How To Make Concentrated Cannabis Oil

If you are that late in the process, may I suggest you watch this documentary to help speed up your recovery.

Cannabis does cure Caner, however if you continue putting the toxins causing it into your body, you won't heal nearly as fast. :love:


The Gerson Therapy is similiar to the original RSO in that it brought to light a specific, natural, user-friendly, alternative to fighting this shiite than conventional poisons.
But like RSO, current naturopathic docs steered towards the Gersons have expanded on the original recipe & created/modified a better treatment.
I take Dr. Gerson's juice, but add hemp seeds, chia seeds, soy protein & alot more.
Spider mites! Damn DEA! LOLOL. Seems intel for the concentrates are a mixed bag to say the least. I battle 99.9 percent of the time getting folks off the band wagon about simply swallowing the concentrate and going in the wrong direction. Lets face it, who are you going to believe, the masses or some other wacko :) saying no? Look at Charlotte's Web strain. Helps with epilepsy because it is a high CBD strain, removes inflammation in the brain to prevent/cut down the seizures. Then everyone runs out and thinks CBD kills cancer. One gent got his dad the CBD oil for prostate cancer because he kept popping up the video about "Know your meds'. First thing the video said was CBD kills cancer and THC is for pain and inflammation-yes it was edited by 'big brother'. Its a mess out their brother for correct intel.

I keep after you simply because I care Brother and want to see you win this struggle. You will feel so much better while healing. Keep in mind though when 1st starting the correct way for a few days you might feel some nausea because when the cannabinoids become seated into your CB1 receptors, toxins will expel. Sweating and really yellow bubbly urine will be noticed, then the magic starts to happen.
Feeling more alert, clear eyed and a wellness feeling come into play. You will be able to tell exactly how your body feels. When feeling slightly nauseous drink and eat something and it will go away in short notice. If still feeling a little off take a small booster. Even though you have been taking the oil a long time your immune system is still very low (swallowing the oil). It could be a cold virus, flu, etc., so a little booster will make you feel much better. One last mention; your a friend Brother.
ps-send the pic on your phone to your email addy, then process the picture through our photo gallery. Peace
I think these uploaded to phone correctly.
These are all the test results I've had done.
For fun, I was gonna send a prize to whoever guessed which was my 1st run to get tested but it's too obvious.


Well crap, 1 duplicated & 2 others didn't show. I'll do againfrom computer.
Can you comment on the quality (or lack of)?
The 1st test doesn't show on my post all the other cannabinoids that came out in the whole plant test unless its in all that info too. The bottom of the 1st test explains these cannabinoids. I'll post too.
The run I decarbed in oven prior to making had a big THC #, low THCA, & lost lots of other cannabinoids, but Eric said it was good stuff in his opinion.
Hey Bud, thanks for the stats. The 1st test results show low totals for activated total. I'm guessing that is your 1st grow? Potency of the oil is compared to a top shelf bud. Total on your second test is much better and a tad over 50% better than your fist test.

Here is a link on a test result I checked out. }Hash Oil by CWCC, Medical Marijuana Test Results - Dispensary Doesn't give all the numbers but pay attention to what CBD's can do (it doesn't kill the cancer cells but shrinks them much smaller, hence, slows the progress way down while the THC kills the cancer cells. Perhaps a more complete test result is out there I am tad short on time today. I'll be back later to check out more searches. A good indicator of some stout oil runs in the 60 % THC plus potency indicator.
There are quite a few published studies of cannabinoids & colon cancer specifically. The studies in the US are archived at the Univ of Texas, M.D. Anderson Hospital. That's the number 1 cancer treatment/research facility in the US. It's also 2 hours from me.
The studies specifically on the endocannabinoid receptors CB1 & CB2 and colon cancer showed that CB1 receptors can & are turned off in colon cancer tumors.
They can only be reactivated by an anti-severin of which cannabinoids are not, but there are agents out there like cytamine which might reactivate the CB1's to receive THC.
The CB2 receptors in colon cancer tumors have not been shown to be affected by neither THC, nor CBD as related to apoptosis (cell suicide).
As THC & sativa affect mostly the CB1 (central nervous system), and CBD & indica affect mostly the CB2 (immunity) receptors...I need more synergistic help than
ost other cancers.
There are more complicated issues of the receptors & fighting cancers, I know, I just don't type fast. Lol.
Israel actually has the latest med studies on cannabis & colon cancer that I know of & frankly colon cancer just is a toughy for even our fav med.
I'm not giving up bro. It's just reality is part of my acceptance of fighting this shiite.
The strains I've had are in my signature.
Interesting. So basically what your saying is the cannabinoids don't do nothing for colon cancer or very little? Sorry to say but my thought process about how the research is done in the U.S. regardless of where the studies are done is not held in high esteem. I've known about how the gov. controls these studies for quite some time and Dr. Sanjay Gupta just verified how our Government controls these experiments. I will see what the Israelis test results are. For me it is much more on the up and up as far as intel goes. Let me do some further research on this as I have not had a colon cancer patient. Strange, when I tack Indica or a high CBD strain it goes to my CB1 receptors first because there is a big difference from just swallowing the oil (CB2 receptors first) and taking it correctly. Let me do some browsing on colon cancer. You are well versed on this, its the studies I have concern about. I don't want to sound negative, not in the least, but when you look at what has been researched by scientist, etc., look at the meds on the market. Just saying.
Here is one I just dug up. Kind of opposite what Texas Univ. states. This study was done in Italy and the UK.

