Low Watts - High Yield - Let's Smash the 1 GPW Benchmark Together

Table 2 is starting to develop a bit of uniformity as the plants now all range in age from days 20-32.


Some table 1 bud porn. These come down in 2 weeks.


Good Growing
indeed his post does indeed give a great explination into water pressure shortage based wilting.
i do not however see how it explains why a clone with clonex wilts compared to another clone from the same cuttings that doesnt without.

its ok. ill just go about my business. appologies for offering theories, ill not bother again ;)
You may reply with all the theories you want to on my thread GiGi. lol! I'm encouraging it.
420Fied, Looking great over here bro! very nice work! hey I was just wondering, did you never mist your clones before? I thought it was standard practice, to mist right after you first cut your clones. Its in the "Bible" (jorge cerventes, marijuana horticoltures grower bible) in step by step cloning. I bought this book 3 years ago now and started reading it way before I started growing. I used this as my main source of knowledge till I got on here. The book is full of really good all around info on every topic.
How is it working for you? The dilution I mean. If what you're doing is working, don't change it.

Best of luck
Thanks.. everything seems ok.. Thought I'd ask to make sure I'm not violating some common wisdom since I'm still fairly new at hempy & hydro feeding and also the 2L pots, so I haven't sorted it all out yet. The only nute related prob I've identified so far is a general bit of slight burn (adjusting) and the Pineapple Chunk seems more sensitive and preferring a lighter mix than the other strains. I realize that my lack of uniformity makes everything more complex, but I'm too stupid to keep it simple :cheesygrinsmiley: My first batch of cloner to flower plants are a week from finishing, and though they are mini, they have some nice frosty and fragrant buds..

side note: for my sativa dominant plants, I add a product called bushmaster which reduces stretch, active ingredient is sea kelp. Could be helpful for anyone wanting to grow sativas with the 2L method. Thanks again.. MJ
420Fied, Looking great over here bro! very nice work! hey I was just wondering, did you never mist your clones before? I thought it was standard practice, to mist right after you first cut your clones. Its in the "Bible" (jorge cerventes, marijuana horticoltures grower bible) in step by step cloning. I bought this book 3 years ago now and started reading it way before I started growing. I used this as my main source of knowledge till I got on here. The book is full of really good all around info on every topic.

Thanks for the kind words RR. I have read parts of it and did know about misting, but misting didn't even register because I had never experienced clone wilt of any kind in my old grow space. Definitely a great reference.

Thanks.. everything seems ok.. Thought I'd ask to make sure I'm not violating some common wisdom since I'm still fairly new at hempy & hydro feeding and also the 2L pots, so I haven't sorted it all out yet. The only nute related prob I've identified so far is a general bit of slight burn (adjusting) and the Pineapple Chunk seems more sensitive and preferring a lighter mix than the other strains. I realize that my lack of uniformity makes everything more complex, but I'm too stupid to keep it simple :cheesygrinsmiley: My first batch of cloner to flower plants are a week from finishing, and though they are mini, they have some nice frosty and fragrant buds..

side note: for my sativa dominant plants, I add a product called bushmaster which reduces stretch, active ingredient is sea kelp. Could be helpful for anyone wanting to grow sativas with the 2L method. Thanks again.. MJ

Good info on the bushmaster product. Thanks for sharing. You'll get the hang of the 2 Liter method. You're welcome.

420fied, your full table pics would make for an awesome looking puzzle :thumb:

lol.... That made me laugh. I can't imagine trying to figure that out. Thanks for stopping by.

Hey 420fied,Have read your journals and following this one now,Very impressive.You have a lot of experience with hempys.Have you ever used perlite/growstone mix or is it not worth trying.

Glad to have you along Jimmy. I've never used growstone so I'm not able to shed any light. Always Perm/Verm for me.

Hey fied just wondering if you know a reputable place to order some of this beautiful Snow white ?

The Snow White in my garden came from Nirvana. They've always provided me with A+ service and a fast, stealthy delivery.
Bro looking sweet in there, have a quick question, I have a 250 w red and blue spectrum cfl, the huge one, and a 90w UFO led, how many 2l would do best under those or only the 250 cfl. I have read most of your journals and soaked in lots of knowledge thanks for sharing fied, keep me green :cheer::Namaste:
Prepping some moms for cloning, what you think is the best method since I don t think I will be able to make the aero clones even dou I just might make a small version of that I already have a small pomp, but in case I wanna go for a batch before, what do you suggest for cloning that is cheapest and most accessible with a good result. Thanks brp
Bro looking sweet in there, have a quick question, I have a 250 w red and blue spectrum cfl, the huge one, and a 90w UFO led, how many 2l would do best under those or only the 250 cfl. I have read most of your journals and soaked in lots of knowledge thanks for sharing fied, keep me green :cheer::Namaste:

