I need an organic feed regime

Hey MacW- Ive completely switched over to a bat guano feeding program (from spring). Now I cant exactly stand back and say "Look at them little bitches go!" but the results are very pleasing. If you start with a good strain, the BG greatly emphasizes every stage of the plant's growth from beginnin to end, consistently. (sounds like a movie review! LOL) Kind of funny, years back the growin trick/rave was chicken manure. Everyone cringed if you said you were using it because at the time, it took a lot of balls to use something so high in nitro. Now, that stuff is considered somewhat childs play. LOL

Here's the deal. Outside, I have always used the high phosphorous BG (Indonesian 0.5-12-0.2) at the first sign of flowering and hammered the babes until just a few weeks before harvest. IMO, nothing compares. 1-teaspoon/gal water (tea mix) and then deep water for an hour or so (drip system). Amazing results. I used to sprinkle the BG around the plant and gently rake in with a hand trowel but discovered, because it is so fine in consistency, mixin it with water (tea) is much more efficient in terms of plant intake.

Inside I just began using BG apprx 3 months ago. I wait til my clones are several months old, (8-10 inches) and then gradually(key word!) introduce Vital Earths BG 9-3-1. Under full swing & rollin, 1/2-teaspoon/gal of water every other watering. The Vital Earth 9-3-1 obviously focuses on the nitro which is what the younger plants need.

Ive used a lot of different nutes/concotions over the years but I'm now partial to the BG for several reasons. It's organic, not chemical & the Vital Farms 9-1 I purchase comes in a 20lb bag, the Indo I buy in a 50lb tub and because both are so potent, at a teaspoon at a time it goes a log ways. One other benefit (my favorite), is your are only dealing with one fert/additive. For the most part, if you run into trouble it's because your mix is too strong so there's not a lot of guess work as to problem diagnosis as is frequent with multiple nutes/additives. Weve all been there. Incidently, according to SouthernWeed, the seabird guano is even more potent. I plan on rampin up next season's outdoor on-goins with it and see what that stuff does. Cant wait!

In my flowering room, again, the Indo BG with the high phosphorus is used, same mix as outside but I feed with every watering because the plants are in bigger pots (3 gals) and the stronger lights (1000w) create a quicker wet/dry cycle. Again, when the babes first go in, I wait till the flowerin process is beginning and then slowly introduce the higher phosphorous BG. Once they adjust, it's hammer time till a few weeks before harvest.

Be careful! With BG, there is a learning curve. Very potent stuff. In my beginning, I was flushing alot because it's very easy to use too much. Leaf burn! Do read Southern's BG post and if ya get a chance talk to him. The man knows his BG stuff! Hope this helps...:peace: peace n good luck MF
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