JimyB & His Soil Dwelling Dark Angels 2016

Looking good there Jimy. Keep up the good work. Good points from snid! Also another thing for when they go into their new pots.. Ensure you bury them deep enough that your soil will cover and support that long stem. Bury up to just under that first set of round leaves. You're on the right track, keep it up man
Day 10

Wow leaves are growing nice, I've got the second set now. Here's a pic of them


The leaves aren't really yellow it's just the strong grow light behind that is coloring them that color.


I'm seeing roots now coming through the bottom so I'm thinking it's time to transplant. A question for those in the know. Should I use the same nutrient rich soil or should I use good soil and add the nutrients myself?
Day 9

I've noticed growth (height) has slowed right down and now the leaves are starting to grow. They are much broader and appear healthy. I've had to shut the one oscillating fan down. I'm either going to have to hang it up higher or get a smaller fan that will blow above and through the plants.
I'm just watering for the most part now and watching them grow.


First of all WELCOME to :420:
I notice you have very lanky plants. That is usually an indication that they are too far away from the light source. The movement created by the oscillating fan will help the stems grow stronger, but at this stage in growth it is really important to keep them from getting too tall too soon. I have done exactly what you are doing with the kabob skewers, but if you can avoid the stretch as seedling you won't need them. How do you know if the lights are too close? Put your hand just above the plant; if it is too close your hand will feel very warm. And to answer the question you asked farther down (post#22) Yes you need the soil to support that stretched out stem. I hope this post is of some help to you! Any questions you can private message me or drop by my journal. Good growing!

The whole stem gets buried?

Yes once you transplant, Barry the stem all the way up to a cm of the cotyledons. The stem will realize it's in the moist dark soil and it will begin to grow roots from it. You'll need to make sure that the pots are wet throughout so that you're feeding at the root zone, then let get dry completely before watering again. How that helps you figure it out, good luck on the up cupping...

KiG :green_heart:cheers

Ps. You can use new soil if you want to have more control over nutes, or you can use the same. If you change the medium they may get shocked and stint their growth, I'd suggest mixing the two new Mediums together... Creating a diluted nute rich soil that is less likely to shock them, this is your best bet I.. In my opinion..
Day 11

O.K., I've transplanted the lil darlings to larger pots. I mixed the nutrient rich indoor potting soil with regular indoor potting soil, watered them and let them sit out in the sun for 1/2 hour while I lowered the light so that it sits between 6-8 inches above the plants.
Didn't like transplanting them, I can see why it's a very critical moment in their lives and they stress. Crossing my fingers.
So now we just wait and see I guess as to how stressed they were and if they'll keel over or find joy and happiness in their new homes.




It's like being a kid that's only allowed to look at the toys in the toy store through the window on the street and not allowed to go in and touch. I can already see the smoke rising from my pipe and enjoying the prize for the work.
That looks more like it!! Did you bury the whole thing pot and all? I personally don't use those, but I think they become one with the soil after a while. I either use Root Riot plugs or rock wool for sprouting depending on if soil or hydro is the next step. Some use Root Riot in either, Good luck! BTW to avoid a problem I had with those tight fitting pans on the bottom, you might want to put a layer of rocks between them and the pot for better drainage. I drowned a plant that was just starting to flower because of improper drainage and it went bye bye! Not fun to spend all that time to lose it at that period of growth. It looks like you may be on the right track!

Yeah I used the jiffy pots they worked ok but I like the idea of the plugs better. I really didn't like taking the jiffy pot off of the plant I probably should have wet the pot more. Next gen will be with the plugs.
I put some small river rock in the bottom of the pots which will help with the water drainage so that should be good to go. Thanks for the help.
Day 14

Well they've survived the transplant. I had an issue immediately after transplant where the leaves showed yellow blotches. I did some research and saw a few people say this was due to overwatering. I let the pots dry out before watering again and the plants had a fair bit of new growth with no yellow blotches.
The plants have a lot of new fan leaves and appear to be very healthy.



Hey again jimy. Plants seem to be looking good, standing up and praying to the light gods. Just one thing I wanted to mention about the yellow blotches you seen. Can you show us a picture of this? In your previous post I seen you said you moved the light 6 to 8 inches away.. That may be to close for an hid light fixture and could possibly be where your yellow spots came from. Remember, if you hold your hand at the plants tops and the light feels like it's burning your hand after 15 seconds or so then you have it to close.
Otherwise things are looking good for you bud. Keep up the good work and as always, best of luck. Take care
O.K. here is a pic of the yellow leaves. I moved the light further away. Now sits between 12-16 inches away in case this was the cause.


Since I've moved the light and am a bit more careful when it comes to watering the plants (2, that had yellow leaves) have acquired new leaves and once again look healthy.
Was the yellowing on the plant in the picture happening before you lowered the light that close? Or did this happen after you lowered the light? The yellowing is on the lower set of leaves in that picture so it seems odd to me that the other leaves didnt burn as well if this was the cause. When you plants get stress or burned from heat it would effect your top growth first which is not the case in the picture you provided. You may want to wait on a 2nd opinion on this issue from someone with more knowledge on deficiencies than I have. If it is not from the heat of the light than it may be a nitrogen or nute burn issue (but wait for someone to verify this) Regardless, it was probably a good idea to move the light up anyways, 6 to 8 inches is really close for an hid bulb even with your fan blowing in the hood.

On another note to your watering, it looks to me like that one you showed us here needs some water? You can wet more of the area than just around the base of the plant if you want, just do so lightly. What I like to do with my seedlings and early veg plants is take a small water bottle and poke a little hole in the cap and use that to water. I find its a lot easier and you dont accidentally pour to much water in. you can put a little in at a time and lift the pot to ensure its not getting to heavy with water. About 200ml should be sufficient for pots that size, I wouldnt want to put any more than that and risk drowning them.

Hope someone else can touch base with you shortly on your yellowing issue. When in doubt, research is key. Best of luck, take care
It must have been the light sitting so close then. The yellow leaves were the top leaves and the green are the new growth since then.
It must have been the light sitting so close then. The yellow leaves were the top leaves and the green are the new growth since then.

OK! That's good to hear. Sometimes deficiencies can be a pain in the butt to deal with. You should be on track now. Just remember that as they grow up you will need to readjust the light accordingly of course. Glad I could be of some help around this lovely forum :)
Day 15

Things are looking good. The girls have gotten past my mistake with the lighting and are growing nice and healthy.


Very good Jimy, glad to see that problem has receded for you. The color came back quickly to those affected leaves. You are on the right track to success now, keep up the good work! Always remember anytime you have questions or are in doubt just ask away. I am usually on here daily and when I get a notification I try to come reply as soon as I can. It's nice being able to help some people out :)
Wow, looking good over there jimy, that new growth has really popped out nicely. If they keep growing at that rate and things go well you should be right on track, another week or so and they will be twice that size! Sometimes it's slow and they you go look at some pictures from a couple days back and it just 'wows' ya that there really was that much growth. At times I don't even notice until I look back. (Did that last night actually haha)
Keep up the good work bud. Best of luck, take care!
Day 26

Everything is looking good, there's lots of new growth. I raised the lights abit higher hoping the plants would stretch up some as they were very short and bushing out. It looks like there is now more room for them to shoot out some more branches.

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