im doing some research and saw a video of a grow room that had aluminum foil beneth his plant. you think that isa good idea? then i started reading these discusiions about flat white paint as your grow rooms is the best. I guess its for reflection? its funny cause that closet i put the plant in is all white just by chance, i got lucky
so id thought id put these photos up to see what you think and anyone else, these are some bad leaves, these are the only spots, no where else
I used some foliar feed that is supposed to set and improve blossoms. The spray left brown spots on my leaves. :-( So I started spraying from underneath: the stem, and the soil.

I think your lady looks just fine. Living things often have imperfections.

I also have some twisted leaves like you have in pic #2 in a 4th generation clone. I had to defoliate the tired-looking-not so green leaves to let more light into the plant, and do some serious tying down. This particular Lady is going nuts growing leaves, even under 12/12!
i agrre with your mindset here. I get the feeling that its normal some of the leaves arent looking food. we got to remember it lived its first half of its life outdoors, now it may a big switch to indoors
i just watered the plant and she seemed a little droopy so i think shes gonna spring right back up soon. i was examining her while letting her drain and i said to myself a lot of these leaves arent really doing anything. so now im at that debate about whether trimming the leaves that arent doing anything will give the other ones more energy. But then theres the other side that says the plant is using and taking in energy from every leaf and that the plant is using eveything. advice?
Anyone who grows fruiting trees and shrubs learn to trim out:

Branches that hang down. (These can be cloned)
Branches and leaves that cross other branches and leaves
Leaves that shade out flowering sites
Damaged growth (to prevent infection, fungi, bacteria, etc) This includes worn-out leaves. Leaves are a one-time-deal. Once they are damaged, have faded, or become old, they don't ever become totally "new".

Keep all the strong-looking leaves while vegging, and early flower, as they are still producing nutrients for the plant. When new veg stops, watch for deteriorating leaves and remove them. Keep all the sugar leaves and the small fan leaves growing out of the cola. They will last until the colas are mature, and may be trimmed out at harvest.
A few days ago I successfully transplanted two mothers in early flower to larger rectangular bins. Had just a few leaves wilt, and they self-purged some of the tiny leaves hidden in the nodes and shaded by excessive foliage. I also trimmed out some of the overcrowded leaves and tiny branches for the health of the plant. Both seemed very happy this morning! They were SOOOOO potbound in the 3 gallon pots!

I notice that the clones have a much shorter flowering time than their mothers. I'm trying to keep them in veg till they are big enough to support colas, but Mother Nature has other ideas. :laughtwo:
your right. i just trimmed like 5-7 from the bottom of the plant because they seemed so useless. I think its gonna help the plant. i actually just went to the dispensary and got a strain called phantom cookies. its a crosss between cherry pie and grand dadddy purp. im excited to smoke it :) it tested at 20 percent where i got it
Awwww! She looks so sweet!

I think you'll get more light by removing the shades off the lamps. It seems to be rather dark for flowering. Parts of her are still in shadow. If you remove the lamp shades, you can insert a socket doubler in the top light and use 2 bulbs instead of one. Socket Doublers are pretty cheap, under $2 each.
so i should look for something that holds the bulb but has no sort of shades that directs the light in a certain direction?

Ummm no. You don't have to buy a different lamp. Just take the bulb out, unscrew the shade, screw in the socket doubler, and add the 2 bulbs. I don't think you can fit a doubler in that lamp unless you remove the shade. I have the same set-up, and I took all the shades off. Due to financial considerations, I bought the smaller clip-on lamps, rather than the large ones.

If yours are the larger lamps, the doubler might fit without removing the shade.

There is nothing wrong with focusing the light, but you don't have enough light on the Lady. She should be fully lit. This can get expensive with the higher-end bulbs, but using CFLs will keep both the price and the heat down.
Yep. That's what I use! :)

Even tho my colas aren't very big, I have been told by my testers that my harvest looks like good stuff, smells sweet, and smokes very well! Since I don't make any $ off my harvest, I keep equipment simple and cheap. (Yes, I'm bragging! I feel very smug about my first partial harvest!)
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