Larger plants hindering smaller plants?


Active Member
I heard something on the grapevine, if you have a decent size plant and you start growing seedlings under it the larger plant the larger plant gives off pheromones that stunt the growth of the younger plants, any idea big this is true?
"Certain plants are able to produce, store and release compounds known as allelochemicals, toxic substances that manage to inhibit the growth and development of nearby plants. " But via the soil. Plant Chemical Warfare
"Certain plants are able to produce, store and release compounds known as allelochemicals, toxic substances that manage to inhibit the growth and development of nearby plants. " But via the soil. Plant Chemical Warfare

That's interesting! I've definitely read that cannabis plants do better in their own pots rather than sharing, but have never tried it! And especially now, I don't think I will... Haha
I heard something on the grapevine, if you have a decent size plant and you start growing seedlings under it the larger plant the larger plant gives off pheromones that stunt the growth of the younger plants, any idea big this is true?
Some plants will give off chemicals through the roots which will slow down or stop any other plants from being able to grow near-by. One that does this is the Black Walnut tree.

Other plants might have something in their leaves or bark that will introduce a plant chemical to the soil to slow down or stop the growth of competing plants. I believe that this is the case with some Pine trees. Every year the plant produces a new set of needles which will last 2 years and then fall off. Enough of them lay on the surface to smother young plants and eventually change the pH enough that other plants will not sprout.

Marijuana plants are 'heavy feeders' so if someone tries to grow a small plant in the same container as a large plant that small one is going to suffer. The larger one has a head start and has already built a root ball. Most of the time the small one cannot compete and will grow slower, stay smaller, have a smaller root ball.

Also, the larger plant will shade the small one. If it is outside there will usually still be enough sunlight to keep the small plant healthy but inside and with artificial lights the smaller plant cannot get enough light and it will become stunted to the point where it stops growing, looses many leaves and does not have enough photosynthesis taking place to grow enough new leaves to stay healthy. A small plant in its own contain can still suffer from being shaded by a larger plant.

Pheromones are given off by most animals, insects and many plants. However, the pheromones are used to communicate with individuals of the same specie. Many pheromones are released to attract others of the same specie for mating or breeding. Pheromones given off by Marijuana plants will only be detected by other Marijuana plants.
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