Male, Female, or Hermie? Please help!

Thank you all for the helpful advice!! Very odd (and disappointing) that the last 3 have all been male. We have not yet purchased feminized seeds but definitely will be soon. For now we’re just chugging along with seeds we’ve gotten from stuff we purchased in DC. The very first grow we did turned out wonderful (for a first time grower, at least) and can’t wait to get more going. I know we can do it, just feeling a little defeated at the moment 😂

We truly appreciate everyone’s help and words of wisdom! We will continue to check out the websites and videos recommended! <3
If you’re going to buy DNA test kits, Your pockets must be deeper than mine. 5x15 =$75 and 10x15=$150 so on..better to put that into Feminized seeds,, as for regular/Bag seeds sexing plants is so easy, childs play...
Nothing wrong with regular seeds as long as you plant twice as many seeds as you want plants, sex them and you should have 50/50 or 60/40 there abouts

that right there.

plant a lot if you run regs. plan on tossing at least half. like cards, sometimes you can get a bad hand, other times you got all aces.

there's nothing wrong with regs other than having to sex them. they are more stable and hermie less than a photo fem will. i ran regs all the way through half the 90's and earlier. you can keep a reg mother plant around in healthier shape too.
If you’re going to buy DNA test kits, Your pockets must be deeper than mine. 5x15 =$75 and 10x15=$150 so on..better to put that into Feminized seeds,, as for regular/Bag seeds sexing plants is so easy, childs play...
Not deeper pockets, a small limited grow space 2' x 3' x 6'. One plant will completely fill it so I have only purchased feminized photos and autos. Typically, I germinate one seed at a time.

I was gifted some specially bred seeds (regulars)(not for sale) and I don't want to grow out plants until they show, and I don't want to dispose of females to make room. I might be able to manage two plants so I will start four and eliminate at least two (the sooner the better). For me, it will be worth the sixty bucks to know in two weeks versus six weeks.

This is my normal photo-period 42 days above ground (hydroton).
BD22 D42-3.JPG

BD22 D42-4.JPG

I can't imagine more than two. I really can't imagine trying to untangle three or four plants after identifying a male. Guaranteed pollination?
Grow to fourth node, flip to 12/12 ,,watch for a couple of weeks,binggaty bong

there's some who don't believe they reach sexual maturity by then. you can run 12/12 from seed and they'll act like an auto by node 5 / 6.
Some may believe that... But I have been doing it since the late 80s

i always said you can flower by node 5. if you flip by node 4 node 5 is showing about the same time as the first puff balls.
Absolutely, easy peazie rite ‘ and heck ya on the puff ball, my preference is the small jewel, Just like little caned potatoes over the campfire..

most folk have forgot how to do a reg run. i keep seeing new growers all googly to grow autos and it makes me chuckle to see them choose something harder and pissyer to learn on.
I have been doing outdoor for a long while, and I’m gonna to try a couple of autos for the first time ever in the garden,, Just to see,, I was growing about 10 years before Feminized even hit the radar ,And only people in the know had them.
You most definitely must have stored them well,, and even though I have been doing photo femz , I my sunroom a planting time they only get 11 hrs of light and as the days get longer 12 ,13 and beyond by the time I can safely move out to the garden they often are showing sex.. we all know that Feminized seeds are not 100% fem..
I don't want to start a new post. Here is our 3rd dirt plant. We've tossed the other 2 that were males (and cried a little while doing so.. haha) We have this one on 12/12 now... not sure if it's been long enough to tell yet, but here are some pictures. any ideas? or do we need to wait a bit longer?





I don't see any pre Flowers on that you know you don't need to flower a plant to tell if it's a male or female pre flowers come out about out in about a month or 2


Sorry for the late response, but the emails were going to our junk mail! I got that fixed this morning. Thank you guys for your help, we are just using bag seeds and we plan on buying some seeds but first, we want to know that we can grow. We took your advice to grow double with the thought of having 60% males. So now we have 8 dirt plants and 4 hydro plants. Things seem to be coming along really well; I'm relly concerned about rot root though and I'm not 100% sure if we are having that problem in the hydro now or not, but I'll try to get pictures later today. I am not looking to buy a water chiller and we typically keep the temp in that room around 72-77. So far things are sprouting again! I'll try to get pictures going here soon. Thank you guys once again for your generosity with knowledge!
*Note about root rot- we are sure we had it in the last batch... dark roots, kind of "slimy", definitely didn't look like healthy ones I've seen pictures of. This time, they definitely look healthier than they did last time, just want to make sure we kill all plants that won't do well so we don't waste money on nutrients. They look darker at the top - not sure if that's normal or not. As mentioned above, will try to get photos later today
Sorry for the late response, but the emails were going to our junk mail! I got that fixed this morning. Thank you guys for your help, we are just using bag seeds and we plan on buying some seeds but first, we want to know that we can grow. We took your advice to grow double with the thought of having 60% males. So now we have 8 dirt plants and 4 hydro plants. Things seem to be coming along really well; I'm relly concerned about rot root though and I'm not 100% sure if we are having that problem in the hydro now or not, but I'll try o get pictures later today. I am not looking to buy a water chiller and we typically keep the temp in that room around 72-77. So far things are sprouting again! I'll try to get pictures going here soon. Thank you guys once again for your generosity with knowledge!
ya the roots should be no more than off white, I have never grown in a hydro system so I will leave it for others to chime in,,, There’s probably some kind of cure, if you catch it soon enough
Sorry for the late response, but the emails were going to our junk mail! I got that fixed this morning. Thank you guys for your help, we are just using bag seeds and we plan on buying some seeds but first, we want to know that we can grow. We took your advice to grow double with the thought of having 60% males. So now we have 8 dirt plants and 4 hydro plants. Things seem to be coming along really well; I'm relly concerned about rot root though and I'm not 100% sure if we are having that problem in the hydro now or not, but I'll try to get pictures later today. I am not looking to buy a water chiller and we typically keep the temp in that room around 72-77. So far things are sprouting again! I'll try to get pictures going here soon. Thank you guys once again for your generosity with knowledge!
*Note about root rot- we are sure we had it in the last batch... dark roots, kind of "slimy", definitely didn't look like healthy ones I've seen pictures of. This time, they definitely look healthier than they did last time, just want to make sure we kill all plants that won't do well so we don't waste money on nutrients. They look darker at the top - not sure if that's normal or not. As mentioned above, will try to get photos later t
In your hydro you might want to try more air in the res or feed less often I did hydro got a few years I MUCH prefer the organic way pro's to organics ,Better flavor ,no need to flush, just as good output , BETTER for me ( no heavy metals or NOT as much ) and sustainable. cons on organics tends to draw more pests,take up alot of room ,can't get as many plants in a organic grow as you can in hydro , can't grow in space either lol (I had to throw that in because that's kinda how hydro was founded they needed a way to grow plant in an unsustainable environment and low food producing environments) and slower to grow in veg✌️ just my experience
Ok, here's pics of the roots. Thoughts? They were MUCH darker last time. These aren't slimy like they were last time.
I'm hoping they're just getting the nutrients they need. We're on schedule to swap out the water on Sunday with new water/nutrients.

As always, we greatly appreciate your words of wisdom!


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