I have Q's. You have A's?


New Member
Hey all, Im a novice grower and have some questions, any feedback would be greatly appreciated, thx.

1) Molasis...what does it do and how do I use it?

2) Can I run C02 during vegitative state?

3) My buddy gave me some AN Rhino Skin to try in my hydro setup...what other nutes should i pair it with?

4) will taking a cutting off a topped plant, leaving two branches, affect the cutting in a negative manner?

5) What is the easiest way to sex a plant? put a cutting under 12/12?
Molasses add weight to buds, people say to use it a couple weeks into flower, there is debate on weather it adds THC or just stickyness and weight.

CO2 is used in both stages as far as I read, but definately in veg.

No idea on these nutes

So you topped the plant and have two main branches now and you want another clone? IMHO you should have cloned from the top you cut.. but you should be able to clone from either branch without impacting your plant. Cloning should be done from lower branches anyway that do not produce alot.

Sexing, well I have read that you should see preflowers 4-6 weeks into veg. If you clone and put it under 12-12 it will prolly take 3-4 weeks to see anything. Why not just put the whole plant under 12-12 and keep an eye on it?

I am on my 1st grow, but have read extensively and this is just regurged info.
Running Co2 during Veg stage seems like kind of a waste to me. Co2 tanks and generators are expensive to run. Run them when you really need them, when the plant is packing on weight and needs the extra Co2 for bud production. Also, Co2 should only be used during the lights on period. I see a lot of newbie growers trying schemes to use Co2 @ lights off and it doesn't work that way. At night, plants put off Co2 not inhale it. This is common sense stuff for most people but you never know. I would stay away from Molasses. Their are products sold at grow shops that perform essentially the same purpose without the stickiness and possible pest issues associated with using molasses. I have never used AN's "Rhino Skin". For hydro I use Fox Farm Grow Big for vegging. I haven't run into a plant yet that doesn't love the stuff. I also use hygrozyme or Sensizym to keep the reservoir clean and healthy. For budding I use AN's Connoisseur 2 part solution. It is one of the most popular and expensive hydro food out there. Most of the growers around here use that or the broke ones use Gen. Hydro Nutes that come with the water farm. lol. Anyway, why grow hydro. 3 gallon smart pots will do just as good and you don't have to mess with chemicals and PH and changing water every week.
all those can be easily answered by reading the "How to Grow Cannabis" thread in the grow room FAQ.. I'd also recommend reading one of the "grow Bibles" out there. I like Greg greens, but they are all pretty much the same..

Research is your friend.

Not to be snarky, but specific questions have a good chance of getting answered, while generic questions that have been asked 986 times and have the answers located in the FAQ just get ...............:wood:

datrippp, wouldn't let me rep ypu again till I spread it around some.;)

The first guide I read was written by Jorge Cervantes. It took you through every aspect from constructing a grow room. Different aspects of security. Getting clones and seeds. Setting up lights and drainage and ventilation. There is a lot to setting up a good clean grow. Like anything else in life the more you invest into in the more you get in return. Unfortunately I live in the crappy weather of the Pacific Northwest or else I would be growing monsters outdoors. Need someone to invent an all weather cannabis plant that will suvive 45 degree temps and high humidity. It would be the best invention since the auto flowering varieties. Speaking of which. I have an auto flowering Afghan Kush and it is getting huge. It is like a miniture kush plant growing in hyper speed. I love it. Too bad feminized auto flowers are somewhat expensive. They really are great little plants, and the new varieties where they are throwing in haze and AK-47 genetics and Afghan Kush genetics is really taking it to the next level. Not to go off on a tangent here but I am growing the auto Kush ryder under 12/12. That shouldn't be a problem will it. Seems like reducing 18 to 12 isn't that big a jump so it should be ok but I've never grown autos. I will say this much. If they come out as quick and and good yielding I might give these autos a try this spring in the fickle after mothers day growing season. Just bought 100 bucks worth of Cataract Kush and LA cheese so it'll have to wait. To the bat mobile!!!
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