How to select a pipe for a session


New Member
I've seen some of yall have a large selection of fine glass. I myself have about 10-15 pieces. How do you select the pipe you want to use for a smoking session? Do you have a favorite or just use a different one everytime?

I find it really hard to pick one. I have 4 pipes that are brand new. I've been using one color changing pipe until it changes completly then switching to another one. After I get them all to change and then clean them I don't know how I'll decide.
I have been known to pull a few pipes out and pack them. Then I finish them off one at a time. I get really high doing this. LOL
depends on who is in on the session... if it is just me and maybe 2 other people I uses a bong, but if there is 2 to 3 other people I would use a bubler, and anymore then that would be multiple bowls or a tulip or blunt
i have 3 pipes, a vapo, a bong, and a bubbler

if im just chillin out and its only me ill prob vapo, if im out somewhere its one f my pipes/joint/blunt, and a couple friends ill pull out the water tools
There are a few different factors for my choosing of a piece for a session. The first is whether I'm alone or have company. If I have company, I bring out my triple-chamber, triple-filter acrylic bong, which I bought for the sole purpose of not having anymore of my prized pieces broken by careless people. If I'm alone, then it depends on: 1.) How much I plan to smoke; 2.) How cool and smooth of a smoking experience I want; 3.) How high I wish to get; 4.) Where I want to smoke.

1.) If I only want to smoke one or two small bowls, then I'll use the acrylic. If I want to smoke one or two big bowls, I'll use my zong. Then if I want to smoke anymore after either of those, I pack a bowl in my chillum.

2.) If I want a really cool smoking experience, I'll fill up the third chamber of my acrylic bong with a few small ice cubes. If I just want a nice smooth smoke, I'll throw a large ice cube in my zong.

3.) If I just want to get high, I'll pack the chillum. If I feel like getting a bit higher than that, I use the acrylic, but if I want to get baked I hit my zong.

4.) If I want to smoke on my porch during the day, I smoke the chillum, but at night I smoke the acrylic. In the backyard I smoke my zong.


well i have 23 pipes including my roor and vape. i used to sell glass,(still do) and i know a few blowers, but all my pieces are not by one person. all my pipes came from somewhere or someone with special meaning, some are my own creations. they all have a story. and when it comes to chosing one, well it just depends on my mood. either way, im gonna get high. stay green. peace.
hedigoodness said:
well i have 23 pipes including my roor and vape.

Thats a pretty big collection. I'd use a different one everyday of the month. Well, almost. I just got back from NC, to bad I didn't talk to you first and get you to point me towards a good headshop.

I usually smoke a bowl or two from which ever pipe I'm using at the time. Then if I still wanna smoke I'll hit the bong a few times. That works for me most of the time. For some reason I've never took the time to roll a blunt. I've never really tried. Sometimes I feel bad cause I'm the only one I know that gets high and can't roll a blunt.
I only have 9 but some of it is really good quality pieces. Most of them I just keep for memory sakes but I do switch it up sometimes.
I can roll a descent blunt too.
We have far too many(new one last night) to choose from, so usually we just use one of our 9 bongs lol, or make the boys or "company" choose. Newbs are always pretty blown away anyway, so they enjoy getting to choose.
i have 11 pieces and ill just ask who ever is with what they want to use, i dont care to much they all have the same effects, unless i just got something then i would want to use that
I switch about every 6months or so.... at the moment i use a pipe, a nice chrome and brass pipe ive had 4 about 10years , when im a bit bored of that il go back to joints, though i recon this wastes a bit of weed and dosnt get you as wrecked as a pipe, and when i wanna go to the moon i pull out the watery... but for now one solid toke one the pipe and goodnight...
I have 2 pipes, 2 bongs and 1 vape. A bit smaller collection. If I'm smoking with more than 3 people, I find it fun to get everything loaded, and roll a blunt. Then we all just smoke out of everything :)
I haven't used a pipe much since I got a V-Tower Extreme vaporizer. For me, this is the best way to go. For the times I'm on the road I carry a proto-pipe. It stays in the freezer most of the time, loaded with 4gms., ready to go. If I think I'm going to be busted, I can hurl it so far the cops will have a hell of a time finding it. If a special occasion comes up, and I have a good supply of tasty herb, I use a 5" alabaster pipe I carved a few years ago in the shape of a mummy/ankh with a bowl large enough to hold a quarter oz. When you smoke it in the dark, you can see it glowing, very spiritual. For me, the most important quality's of a pipe are the memories of the friends who have shared it.
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