Just picked up an 8th of Purple Kush


New Member
Roastabowl, my buddy just picked up a bunch of purple Kush, maybe you two got it from the same source. We smoked some of that tonight...WOW< smooth ass shit, very fruity!
nice bud! very tasty
A little blurry...but that shit looks awesome.
Thepurplem0nkey said:
Roastabowl, my buddy just picked up a bunch of purple Kush, maybe you two got it from the same source. We smoked some of that tonight...WOW< smooth ass shit, very fruity!

maybe, it is hella fruity smelling. and tastes fruity too. im from central cali. and it was grown around here. so you probably just had some other purple kush. there wasnt much of this.
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