Is my GSC sick?


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Sup 420

Here's my girl scout cookies for my grow I'm keeping a journal on, called "my 3 girls". I know she's not the healthiest but I don't know what's wrong with her. When I prune some of the fan leaves, they just seem to be dehydrated. The stem of the fan leaves don't have that crisp snap when I pinch it off. They feel that like they're not getting the right amount of water. So it's like a limp tough snap.
That's the best I can do to describe my situation. Any advice will be appreciated.
She's still growing, just not as fast as my AK47 XTREM. Plus the other 3 just looks healthier. Only time will tell, she's in her second week of flower. You can keep up with my updates on my 3 girls. It's in the journal part.
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