Hutch Grow's Lamb's Breath Auto


Well-Known Member
This journal is to document the final three weeks of flower and harvest of Crop King Seeds' Lamb's Breath Auto.

Light: 600W generic LED
Soil: Unadulterated ProMix HP
Nutes: General Hydroponics Flora Series
Tent: 27"x27"x63" Mars Hydro
Pot: 3 gallon smartpot

This Lamb's Breath (Louise) was started in a glass, transferred to paper towel and when sprouted after two days, planted directly into a 3 gallon cloth pot.

Below are photos from days 12 to 59 with more in the next post:


Day 12


Day 20


Day 26


Day 29


Day 34


Day 35


Day 37


Day 41


Day 44


Day 51

Day 59


Day 59


Day 66


Day 66

Louise started to pre-flower around day 31 and was fully in flower by day 37 which I am calling as day 1 of flower.
Lamb's Breath Auto Day 66 (Week 4.1 of flower)
Louise was bone dry but not wilting this morning when I opened the tent. Last feeding was one week ago and may have been a little too much. There was minor nute burn on the tips of most of the leaves. She has been 23" tall since she stopped stretching about day 57. Today I feed her GH Flora series nutes at 50% the recommended dosage for bloom, ie. 5ml/g FloraMicro, 2.5ml/g FloraGro and 7.5ml/g FloraBloom. This was in 3 litres of tap water and the whole thing was ph'd to 6.1. I have not fed any calmag for the last 2 feedings because of the high nitrogen content (4-0-0) in my Sensi Cal Mag Xtra.
That's an impressive cola on that little girl,& plenty of good buds down lower-you'll have a pretty good yield by the time she's done.
She doesn't look like she needs anything right now except time-looking very healthy!
I see you had a ferocious guard dog on duty on day 51 ;)
Hey im growing some lambsbreath autos by crop kings. Entering week 5 from sprouting. These things love coco coir and half strength nutes is showing no signs of any trouble. Did you have to change to 12 12? I know a few people had to force flower
Heres a pic from 3 days ago of my girls. Pistols started pushing out and there is a significant odor that blows my mind being how there just startin to show its female beauty:yummy:


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my god. you have the green fingers. Well done

i have a question I am correctly 2 weeks in my grow 6 auto’s corlardo cookies. In canna terra soil I have the flora series nutrients, may I ask what was you ratio schedule.

i am new to growing hoping someone can help me out.

sorry to be a pest
Thanks leeroy. Ill tell you the best advice i can, its my 3rd auto grow;1st coco ever no lie. Rinse and Dial in your coco and ph it down to 5.8 .ppm is important too. Start your feeding at a quarter strength. Watch your leafs (they will let you know how happy your plants are. ) One more simple thing. Make sure your run off can drain under your pots. You dont want your plants sitting in that run off. It will cause "wet feet" from sitting in its own waste
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