Mars-Hydro LED Grow Light Discussion

Here is the pro Cree 128 , best spectrum so far , to bad it covers the smallest area , it won't cover a 4x2 , more like a 2x3 maybe.

Flyboy Thank You for the info, I had started to order two of the Epistar when they first came available and backed out kinda glad I did
It would make no difference, same spectrum just more light, I promise you

O I believe you. Lol I was saying that's how I was thinking more light better spectrum but thinking about it it is just more of the same light so makes sense to be the same. Thanks for the info.
I am pretty disappointed about the flowering spectrum being not so good on the 1200

I'm not that concerned. First hand growing results are more important to me than test results, and my MarsII 900 yielded some fantastic results in flower and I really couldn't be much happier. It is a little worrisome that the spectrum is being misrepresented on these lights though.
Here is the reflector series, pretty good spectrum , would recommend

Happy about this! My as yet unused Reflector 144x3 was bought for $200 and I keep reading good reports about them so gotta get my arse into gear and start using it!
Thanks, Flyboy!
As far as the mars pro goes, the company should really listen to customer feedback and get rid of the remote. Don't get rid of the ability to customize, just put a small display screen somewhere on the light so you can adjust the settings. You need to have both a display screen and a remote, you can't just have the remote, if the remote gets broke or lost then your fucked, that's why you need a display screen too, it's common sense. If the company was smart they would ditch the remote all together, add a display screen, and then create a smartphone app. Then you could have an option to download the app for an extra couple bucks if you wanted a remote, and you could also monitor the status of the light while you're away from home.

If you fixed these problems a lot more people would consider buying these lights. The way the lights are right now, I personally don't think they are worth the money, that's just my opinion though.

This is the most obvious and best solution for those unpopular remotes.
Mars Directors/Engineers: this simple change alone will sell 1000's more of these lights....
The Cree have one of the lowest coverage area, but the best spectrum , they are not to spec. Epistar 320 is good , old style 300w are good , and reflector series are good .

Also I never said they wouldn't work , just posting results of the true spectrum and how off they are , the closer you can get to 440nm,460nm and 640nm and 660nm the better your plants will grow , that's why the Cree has such high marks , they make LEDs that are closer to spec than Epistar and others. Just saying take a look at what you are buying and being told, I have asked for these tests from Mars from one and been denied,mine as told come to China and see our machine , yeah , funny , no instead I got a spectrum meter and I'm posting results everywhere, lol.
The Cree have one of the lowest coverage area, but the best spectrum , they are not to spec. Epistar 320 is good , old style 300w are good , and reflector series are good .

Also I never said they wouldn't work , just posting results of the true spectrum and how off they are , the closer you can get to 440nm,460nm and 640nm and 660nm the better your plants will grow , that's why the Cree has such high marks , they make LEDs that are closer to spec than Epistar and others. Just saying take a look at what you are buying and being told, I have asked for these tests from Mars from one and been denied,mine as told come to China and see our machine , yeah , funny , no instead I got a spectrum meter and I'm posting results everywhere, lol.

I am planning on adding another light for my next round, was having a hard tmie deciding between another MarsII or a Reflector series. Your test and reporting have convinced me to go for the Reflector. Visually, these results make sense too as I have a Reflector 48 and it definitely puts off more of a red light than the Mars II does. MarsII is definitely more intense lighting though. I'm going to extend my screen a bit and need some extra coverage, I think I'll go with the RElector for this (spreads the light more than the MarsII which is more direct), have a mix of spectrums between the two lines of Mars lights isn't a bad idea either.
Seeing how my girls are growing I'm saying there could be something off. The way the test are being done from them to you. Who knows. I would say it's not a legit test unless you are in a grow tent actually measuring your distance. Laying down in a hallway don't seem to good of a way to test. I don't see why mars would have to miss lead anyone. There lights speak for themselves selfs. Yes one might be better than the other, but they are all really great lights and for the price I bet they can't be bet.
I can put that 300w in a tent and test if it would make you happy :) , it will make no difference again, it's measuring the light coming from the light , not the reflection coming off the tent , all par readings are done in a tent. I'll put it in a tent to make you happy...

