Leaves ar browning crisping and canoeing 4 weeks into flower


420 Member
Hey everyone,

As the title suggests I've run into an issue just 4 weeks into flowering. I left for vacation and a friend was "watching the plant".
When I returned I noticed leaves were browning from the outside of the leaf and working into the center. Some bad cases where the leaf had completely crisped up and curled inward.

I know the mix of nutes for the feeding my friend poured was correct because I had pre mixed them about 4 days before hand.

Nothing at all was changed during my leave. The lights are not to close either. They were around 12-15 inches away from the top but this is normal for this plant. I still backed them off a little anyway just to be sure and the problem is still there.

The only thing I can think of is that usually i completely drain the water out of the 3 gallon bucket before i refill it with 2 gallons of nute mixed water. Maybe when my friend fed the plant he skipped this part and there were too much nutes in the water for it so it began to burn?

I have a hydro set up with viparspectra 400w led.

Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to read this post.


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Not a hydro guy but the first thing I would do is flush the system and start with fresh nutes! Since it didn't happen on your watch there is no telling what actually happened, so a reset seems the best approach.

Thanks for the reply!

I did exactly that yesterday morning. So hopefully it works. By the pictures does it look nute burn? I've never seen leaves just crisp up and dry out like that before. But this is also only my 3rd grow.
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