A new study published in the most recent issue of the journal Phytomedicine, and published online by the National Institute of Health, has found that cannabis-based medicines may provide a cure for colon cancer.

For the study, researchers “investigated the effect of a standardized Cannabis sativa extract with high content of cannabidiol (CBD), here named CBD BDS, i.e. CBD botanical drug substance, on colorectal cancer cell proliferation and in experimental models of colon cancer in vivo.”

While conducting the study, it was found that; “CBD reduced cell proliferation in tumoral, but not in healthy, cells. In vivo, CBD reduced AOM-induced preneoplastic lesions and polyps as well as tumour growth in the xenograft model of colon cancer.”

Researchers conclude that “CBD attenuates colon carcinogenesis and inhibits colorectal cancer cell proliferation via CB1 and CB2 receptor activation. The results may have some clinical relevance for the use of Cannabis-based medicines in cancer patients.”

The study, which was conducted by researchers at the University of Naples Federico II in Italy and the University of Aberdeen in the United Kingdom, can be found by clicking here.

Source: TheJointBlog.Com

Phytomedicine. 2014 Apr 15;21(5):631-9. doi: 10.1016/j.phymed.2013.11.006. Epub 2013 Dec 25.
Inhibition of colon carcinogenesis by a standardized Cannabis sativa extract with high content of cannabidiol.
Romano B1, Borrelli F2, Pagano E2, Cascio MG3, Pertwee RG3, Izzo AA4.
Author information
Colon cancer is a major public health problem. Cannabis-based medicines are useful adjunctive treatments in cancer patients. Here, we have investigated the effect of a standardized Cannabis sativa extract with high content of cannabidiol (CBD), here named CBD BDS, i.e. CBD botanical drug substance, on colorectal cancer cell proliferation and in experimental models of colon cancer in vivo.
Proliferation was evaluated in colorectal carcinoma (DLD-1 and HCT116) as well as in healthy colonic cells using the MTT assay. CBD BDS binding was evaluated by its ability to displace [(3)H]CP55940 from human cannabinoid CB1 and CB2 receptors. In vivo, the effect of CBD BDS was examined on the preneoplastic lesions (aberrant crypt foci), polyps and tumours induced by the carcinogenic agent azoxymethane (AOM) as well as in a xenograft model of colon cancer in mice.
CBD BDS and CBD reduced cell proliferation in tumoral, but not in healthy, cells. The effect of CBD BDS was counteracted by selective CB1 and CB2 receptor antagonists. Pure CBD reduced cell proliferation in a CB1-sensitive antagonist manner only. In binding assays, CBD BDS showed greater affinity than pure CBD for both CB1 and CB2 receptors, with pure CBD having very little affinity. In vivo, CBD BDS reduced AOM-induced preneoplastic lesions and polyps as well as tumour growth in the xenograft model of colon cancer.
CBD BDS attenuates colon carcinogenesis and inhibits colorectal cancer cell proliferation via CB1 and CB2 receptor activation. The results may have some clinical relevance for the use of Cannabis-based medicines in cancer patients.
Copyright © 2013 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
?(9)-Tetrahydrocannabinol; Cancer cell growth; Cannabidiol; Cannabinoid receptors; Chemoprevention; Colorectal cancer
PMID: 24373545 [PubMed - in process]
Hi budnoob2,

Seems opposite of the Texas Uni. study or is it just me?

It is. Jeez bro.I feelthe more research I do, the more ignorant I get.
Well, I'm going to switch to the dosing you recommended & just hang on to see where it takes me. Lol.

