I add molasses and something happens I need help


Active Member
Hi everyone.. I feed my plants autoflower??? I don't know what is kind.
I used nutrients general hydroponics flora
I used potting soil
Grow 10 ml
Bloom 10 ml
Calmag 5 ml
Molasses 2 spoons
In 1 gallon
Humidity 34 to 50%
PH #6.7
Ppm 900
Temp 29 to 32 ©

Next day that happens in leaves


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While I'm not very experienced, I do believe if your goal with the molasses was to sweeten the buds, you mixed it double strength.

Just an in experienced grower's guess, but a toxicity of nutrients is what your facing.
While I'm not very experienced, I do believe if your goal with the molasses was to sweeten the buds, you mixed it double strength.

Just an in experienced grower's guess, but a toxicity of nutrients is what your facing.
Yes I think I add too much molasses. I flushed soil. I will see what is happen
Thank you
Yes I think I add too much molasses. I flushed soil. I will see what is happen
Thank you
Molasses did not cause the problem you saw. That is from using to much of the Grow amd Bloom nutrients.

The molasses will feed the soil bacteria and micro organisms which in turn will provide the plant with the nutrients it needs. I have used 4 to 5 Tablespoons of molasses in a gallon of water without any problems.

But, in my first indoor grow I did try feeding with artificial nutrients. I even went with 1/4 strength as shown on the label and ended up with similar leaves like you did. Never used them again. Took several weeks but the plants recovered and grew normal leaves again.
The molasses will feed the soil bacteria and micro organisms which in turn will provide the plant with the nutrients it needs. I have used 4 to 5 Tablespoons of molasses in a gallon of water without any problems.

Good catch, I wasn't thinking on the soil applications, only how sometimes it can be used as a supplement ( calcium, magnesium, iron and potassium) I'm not familiar enough on soil...my knowledge leans more to hydro.... but yup, after morning coffee I totally agree, nute burn.
The molasses will feed the soil bacteria and micro organisms which in turn will provide the plant with the nutrients it needs. I have used 4 to 5 Tablespoons of molasses in a gallon of water without any problems.

4 to 5 tablespoons per gal???

Whoa ,that sounds like way too much and will cause some root issues. The plant can only utilize so much of those sugars you are trying to shove into her lol.
4 to 5 tablespoons per gal???

Whoa ,that sounds like way too much and will cause some root issues. The plant can only utilize so much of those sugars you are trying to shove into her lol.
The plant does not do anything with the sugars in the molasses. Nothing. It does not absorb the sugars. It cannot absorb those sugars. It cannot store those sugars. The only sugars the plant can use and store are the ones it produces itself.

The sugars from the molasses get into the soil. The soil micro-organisms will be able to eat or absorb the sugars. This makes the micro-organisms healthier and increases their numbers in the soil. All of these micro-organisms will then feed on the other organic materials in the soil mix along with feeding on some of the mineral rock dusts in the soil. The plant will get the benefit of all this when the micro-organisms exude the waste material which is what the plants want. Plus when the organisms die they leave behind more nutrients that the plant can use and use to create the sugars it needs.
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