Lately Im having trouble getting high?

Take a break and when you do smoke smoke less, that has gotten me to get blazed off of less than half a bowl to myself and even when I'm not smoking head and my friends bring mids around, I still get high then
You need to mix it up. Smoking the same weed will build a tolerance. I know, I've been smoking since 1966 ..................and you think you have I have not missed a day of getting high in over 10 years....and that's the truth.
:cool:I wish some of us could quite for a few days or more to reduce tollerance but unfortunatly many of us use it medicaly in order to live. I personnal only use medical grade weed for my issues but I havent been hhigh in years due to tollerance. Switching round does work at 1st but once you have to use it every day in large amounts for years you get real used to it. I do miss the high and wish I could get it back but will not go through the missery of not using MMJ to treat my issues just to reduce tollerance to get the high back. I do agree its much more effective when the high is involved but isnt totally nessisary for those that use it medicaly. Wish it were otherwise though as a good buzz would be sooooooooo nice right bout now

ahh! thats a bummer to hear drumbum.

but i as well think its mostly to tolerance.. what kay marie said.. even if youre a heavy smoker, waiting till later to toke will deff get ya better. my first smoke of the day is the most potent.. than as i let the day pass i can smoke more and more. quite annoying, but its hard when the hearb taste so good. but give it a break if u can. my buddy had to quit for testing and he gave it about 2-3 months. yeah thats long. but i swear when hed take one hit off any peice that was dual perculating.. i could feel how high he was. it was near like the first time weve ever smoked, he was quiet, trying to process thing, and stoned as all helll :] if anyone can do it , breaks are recommend by moi
I think my tollerance has gone up. I used to get baked for like 4 hours off of a blunt (with a few friends.) Now by the time were done smoking I'm already wondering when were gonna roll the next one.

Its probally the blunts and the weed you are smoking try cutting down on blunts try smoking with different devices and tryin different strains, when it comes 2 smoking I prefer a water bong, if you are smoking low grade bud (mids or shwag) you should try looking for better bud its worth it
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