And measuring only works for par and lux readings , too close and you can't even get a reading for spectrum , you need LEDs to combine also for a better reading , so to far will matter and too close will matter , I have taken readings at multiple highs and have shown the results. For spectrum readings it can be held a 12-18 inches or more depending on power of the light , if it's so bright I have to move it a little further away to get a reading.
I can put that 300w in a tent and test if it would make you happy :) , it will make no difference again, it's measuring the light coming from the light , not the reflection coming off the tent , all par readings are done in a tent. I'll put it in a tent to make you happy...

And measuring only works for par and lux readings , too close and you can't even get a reading for spectrum , you need LEDs to combine also for a better reading , so to far will matter and too close will matter , I have taken readings at multiple highs and have shown the results. For spectrum readings it can be held a 12-18 inches or more depending on power of the light , if it's so bright I have to move it a little further away to get a reading.

Diffrent testing conditions and testing tools will yield diffrent results is all im saying. I'm sure a $200 spectrum reader would give different results than a $400 one. Tools being dirty, not being the only light around. I paid 5 bucks for my first PH meter and 40 for my second and even if I calibrated both they will have diffrent results. Just a example
I'll find out soon enough. I'm sure it's still better than ctl

Sent from my Nexus 6 using 420
"Miss Luscious Plant, do you realize that state of the art testing equipment has shown that the Mars II 1200 in your 5x5 tent has demonstrated beyond scientific doubt that you should not be so bushy and covered with frost? You are severely under wattage and the light intensity drops off significantly around the edges of the tent, most noticeably in the corners. Further more the spectrum is totally out of whack!"

"I'm so sorry boss, but didn't my clone sisters that you harvested a few months back satisfy you? Didn't your friends get high? Were they disappointed? What was it Rick, who has smoked daily for the past 50 years and makes regular trips to Denver said when you gifted him buds?"

"No, Luscious they all got fried and wanted more! Rick said it was some of the best Gnarly Ass Green buds he ever smoked."

SO who you gonna believe boss? Your frazzled brain or some geeky fancified transistor radio? And boss...."

"Yes, Luscious?"

" About that remote ....."

"Yes Luscious, I'll just water you and don't worry, I won't buy any stinking remote. Carry on Baby Girl!"

There you have it straight from the lady's own mouth. Growing a weed doesn't require rocket science and the proof is the buzz.
Regardless of your test what would you like us all to do. Everyone send everything back and ask for a refund? I'm sure that will work great for us. I'm glad you chose to do your own reaserarch with a tool that cost more than the rest of our grows. There have been several successful grows with theses lights. Now I know I need to spend 50$ and get a red ufo. But I'm still OK with my lights. If I had thousands to spend I'd buy the best everything. But I don't. No reason to dog on any one. You have said what you believe. I feel it's time for you to move one now.

Sent from my Nexus 6 using 420
"Miss Luscious Plant, do you realize that state of the art testing equipment has shown that the Mars II 1200 in your 5x5 tent has demonstrated beyond scientific doubt that you should not be so bushy and covered with frost? You are severely under wattage and the light intensity drops off significantly around the edges of the tent, most noticeably in the corners. Further more the spectrum is totally out of whack!"

"I'm so sorry boss, but didn't my clone sisters that you harvested a few months back satisfy you? Didn't your friends get high? Were they disappointed? What was it Rick, who has smoked daily for the past 50 years and makes regular trips to Denver said when you gifted him buds?"

"No, Luscious they all got fried and wanted more! Rick said it was some of the best Gnarly Ass Green buds he ever smoked."

SO who you gonna believe boss? Your frazzled brain or some geeky fancified transistor radio? And boss...."

"Yes, Luscious?"

" About that remote ....."

"Yes Luscious, I'll just water you and don't worry, I won't buy any stinking remote. Carry on Baby Girl!"

There you have it straight from the lady's own mouth. Growing a weed doesn't require rocket science and the proof is the buzz.

:laugh: funny stuff Gnarl E!

Miss Luscious Plant, such a diva :)
Regardless of your test what would you like us all to do. Everyone send everything back and ask for a refund? I'm sure that will work great for us. I'm glad you chose to do your own reaserarch with a tool that cost more than the rest of our grows. There have been several successful grows with theses lights. Now I know I need to spend 50$ and get a red ufo. But I'm still OK with my lights. If I had thousands to spend I'd buy the best everything. But I don't. No reason to dog on any one. You have said what you believe. I feel it's time for you to move one now.

Sent from my Nexus 6 using 420

Keep your feeling to yourself, thank you very much , I posted facts , not feelings
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