I'm glad you've taken positive things from my journals. If I gave you a # on the plants I'd just be guessing. I've never used LEDs and without seeing it in action, I wouldn't have an idea on the coverage for the CFL light. You'll just have to grow and see.
Prepping some moms for cloning, what you think is the best method since I don t think I will be able to make the aero clones even dou I just might make a small version of that I already have a small pomp, but in case I wanna go for a batch before, what do you suggest for cloning that is cheapest and most accessible with a good result. Thanks brp

Aero is the only way I've ever cloned but there are several alternatives. Rock Wool cubes/grow pucks along with some rooting hormone work well for lots of growers. I wish you well.
Thanks a lot bro I will keep learning and hopefully soon start a journal :thumb:
Thanks for the kind words RR. I have read parts of it and did know about misting, but misting didn't even register because I had never experienced clone wilt of any kind in my old grow space. Definitely a great reference.

Good info on the bushmaster product. Thanks for sharing. You'll get the hang of the 2 Liter method. You're welcome.

lol.... That made me laugh. I can't imagine trying to figure that out. Thanks for stopping by.

Glad to have you along Jimmy. I've never used growstone so I'm not able to shed any light. Always Perm/Verm for me.

The Snow White in my garden came from Nirvana. They've always provided me with A+ service and a fast, stealthy delivery.

now thats how you answer all the questions! LMAO!! nice work fied:thumb:
You're welcome. That's Baccto Pro Mix. If I were to start over I'd still keep my Mothers in this mix as it has performed well for me.

Thanks 420fied. Do you have a journal or could you point me towards how you grow your mothers? I'll be growing from seed and just ordered the Baccto Pro Mix. So now its just germinating and beginning the mother plant so I can take clones and eventually start. But it would be nice to see what and how you deal with your mother plants going from seedling to the end result. Thanks!
Hello 420fied. Thanks for documenting your work. You are an inspiration.

I have question, maybe I missed this detail in your journals, but do you use any co2 enrichment? As far as I can tell, it seems that you do not and if this is the case I'm curious why when all evidence points to improved yield.
Prepping some moms for cloning, what you think is the best method since I don t think I will be able to make the aero clones even dou I just might make a small version of that I already have a small pomp, but in case I wanna go for a batch before, what do you suggest for cloning that is cheapest and most accessible with a good result. Thanks brp

420fied, hope you don't mind me sharing this link.

I clone using Rapid Rooters (or Root Riot) plugs. They are a natural product made from composted tree bark containing micronutrients, and work amazing for rooting clones or sprouting seedlings. Pretty affordable, simple, way to clone - and reliable. If I were cloning in larger numbers, frequently, than a system like 420fied's would be an ideal solution, but if you are looking for simple, cheap, etc. this will work really well.

Here's a thread I made on using them to clone:

Guide to cloning with Rapid Rooters / Root Riot plugs

Those last pics look gorgeous 'Fied! :yummy:
Thanks 420fied. Do you have a journal or could you point me towards how you grow your mothers? I'll be growing from seed and just ordered the Baccto Pro Mix. So now its just germinating and beginning the mother plant so I can take clones and eventually start. But it would be nice to see what and how you deal with your mother plants going from seedling to the end result. Thanks!

My process of growing Moms is pretty simple. I simply germ the seed, and once popped I bury it in Baccto Pro Mix. I transplant it from a small pot, to a 3 gallon pot, and then finally to a 10 gallon pot where it stays.

I use LST (Low Stress Training) to keep my moms short and bushy.

I feed them Jack's Classic 20-20-20 All purpose with one drop of Superthrive, every (3) days and flush them good once a month.


I hope this sheds some light for you.
Hello 420fied. Thanks for documenting your work. You are an inspiration.

I have question, maybe I missed this detail in your journals, but do you use any co2 enrichment? As far as I can tell, it seems that you do not and if this is the case I'm curious why when all evidence points to improved yield.

Thanks for the kind words flash. Interestingly enough, I haven't used co2 in the past but last night I made an adjustment to my Flower room that will draw in both cooler air and co2.

Allow me to explain: My wife and I live wayyyyy out in the sticks so I don't have to worry about odor, etc as much as the Urban grower. Last night I ran some 8" duct from a roof vent in the attic down to my flower room via an 8" metal duct. Tonight I will mount a 7" fan on the ceiling. This will draw in cool air and co2. This will enable me to pull in cool air/co2 on those days when it's 55* out and it's too hot in the flower room but too cool out to flip on the AC. When I'm not running the fan, I'll simply close the vent with a cover that I will build tonight as well. The roof vent is only about 4' away from the duct vent so it's an easy draw. The 8" duct turns itself on an angle in the attic, forming a natural light trap so there's no light leaking out of the top.

Here's an idea of what it looks like from the inside.


I'll post pics later tonight after the fan is mounted.
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