and frozen. I also use trim with a kief screen to make another potent baking and smoking asset-KIEF. I decarb a good amt before I bake, then add the decarbed kief to the butter/TJ choc melt that I use to bake the brownies. 6 oz of trim yields about 8 oz of kief for me.

If all this seems overly elaborate or OCD, please understand that I am old, retired, disabled and completely dependent on the herb I grow, this year 5 plants outdoors that I expect to yield about 1 lb/plant, giving me plenty for myself and to give to others.

Peace and Love,

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