JBC's Super Soil - Fully Organic 4x Blue Mystic + 1x CH9 Jack FEMS

Wow that sounds like a big plant. Is it outside? Yeah might add some potash at the end myself and some rock phosphate to the mix as well. I dont have holes in the bottom of my big bucket I have the soil cooking, but it doesnt have a massive amount of water in it and I mix it up with a Trowl every few days and recover with a Big plastic bag to activate.
mate thats a beautiful grow , love the scrog! Been watching these scrogg's. They seem a good way of spacing and getting all you can from your space. I could do it this time with string if I get a clip on fan when I pick up the Hps an Ballast. Pick my 4 best and i'm off :) +Rep on that Big outdoor!:goodjob:
thanks buddy! the one in the pot is not given justice from the vid cos she is FUCKING HUGE TOO!! the one in pot is 80% haze not going to be flowering anytime soon lol. i have two 400w hps in there when sun goes down too. one hps has a cool tube with a small exhaust fan hooked up and the other is a bat wing with a fan bringing new air over it then the cool tube pulls the heat of that globe too. conditions in there are pretty good i must say. you can scrog any time anywhere lol. love a scrog.
Subbed mate, I'm done with soil for now but just interested to see how it goes........


Yes TM Mate, Welcome again bruva :)

Yeah you gone to the hydro side a? I'm going to work on this soil mix from now on I think. The babies are really healthy at the min, no problems at all, just cant wait to get them into new soil and vegging , see how they like it.
Yea I'm gonna try hydro and see how it goes if not ill go soil again but really don't wanna, I've got 12 pots of soil to try and get rid of as stealthy as possible lol, got the farm al set up and running, modified it so that its a drip / dwc hopefully grow myself a tree, ill post u a link, will be up and running in about a week + reps mukker
well, looks like u're off to a flyin' start. just don't over water....u'll be fine. just a side note: in my veg garden, i throw all my leftovers, veg bones, pretty much everything leftover except cans, jars & bottles, in the garden. then in late fall/ early winter, after i get out my late turnips/potatoes, i turn it over w/a spade & then till. leave it over winter & till again in the spring. i put out a few autos, for my own use, & they grow very well alongside my vegetables. i throw in coffee grounds, tea leaves, anything that will rot. i dunno, is that hi-brix or not. i just know it works. well, good luck w/u're grow. oh, one more thing, ignore the ramblings of an old man.
Yea I'm gonna try hydro and see how it goes if not ill go soil again but really don't wanna, I've got 12 pots of soil to try and get rid of as stealthy as possible lol, got the farm al set up and running, modified it so that its a drip / dwc hopefully grow myself a tree, ill post u a link, will be up and running in about a week + reps mukker

Yeah man I cant wait to see it man sounds epic!! Maybe you'l find hydro better, or maybe you be back to the roots. Thanks for reps mate. :)

well, looks like u're off to a flyin' start. just don't over water....u'll be fine. just a side note: in my veg garden, i throw all my leftovers, veg bones, pretty much everything leftover except cans, jars & bottles, in the garden. then in late fall/ early winter, after i get out my late turnips/potatoes, i turn it over w/a spade & then till. leave it over winter & till again in the spring. i put out a few autos, for my own use, & they grow very well alongside my vegetables. i throw in coffee grounds, tea leaves, anything that will rot. i dunno, is that hi-brix or not. i just know it works. well, good luck w/u're grow. oh, one more thing, ignore the ramblings of an old man.

Hey paw-paw, welcome bruva,
haha "Dont over water" I've done a bot of that in the past, not this time though. I found on my last grow the less I messed witht them the more they liked it haha. Yeah I like growing my own fruit and veg too , getting my seedlings ready now for march / april. The left over soil is always good for the garden.
good thinkin'. these plants have been growing for thousands of years, all by themselves & i see people screwing w/them till they kill 'em (i've killed more than my fair share, for sure). i've changed my strategy. i just plant them in a good environment & try to leave them alone.
Wow , this journal got a few subs already, fast for me this time, thanks everyone. You must be seeing how this soil performs, i'll try not to let you's down :) Ok thought I might as well stick a picture in on day 9 as they doing so well! As the pots were only 3 quarters full of soil I topped up the rest with the super soil, only an inch per pot. But when I water it in, it will give them a small dose of things to come.


Looking healthy and fast, still only giving water bubbled 24hr with airstone.
I didnt realize You were growing a ch9 Jack bro,I have one vegging in soil right now for my next round.Should come in handy for you,shes about a month and a bit old right now:)

Yeah its the small new one in the middle front. Where's your's? where, where??
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