I've seen this report. Notice it doesn't mention THC. Also, though it mentions tumor "reduction", it doesn't mention apoptosis. The deduction is using an antagonist with CBD to reduce tumors (not induce suicide) through antinflammation. This is far from a cure.
Indeed Motoco, I am with you on the disdain for research in the states especially as it relates to cancer and big pharma; have you ever seen what they tried to do to Dr. Burzynski out of Texas? There is no incentive for the US to allow a non-patentable product to be used as a cure or preventative, and when the people responsible for the approval of America's foods and medicines are also heavily vested in big agra, big pharma, and big pseudo research, the industries that provide them, then there is a big problem.
Exactly budnoob2. Its a true crime-money over life is what it boils down to.

canjuncelt-not about your research Brother. This is what we have to deal with. Incorrect information put up by DEA & the Pharmies. They don't care if you eat it, smoke it, whatever you want to do with oil, just not apply it on the gums. It would run them out of business (it would take years for many folks to believe that). They are referring to a high CBD strain (sativa) which has THC also, hence, they call this test CBD BDS. That is why I was mentioning a high CBD strain also for your colon cancer. Stops the advancement by shrinking the tumors and THC brings down the hammer. This is exactly why when first learning the concentrate's I stayed off the net. so I could separate truth from fact. Yes, I did some head slamming learning but made it through. I want you to understand also I'm just trying to help you beat this nasty ass cancer Brother. If one way isn't working we try another. Just out of curiosity, you live in Louisiana close to Texas, close to Shreveport? Cajun isn't from Texas, lol
Motoco good evening. I have grown a high cbd/thc strain called Royal Medic. It has equal amounts of each and upwards of 10%. I now have enough to make it worth while to extract. If and when I do this I will have it tested. should be pretty good. For me it's really hard to finish it out. Goes south the last month of flowering. If it tested out good I will get more seeds. I want to thank you for all your tireless work in this field. reps coming at you.
Good evening beemerbill,

Thank you sir for your compliments. I see you in the background gathering all the intel Brother. Shortly I expect a lot of help from you and certainly am glad your back on these forums. The most tiring work is getting people on the right track from all the BS info out there. Harlequin got a little funny in the last 3 weeks also. Just kept it going and it turned out fine. Off your initial stats that would make about 30-40 % CBD/THC. For a wellness dose I would mix the cbd strain with an high THC hybrid for my daytime oil. 2oz of hybrid to 1 oz of the CBD strain. Absolutely no pain/inflammation while the THC goes around repairing all it can reach. You can actually take it past full term and knock down more THC while bring up CBD and CBN. Amazing combo's you can try. Don't forget Indica for sleep :)

The gaslamp technique is working excellent on some mothers. TY sir.

ps-high CBD strains are some of the nastiest oil you will ever taste :)
Just checking out RS FB site. Guess he is coming out with a new book explaining in detail how to use the concentrate's for cancer. I might check it out. I've always wondered exactly how he doses. Pretty sure I know, but am curious.
Hold off Motoco, I'll let you know if there's any new info in there - Got to part about making and dosing and it has links to his existing content on web and nothing specific in book yet. I'll let you know if it's worth getting for new info. Of course, if you just wanted to support RS and his efforts and get the book(s) regardless then I say go for it - it's only $10.00
Morning budnoob2,

Thank you for this information! I was expecting some more detail in dosing. It is still vague, and I thought there would be more dosing times than three a day. I also thought there would be a daytime, nighttime regimen for preventive maintenance/wellness (both). That was the 82 year old man downing 2 grams a day going about his business as normal (don't try this at home boys and girls). I thought the book would of been some newer or more elaborated detail. I've learned one thing for sure, grain alcohol is much much safer, way less caustic fumes. Admittedly doesn't pull out as much, but, with an extra quick wash brings the pull right up to par. In the short time I've been using Spirytus grain alcohol I love the ease of use, the ease of evaporation during decarboxylation process. Not to mention I know the safety factor especially for first time users. Price? I just bought 24 750ml bottles for 628.00-ouch! Hopefully that will be enough to process a lb. of Ghost OG (24.8%THC), 2 oz of Harlequin (pain/inflammation) and 2 oz of Blackberry (sleep and appetite increase). Late stage chemo/radiation failed, hence, this med package.

Thank you so much budnoob2. I really appreciate your help Brother! I don't even have the 10.00 bucks to buy the book :). Don't get me wrong, I think very highly of Mr. Simpson and wish him all the best. He saved my butt to be sure. I hope he gets wealthy for his contribution to saving people's lives. Now I'm thinking of gong through my post and perhaps with the help of a professional editor (yes you know who :)) coming out with perhaps "What Motoco Knows Won't Kill You" :) I know a lot of people that could use some oil for the cure instead of just having enough to keep their illness at bay. I would certainly help to keep the wheels turning at 420 Magazine to be sure. Always take care of the ones who take care of you. Not many folks know, but what the 420 crew does for awareness is nothing short of spectacular in my humble opinion. Amazing is an understatement.

Thanks again Brother!
My pleasure Motoco, I had a response all typed up but lost it to the ethers - suffice it to say I agree with all your points and am grateful to all the 420 staff and contributors for the amazing work that they do!
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