In The Market For A Vape


Active Member
and I have been looking at vaporite vapes.Anybody have any recommendations for these? I did search and only found one thread and that was for the portable unit which is not something I want.

Mods - if this is in the wrong forum, feel free to move it.

Re: In the market for a vape...

Looking at vaporitevapes website, Nice site, but those prices seem almost too good to be true. If they don't operate as advertised, at least you aren't out a huge amount of cash, and if they are legit, then you got a deal!

Over the weekend I ordered a Vapir NO2. Was informed it'll ship today, eagerly waiting for it to arrive! I'll post up a review after I receive it and test it out.
We have half a dozen sponsors that carry vaporizers, check their sites and if you don't see what you are looking for, send them an email, they can most likely get it for you. ;)
Sponsors : 420 MAGAZINE
figured id chime in with my 2 cents for anyone else that reads this thread.

the volcano is the best vaporizer i've ever come across :bravo:
I have a Vaporite Solo VR-001 and love it! I got it for $50 at a IHTC event and it works great. Comes in its own box so after using it, you can pack it away with all your peripherals inside. I high-ly recommend it.
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