MassMedMan's Greenhouse

Got the broccoli, and a few others. Built a vertical huglekulture this afterNoon,, well, filed the hole I b working on. Gonna do herbs on that hill... I'll do another, more traditional one later in the fall for next year. Trying to upload pics but it's painful tonight.
I might do a video today,,, been very busy.:cheer:
Nice, my wife loves those bleeding hearts,, I'll pick one up.

Did a quick update myself this morning before heading north for the day.

Please check it out!!

Try to get an update tomorrow... not enough hours in the day,, and I already work in the dark after kids go to bed with my miner light on......
Been slacking on this one,, plenty to update just not much time. I did get one of the best gifts I've ever received today. Good ole Rudy Ruderalis came through as promised. Sent me some great great seeds to grow a monster this year... Really makes all that hard work I did last year,,, seem much more worthy.

Another thank you to 420 magazine dot com, the staff and owners, and the community here. And really, what a community. My wife really didn't believe I was getting pumpkin seeds in the mail. Not, ordinary seeds either... gonna make some happy kids... thanks Rudy!!

I owe you big time. I'm loyal like a tick and have a memory like an elephant. Anything you need, ever, anything. Reach out. I'll send Dutty his half tomorrow along with some salsa for his generosity....

Man, last year at this point,, I had a few bagseed sprouts going under a blue 40wt plant light. With miracle grow soil behind it. And my pumpkin seeds were the kind anyone gets.... wow, I'm just so grateful....

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